Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 744: Old Acquaintances

Chapter 744: Old Acquaintances

Sheldon had lived like a prince all his life. He had relied on his power, money and brains to obtain the power of a Blood G.o.d, but he had no actual combat experience, nor had he received any combat training.

As a bigshot of a powerful American family, Sheldon had always looked down on brute force.

With a thought, his ankle suddenly turned into a pillar of blood and slid out of Luke’s palm.

Luke exclaimed lightly and immediately grabbed at Sheldon’s calf.

This time, most of Sheldon’s leg turned into blood, and he successfully evaded Luke’s grasp.

Having finally escaped, Sheldon didn’t dare to pretend anymore. He exerted all his strength and charged at the stone wall, leaping off it and onto the cross above.

At that moment, he finally regained some courage and shouted again, “Batman, if you choose to surrender now, I can let you go. Otherwise, you’ll be ruthlessly judged by the Blood G.o.d!”

Luke snorted.

How was this any different from a kid who had lost a fight shouting, “Just you wait, I’ll kill you later!”?

Sheldon didn’t have any combat experience, and would actually do something so stupid.

However, this might be because he couldn’t think of a way to defeat Batman, and could only shoot off his mouth.

Luke moved, and also used the stone wall to jump up. Coupled with the help of his cape, he threw himself at Sheldon on the cross.

In less than two seconds, Sheldon saw the black giant approaching him frantically, and he panicked.

Thanks to his semi-finished Blood G.o.d body, he didn’t suffer any fatal injuries.

But he had almost been smashed into a pulp and had been cut into pieces. He had suffered unimaginable mental and physical pain.

He had never been a warrior, but a superior who was used to sitting in his study and issuing orders for others to fight to the death.

Even if he couldn’t die, he couldn’t take such a brutal attack.

Looking at the huge shadow that was about to pounce on him, he ran.

When he jumped out of the round hall through the top, he felt a shadow over his head.

Sheldon turned around and saw Batman flying at a speed that far exceeded his own. He instantly despaired.

He had actually forgotten that Batman could fly.

But there was nothing he could do since he was still in the air. He could only watch as the triangular blood-red lenses approached him and a giant hand reached for his head.

Unconsciously, he activated his Blood Transformation ability and turned his head into a pool of blood.

The black hand swept over his head, but didn’t cause any damage.

Sheldon was delighted. He had found a way! His Blood Transformation could completely counter Batman’s punches and kicks. As long as he didn’t panic, there was no need to be afraid of him.

At that moment, his head returned to normal, and he saw a crossbow in Batman’s other hand.

He decisively used Blood Transformation again.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

Blood spurted out of his chest.

Sheldon screamed and suddenly fell to the ground.

Luke unhurriedly took out a case and replaced the empty one in the crossbow. He then aimed at Sheldon, who had fallen to the ground.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

Another nine special arrows. .h.i.t Sheldon, and were distributed evenly from top to bottom.

Just now, Sheldon, who lacked combat experience, had temporarily lost his sight when he dodged Luke’s left hand with Blood Transformation.

He didn’t see Luke take out a crossbow with his right hand and shoot a special arrow into his chest.

These arrows contained a lot of special drugs that could fend off blood clotting, and the injection process was completed instantly.

This was exactly what Luke had used to kill the eight vampires in the round hall. It was so effective that it was almost an instant kill.

On the other hand, a newly minted Blood G.o.d had just been shot eighteen times in a row.


Sheldon crashed heavily to the ground and roared in pain. The parts of his body that had been injected with the anticoagulant rapidly expanded, as if he was being buoyed up by a dozen rubber b.a.l.l.s.

His face also swelled up and deformed under the effect of the anticoagulant.

Only a pair of eyes were fixed on Luke, angry and frightened, but Sheldon couldn’t say anything. He could only roar.

Chi! Chi! Chi!

With a series of explosions, the various parts of Sheldon’s body exploded until he turned into a pool of black and red blood that stained the ground ten meters away.

A moment later, the black and red blood lit up with bright fire and was extinguished.

Ash blew in the air, and Sheldon disappeared from this world without a trace.

h.e.l.l is yours! Go to h.e.l.l and fulfill your dream of becoming a G.o.d! Luke mocked inwardly.

There was no way he would have forgotten the daywalker’s reminder about special weapons for killing vampires!

The source of the vampires’ power was their blood. Naturally, the special weapon should take this into account.

Luke had long prepared the anticoagulant doses, and it seemed they were quite effective. Sheldon, that half-a.s.sed noob, was almost instantly killed.

To keep things short, his battle with Sheldon took less than a minute, and most of it was just Sheldon wasting his time.

Luke returned to the round hall.

Looking at the lackeys in the hall who were still crying and unable to escape, Luke was very satisfied.

The two tear gas grenades that he had thrown out earlier were made with highly concentrated garlic essence.

When a vampire inhaled it, it was like inhaling concentrated sulfuric acid.

Ordinary people, on the other hand, would at most cry a little when they inhaled the garlic… Well, fine, it seemed that they would also cry very miserably.

a.s.sessing the effect of the tear gas grenades, Luke stepped on everyone until they were crippled, before he returned to the clearing outside the castle.

The situation in the clearing was very interesting.

Relying on their extraordinary physique, the five heavily wounded vampires grabbed the lackeys who were injured in the legs and bit their throats as they started to suck their blood.

When Luke came out, the vampires had just finished feeding.

Luke didn’t say anything.

After the vampires were full of blood and roared, Luke walked out of the castle quietly.

He casually pulled out the heavy machine gun from the overturned armored truck, then walked toward the roaring vampires.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The five vampires screamed again.

This time, Luke smashed up their limbs with the gun before he sent them flying with kicks.

The five vampires could only roll on the ground in pain and despair like maggots.

Ignoring them, Luke opened the door of the armored truck and pulled out two people.

Looking at them, Luke smiled.

Life was full of surprises! These two were “old acquaintances” of his, and they were actually together.

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