Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 771: Little Jack’s Uncle Drax

Chapter 771: Little Jack’s Uncle Drax

Luke said with a smile, “If we find anything, we’ll tell our acquaintances at the police department and help them bring the murderer to justice. You don’t really want to shoot the murderer yourself, do you, Grandpa?”

Looking at his grandson’s smiling face, Drax relented. “Fine. Joseph…”

“Have Ferreira look after him. He can watch TV in the hotel,” said Luke.

The little guy came out with a questioning look in his eyes.

He had been watching Luke and Drax talk.

As expected, when Luke showed up, Grandpa immediately calmed down.

Luke secretly gave Joseph the OK sign. “Once Ferreira gets here, you can watch TV in the room. I’ll go check things out with Grandpa.”

Joseph nodded and relaxed.

Hot-tempered Drax could take out his gun at the drop of a hat, but gentle Luke probably wouldn’t.

Well, at least that was what Joseph thought.

Ten minutes later, after handing Joseph over to Ferreira, Luke and Drax left.

Sitting in the driver’s seat, Luke started the engine and exclaimed, “You modified it again? It feels even smoother now.”

This Raptor pickup was Drax’s favorite car, and only his grandson could touch it.

Robert had played around with the car twice at the very beginning, and the old man had pulled a very long face. Thus, Robert had tactfully stopped touching it.

Although he wasn’t in a good mood, Drax couldn’t help but laugh. “So, you can tell. You’ve improved.”

Luke shrugged. “Now that I’m working, I drive every day, and I have to fix up my car every now and then. I have to improve.”

Drax patted his shoulder in satisfaction. “Not bad, just like a Coulson.”

Luke smiled but didn’t say anything.

In Drax’s view, men should like cars, guns, and women.

Of course, he felt that their importance should be in that order.

Cars were first and women last.

Compared with his high school days, Luke was in regular contact with cars and guns every day. As for women… when he thought about it, there were quite a few.

Drax had been a handsome man in his youth, and many girls liked him despite his hot temper.

Drax believed that as a child of his family, as long as there was no issue with Luke’s s.e.xual orientation, he absolutely wouldn’t lack women.

Look at Joseph, who already had two girlfriends since kindergarten!

The Coulson men absolutely wouldn’t lack women.

Naturally, Luke was deliberately chatting with the old man about things that interested him to distract him so that he wouldn’t brood.

This was the bad thing about people with crabby tempers: It was useless for anyone to say anything to them.

But the old man wasn’t on guard against Luke, and soon calmed down under Luke’s Basic Hypnosis and Mental Communication.

Although he was still sad about his old friend’s death, he was no longer thinking about taking out his gun.

After hearing what Drax said, Luke knew that there was a big problem with this case.

He absolutely didn’t approve of the old man trying to find the murderer himself.

Simply put, Drax and his old friend Bradley were from the same hometown and had grown up together.

Later, the old man joined the army and went to war. He came back, married and had children, and ran a ranch.

His old friend Bradley, on the other hand, came to Dallas. He mixed around, joined a biker gang, and also played rock n’ roll. In the end, he made a fortune and opened a bar, which could be considered as him turning over a new leaf.

Bradley had his methods and was quite capable. When he was young, he made a lot of connections as a biker with the Angels.

After opening his bar, he was no longer involved in the internal affairs of the Angels, but he would still give them some advantages, which helped keep his bar profitable.

Thus, the Angels would have the occasional gathering at the bar.

Of course, the bar always operated normally, and wasn’t a gang base.

The truth was that given Bradley’s background, it wouldn’t be strange if he died violently. Drax wouldn’t insist on avenging him either.

But last night, Bradley and two bartenders, as well as a dozen Angels members who had been drinking inside, died in the bar.

If it was a gang seeking revenge, they would have definitely used cold weapons or guns.

The strange thing was that the people in the bar last night hadn’t died from these two things.

The close to twenty victims had died bizarre deaths. Most of them had died abruptly on the spot with frozen expressions.

Even stranger, all the victims had turned blue.

The preliminary autopsy showed that they had all died of sulfur poisoning.

Only a large amount of sulfur would cause this kind of poisoning – for example, burying someone in a pile of sulfur.

The situation in the bar wasn’t like that. It was more like the work of a lunatic or a cultist. A normal person wouldn’t kill people in such a troublesome and bizarre way.

Outside the bar with the yellow cordon tape, Drax waved at a man in a suit. “Little Jack, come here.”

The forty-year-old Caucasian man, “Little Jack,” said helplessly, “Uncle Drax, just call me Jack. I was going to call you when I’m done with this case. You didn’t have to come personally.”

Drax snorted. “You police officers have to follow the rules when you’re working a case. The person who did this isn’t as law-abiding.”

He then patted Luke’s shoulder. “This is a kid from my family, Luke. He’s a detective with L.A.’s Major Crimes Division.”

Looking at Jack’s expression, Drax sneered impatiently. “Enough, he was worried about me, so he came as well. If he finds any leads, he’ll tell you. Keep your thoughts to yourself and go over them when you get home.”

Jack nodded and smiled wryly. “Come in. Just don’t touch anything inside. Forensics isn’t done yet.”

Luke said, “Okay, Jack.” He followed Jack into the bar.

All the bodies in the bar had been moved out, but the forensic scientists were still investigating the entire bar.

Given the size and number of people in the bar, it was definitely a huge endeavor. It would be considered pretty good if they could finish everything in two or three days.

Luke frowned.

For him, this was definitely one of the worst crime scenes he had ever seen.

After a rough a.n.a.lysis, he confirmed that at least a hundred and fifty people had been here in the last two days.

This included police officers, forensic scientists, paramedics, reporters, and all sorts of random people. The bar itself had staff coming in and out all the time, and the numerous smells were annoying.

However, Luke was already accustomed to using his Sharp Nose.

He only picked out the scents that carried the strongest scent of sulfur.

The smells most likely belonged to the dead, which gave the impression that their own scents were completely made of sulfur.

After a long while, he looked at Jack and asked, “Are you sure there were only eighteen victims?”

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