Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 777: I’m Your Father!

Chapter 777: I’m Your Father!

What were credit points for?

Although they were used as “currency” to purchase abilities, in the end, they were still abilities which Luke used to protect himself.

Now, he naturally chose to use all his credit points to keep himself alive.

If he couldn’t deal with this old man, he wouldn’t even be able to buy a suitable ability with his remaining credit points to turn things around.

After dealing with this old man in the black robe, he would have plenty of time to earn back his points.

Thus, he stuffed all his credit points into the system’s “muzzle” without any hesitation and roared, “I’m your father!”

At that moment, the old man in black had just said, “You’ve signed a contract…”

A dense and dark golden light suddenly surged out of Luke’s body to swiftly make contact with the old man’s hands, before it spread out.

In the blink of an eye, the dark golden light turned into countless dark golden threads that wrapped around the old man like a huge net.

The old man’s grin stiffened.

A moment later, he cried out in fear, “What is this? Ahhhh, what the h.e.l.l is this? Why can it burn my soul…”

As he shouted, the old man’s body suddenly turned into black smoke as he tried to escape from the dark golden net.

In the blink of an eye, the black smoke crashed into the dark golden net a thousand times as it tried to find a way to escape.

But even as the net of light grew thinner as he smashed into it, the pressure grew stronger.

The black smoke knew that if this continued, his body would run out of energy, and even the soul fragment in this body would be trapped by the net.

He had never been an expert in a head-on battle, nor did he want to lose the soul fragment in this body for no reason.

Without any hesitation, the black smoke suddenly shrunk into a dot, but the dark golden net of light didn’t give up and continued to press down on the black dot.

The old man was furious. Let’s see how I deal with you when you enter my domain!

A tiny hole suddenly appeared near the black dot, and the black dot shrunk again so that it was small enough to stuff itself into the tiny hole.

The next moment, the dark golden net suddenly disappeared, and the black dot pa.s.sed through the hole and disappeared from the factory.

With his keen sight, Luke could naturally see that the dark golden net and the black dot that it had trapped hadn’t dissipated. Instead, they had charged into the hole and entered the place on the other side.

Sharp Nose could also detect the smell of sulfur where the hole disappeared.

But that was all.

A few seconds later, Luke roughly guessed what had happened.

System: Destroy Demon Lord Mephisto’s clone and severely injure Mephisto’s main body, preventing him from descending to Earth in ten years. Completed.

Total experience: 20,000. Total credit: 20,000.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +20,000. Credit +20,000.

Host’s experience has reached 90,000, and character has leveled up to level 15.

Extra stat points: 5

Team Mode is activated. Do you wish to activate it?

Host’s experience: 1,000/100,000

Credit: 20,000

Luke’s heart roared.

The nervousness he felt earlier when he realized that the system was facing a formidable enemy suddenly turned into intense happiness.

Sure enough, jumping levels to fight a top boss was different.

Although he had achieved victory by relying on paying the system, his puny life at least was in no danger.

He wasn’t that unreasonable, and wouldn’t insist that he would only be satisfied by defeating his opponent himself.

Besides, he had learned all his abilities from the system, so there was nothing wrong with using the system to defeat Mephisto.

At the very least, he had worked hard to earn those 60,000 credit points. Without that many credit points, who knew if Mephisto could have been sent packing to his hometown to play in the mud.

Who could say that this victory wasn’t the result of Luke’s hard work?

Moreover, while he had spent all those 60,000 credit points in one swoop, he had earned another 20,000 after beating up Mephisto, so he wasn’t completely broke.

And even though he lost a lot of credit points, he had earned enough experience to reach level 15.

Looking at the notification to activate Team Mode, he chose to activate it.

Team Mode was activated without requiring any credit points.

Whether or not the mode required credit points to be activated might mean that subsequent use of the mode would require credit points.

For example, the level 5 Super Learning Mode didn’t require any credit to be activated, but the abilities it contained did.

As for the level 10 inventory, it had cost him a lot of credit points to activate it, and he would have to spend a lot of credit points to upgrade it later, but it didn’t consume any credit points when he was using it.

He didn’t examine the mode’s functions, and put it aside for the time being. He then added a stat point to his Mental Strength to make it 31.

Only then did Luke calm down, and he looked at the girl not far away. “Can you tell me why you’re here alone, Carrie?”

Back when he was working in Houston, he and Selina had gone to Laquin to investigate missing police officers. They had pa.s.sed through Rumford and encountered the fog incident.

While hiding in the supermarket, a certain female company executive called Alice Miller had begged them to help her rescue her autistic daughter, Carrie.

In the end, Luke and Selina left Rumford in a helicopter with the mother and daughter.

After that, Wales took them away, and Luke thought that they would be released after being questioned.

From the looks of it, they hadn’t been that lucky.

Had Alice’s Elementary Self-Healing been discovered? Or had this little girl’s ability suddenly awakened, and triggered unknown consequences?

As he pondered, his eyes remained fixed on Carrie.

After what happened just now, she was reacting more to the outside world. She looked at him for a few seconds before she said, “Mom was taken away. I can’t find her.”

Frowning, Luke crouched down and asked in a gentle voice, “Was it the people who took you away in Houston?”

After a long silence, Carrie said again, “They took me somewhere. I couldn’t find Mom after that.”

Luke sighed silently.

It was very likely that Carrie and her mother Alice had been locked up separately and had become experimental research subjects for certain agencies.

The guys who would do this probably weren’t real s.h.i.+ELD agents, who would at most put them under house arrest.

Now, he could only hope that the mother and daughter hadn’t fallen into the hands of Hydra’s s.h.i.+ELD branch. If so, they may as well die earlier; that way at least, they wouldn’t have to suffer anymore.

Also, Alice’s ability was Elementary Self-Healing, which was the thing most easily coveted.

All this time, Luke had only used this ability as a life-saving trump card. He had done his best to conceal it in case it drew attention.

It was a 3-in-1 item that could save one’s life, preserve health and extend one’s lifespan; there weren’t many people who didn’t want it.

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