Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 794: Dog: I Do Too Much for This Family

Chapter 794: Dog: I Do Too Much for This Family

But this was Los Angeles. The temperature was high all year round, and it was summer.

Luke chuckled in Selina’s ear. “Do you think they’ll get a rash?”

Selina looked around, and saw a hardcore fan who was even wearing a breastplate. “Definitely.”

Luke nodded.

As they chatted, Luke and Selina bought drinks from a staff vendor and waited for the concert to start.

The concert would be around three hours long. Including the preshow, everyone would be spending almost four hours in this wasteland.

However, the organizers were very experienced and had arranged everything perfectly. There were staff members selling drinks everywhere, and there were a lot of portable toilets outside the venue, which was enough to solve the problem of the audience going out to pee.

Gold Nugget’s aggrieved whining rang out in Luke and Selina’s earphones.

Luke said helplessly, “You won’t be able to watch the concert even if you come in. I’m already broadcasting it live for you.”

Bored, Gold Nugget lay in the backseat of the car. Looking at the tablet in front of it, it whined again.

Selina said, “You’re too short. There are so many people at the concert. What if they step on you in their excitement? Watch the live broadcast and don’t complain.”

Gold Nugget lowered its head in despair, knowing that it was hopeless.

The two of them had gone in to play on their own, while it had to keep watch in the car.

I do too much for this family! the dog lamented inwardly.

At that moment, a car stopped ten meters away.

Gold Nugget didn’t pay it any attention.

They were in the parking lot outside the concert, and cars came in and out from time to time.

But a moment later, its nose twitched and it sat up abruptly. Its big nose twitched again, and it turned its head to the side.

It was an old Ford van that had just stopped. There were three people in it, and they were discussing something.

Gold Nugget looked at these bearded men uncertainly, but immediately sent Luke a message via the tablet.

Luke played the message in his earpiece. “Luke, I noticed a lot of dangerous smells coming from a van that just arrived.”

Frowning, Luke pulled on Selina and signaled that there was a situation and they had to leave.

At the same time, he asked directly, “What is it?”

Gold Nugget quickly replied, “Something that can explode. But I can’t tell if it’s the plastic explosives you mentioned before or RDX or whatever.”

Luke said, “…RDX is the main component in plastic explosives. How much of it is there?”

Gold Nugget said, “It’s roughly as much as I eat in one go.” It took a sniff again to confirm it.

Luke was helpless in the face of this measurement. “At the most or at the least?”

“No more, no less.” Gold Nugget continued to describe it “accurately.”

Luke immediately got it.

They had limited the amount Gold Nugget could eat, otherwise it was very easy for this guy to eat hundreds of kilograms of food from morning to night.

Thus, in a normal situation, it would eat at least ten kilograms per meal, and at most 50 kilograms.

Neither too much nor too little should be between 25 to 30 kilograms – that was indeed a little more accurate.

“How many people are in the car? How long have they been here? Any movements?” Luke asked again.

“Three of them; they arrived just two minutes ago. They’re still talking in the car,” Gold Nugget replied.

Luke pressed the edge of his and activated an external signal. He then used his fake phone to pull up the surveillance feed from the car on the inside of his lenses.

After a few glances, he was slightly relieved.

The three guys in the van were still talking, as if they were discussing something.

By the looks of it, this wasn’t a suicide attack. Luke still had time.

“You can slip out now. Don’t let them notice you,” Luke instructed.

Gold Nugget wasn’t scared of explosions, but Dollar was.

Most dogs had a natural fear of loud noises, and many dogs in China peed themselves at the firecrackers on New Year’s Eve.

More importantly, Luke worried about Selina’s safety when Gold Nugget wasn’t with her.

Selina was his most trusted partner, and a new 3-star teammate. She was a top-notch treasure trove of points; it would be best if she didn’t get hurt at all.

After the conversation with Gold Nugget, Luke said to Selina, who had been listening on the side, “Contact our colleagues in charge of the concert’s security checks as well as the bomb disposal experts. I’ll deal with those three guys.”

As he spoke, he took out two earpieces, one for himself and the other for Selina, before he started the car.

The trunk of the car opened, and a mini drone flew out to approach the Ford van.

This time, Selina gave a different suggestion. “Should we just kill them?”

From what Gold Nugget said, there were at least twenty kilograms of plastic explosives in the van; if Luke got too close, he risked dying in any subsequent explosion.

After all, anyone who would bring over so many dangerous items definitely weren’t ordinary people.

Luke chuckled and took out a gun from his waist. “Rubber bullets, guaranteed to knock them out and not kill them.”

Selina finally relaxed.

With Luke’s marksmans.h.i.+p, the enemy wouldn’t have much time to react if he used the gun from a distance.

The three men hadn’t made a move yet; they were probably waiting for the right moment to attack.

They wouldn’t be so determined to take action before they found the right moment, which gave Luke the chance to deal with them.

As the drone approached, Luke heard their conversation through his earpiece.

“When do we take action?” asked Criminal A.

“It’s best to wait until the concert officially begins. There are still a lot of people who haven’t entered yet,” replied Criminal B.

“Will they really take action?” Criminal C hesitated.

“Whether they do or not, when the time comes, we’ll start the timer, and the trial of the righteous will begin,” Criminal B said resolutely.

Luke frowned. Were they accomplices? Or helpers?

At that moment, he had already reached the edge of the concert venue.

Using the cover of a portable toilet, he released two drones from his inventory.

“Selina, they might have accomplices. Keep an eye on the surveillance feed after you talk to the police department,” Luke said as he put on a pair of wider goggles.

Compared with the more convenient and stylish, these goggles were better for observing the images transmitted from the drone.

Seeing that Gold Nugget had already reached Selina, Luke was relieved.

Selina had taken over the reconnaissance work of the drone. The mini drone was already very close to the targets, and had to be operated carefully.

At that moment, the drone had already taken advantage of the moment that the three criminals were talking in the van to activate its detection function, and it quickly locked onto a target in the back of the van.

It was a big pile of things with various wires and small LCD screens — time bombs.

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