Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 772: Grandpa Returns and Sudden Disaster

Chapter 772: Grandpa Returns and Sudden Disaster

Jack glanced at Drax, unwilling to p.i.s.s off this hot-tempered elder. He nodded decisively. “Yes.”

Luke asked, “Did you find any other bodies?”

Jack’s eyes flickered, but he still shook his head. “There’s no evidence of that.”

Luke nodded. “Okay, can I take a look at the bodies of the eighteen victims? I’m just looking. I won’t touch them.”

Jack nodded helplessly. “Let’s go. The bodies are at the forensics department.”

In the morgue at the forensics department, Luke opened the body bags one by one and examined their injuries.

Finally, he found a body with a small hole in the chest.

Taking a closer look, he activated Sharp Nose, and suddenly asked Jack, “What’s the difference between this man and the other victims?”

Jack said, “We suspect that he might be the first victim since his body was right outside the door. As per the Angels’ habit, this person was probably the lookout outside the bar.”

Luke asked, “Have you examined the wound on his chest?”

Jack said, “Not yet. There are too many bodies.”

Luke hummed and said, “Check this first.”

Jack asked, “What did you find?”

Luke pointed at the hole in the chest and asked Jack, “Do you understand?”

Jack was stunned. “Are you saying that this was done with a finger?”

Luke shrugged. “It could also be a prosthetic hand or something similar to a finger. At the very least, that’s another direction to look in.”

Jack accepted the explanation.

Compared with using sulfur to kill someone, it wouldn’t be strange if the culprit used a fake hand to kill someone.

At that moment, Luke glanced at Drax. “Should I talk here or when we get back?”

Stunned for a moment, Drax looked at Jack on the side, and after thinking for a bit, he nodded. “We can talk here. Once you leave, however, don’t bring it up again.”

Jack’s face turned dark when he heard that. You two are indeed related. You’re so blunt in front of me!

Luke had clearly found something else and was directly asking his grandpa if he should tell Jack.

Drax directly said that it was fine, but wouldn’t admit to anything after they left. He was clearly trying to make sure that Luke had no ties to this case.

Although he cursed inwardly, Jack didn’t dare say anything.

He had seen Drax go berserk once when he was young, and had always been fearful of this super violent old man.

Even though Drax was old, Jack didn’t want to p.i.s.s him off.

“I guarantee that Luke won’t get into any trouble,” said Jack.

Looking at Drax’s expression, he raised his hand with a bitter smile and said, “I swear on my father’s friends.h.i.+p with you.”

Satisfied, Drax nodded, and indicated for Luke to speak.

Luke raised a finger. “Firstly, the murderer had at least one accomplice. He used his finger or something like a fake hand to poke a hole in the victim’s chest. Secondly, if you have connections, it’s best if you hand it over to the relevant department. It’ll be very hard for ordinary police officers to resolve this case.”

Jack frowned. “You mean…”

Luke said, “Exactly what I said. If you keep investigating, you might run into unimaginable danger. The safest is to hand it over to a professional.”

He then nodded at Drax. “Let’s go, Grandpa.”

Without any hesitation, Drax turned around and left.

It was for Drax’s sake that Luke gave Jack this information. As a senior, Luke could be considered quite generous.

Getting into the car, Luke returned to the hotel. “Grandpa, this is a little tricky. Take Joseph back to Shackelford.”

Drax snorted. “Whoever the murderer is, I’m not scared of them.”

Luke sighed. “What if they aren’t human?”

Drax was confused. “What do you mean?”

Luke said, “The hole in the victim’s chest was either made by a fake hand or a real finger.”

Drax frowned. “Maybe you’re mistaken?”

Piercing someone in the chest with a finger was completely illogical.

Luke said, “No. I’ve worked many cases, and I’ve dabbled in forensic science. I definitely didn’t see wrong.”

Drax fell silent.

Luke continued, “I’ve run into a few strange cases in the past year. You can’t use a gun to take care of this murderer. The FBI has special departments to deal with cases like these. Do you need me to let them know?”

After a brief hesitation, Drax shook his head. “Let Jack know. If you can, give him the phone numbers of those departments and let him decide for himself.”

When they arrived at the hotel, Ferreira had already come down with Joseph and their luggage.

He would return to Shackelford in the same car, so he could take turns driving and help Luke watch Drax.

Before they left, Drax grabbed Luke and said in a low voice, “Since I’m going back, don’t stay here any longer. Go back to Los Angeles tonight.”

Luke said with a smile, “Then I’ll stay at the hotel for a night. At the very least, I have to confirm that you’ve reached home.”

Drax glared at him helplessly. “Fine, I promise I’ll call you tonight.”

“Don’t speed, I’ll sleep a bit before that,” said Luke.

Faced with Luke’s intense gaze, the stubborn old man felt a little helpless.

If it wasn’t for him, Luke wouldn’t have flown back from Los Angeles in a hurry.

But this case involved something unimaginable, and Luke certainly wouldn’t let him single-handedly carry out his “vendetta.”

For his grandkids’ safety, the old man gave in.

Watching them leave, Luke called for a cab and followed them out of the city.

After Drax’s Raptor pickup got onto the northwest highway for Shackelford, Luke told the driver to turn around and return to the city.

The cab had just entered the city, when a series of noises approached them swiftly from the east.

The next moment, the cab was. .h.i.t by a large shock wave and spun in the air before it crashed upside-down on the ground with a loud bang.

“Sh*t!” Luke cursed as he quickly opened the car door and crawled out.

He took a few steps and asked the woozy driver, “Does it hurt anywhere?”

The driver coughed. “No, I’m fine. What happened just now?”

Listening to him, Luke confirmed that he was fine.

It was a good habit to put on a seatbelt. Even when the car flipped over, the driver wasn’t injured.

He pulled the driver out of the driver’s seat and helped him sit down on the side of the road. He then took out the driver’s phone and called 911 to explain the situation.

Putting the phone and a hundred dollars into the driver’s hands, Luke said, “This is the fare. I called the police for you. Just wait for them.” He then dashed into an alley.

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