Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 805: Final Exam, and Leaving

Chapter 805: Final Exam, and Leaving

When Luke and Selina arrived at the exam venue, they were the only ones in the room.

When Luke and Selina entered, the supervisor immediately gave them the papers and yawned. “I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m going to get some coffee. I’ll come back in an hour to collect the papers.”

With that, he placed a book on the table not far from them and walked out.

Luke quickly said, “Sir, just give us half an hour.”

The officer stopped and looked at Luke for a moment, before he suddenly smiled. “Not bad, Detective Luke Coulson. You really are a good student. I’ll be back in half an hour.”

After the supervisor left, Selina looked at Luke.

Luke shrugged. “Fine, I underestimated Director Brad’s influence, but I don’t think we need that.”

He stuck his lip out at the book, finding it a little funny.

He was pretty sure that it contained the answers to these questions. The one hour that the supervisor mentioned was clearly for them to go through it.

An open-book exam of course couldn’t be called cheating.

If the LAPD detectives wanted to do an open-book exam, the other police departments wouldn’t care.

Unfortunately, Luke was too well-prepared.

They were too lazy to look for the answers to the questions in the book. They directly scanned the exam paper with their, and the database listed the answers to each question.

What they needed to do was copy the answers projected on their

Luke didn’t forget to remind Selina, “Don’t copy word-for-word. Get twenty percent of the questions wrong; a ‘good’ result is good enough.”

Selina paused and sweated. “I would’ve forgotten if you hadn’t told me.”

Luke chuckled. “This isn’t a college entrance exam. If not for the fact that just a ‘pa.s.s’ would make it seem like we don’t know the rules, it’s fine to make a little more mistakes.”

They spent more than ten minutes copying the answers.

Luke was very familiar with this routine, and did flawlessly. His paper looked like a regular exam.

The simple questions were all correct, and the most complicated questions were deliberately wrong. He completed this task in five minutes.

He spent the rest of the time calling Selina’s attention to what she should do wrong.

It would be awkward if both of them made the same mistakes.

After chatting for a few more minutes, the supervisor returned and skimmed through the exam papers. He nodded and said, “Okay, you can go now. The test results will be out in a week.”

He was making sure that they didn’t fail at copying, or they would have to take the exam again.

It was too boring to supervise the exam. He didn’t want to do it twice.

After they came out, they went to Dustin and told him that the detective exam was over.

Dustin gestured for them to close the door before he asked, “Have you thought about it?”

Naturally, he was talking about the two of them going to New York with him.

It was early September, and the deadline for October wasn’t far away.

Luke shrugged. “Of course. But we won’t be patrol officers, right?”

He didn’t care about his salary or his position. If his position was low, he wouldn’t have to bother with other people’s business.

But patrol officers had to patrol the area every day and weren’t free to do their own thing, which was something Luke couldn’t accept.

Dustin shook his head decisively. “Of course not. It’s a waste for you to be patrol officers.”

Not only is it a waste of your abilities, it’s also a waste of my feelings! he mumbled inwardly.

In order to drag Luke and Selina over, he had put in a lot of effort and had spoken privately with Director Brad twice before settling on how to compensate Luke and Selina for going over.

However, he wasn’t sure what Luke thought, so he asked tentatively, “Do you still want to be a detective?”

Luke smiled. “Of course. I’m only good at physical work, not at being a sergeant.”

After a brief hesitation, Dustin explained straightforwardly, “Because Elsa is going as well, and I only have one position for a police head.”

Luke didn’t say anything and simply listened attentively.

Dustin said, “I only have four spots for this trip to New York. The director doesn’t plan on taking any lower-level personnel, but I need the both of you…”

Luke sweated and raised his hand. “Boss, no need to exaggerate. A detective is good enough. I’ve never thought of fighting Elsa for the position.”

He really couldn’t stand Dustin’s constipated expression as he explained that he “needed” them.

Dustin took careful note of Luke’s expression and saw that he truly wasn’t just being polite. Only then did he nod and said, “That’s good. You may be directly a.s.signed to HQ, and Elsa will be there, but you may not necessarily be working under her.”

Luke chuckled. “Is Elsa willing?”

Dustin sighed. “I know that you and Elsa have a good rapport, and it’ll be much easier for the two of you to work together. However, Director Brad isn’t in charge of the police department there. It’s impossible for him to arrange all the posts in advance.”

He then said solemnly, “But I guarantee that you can go to any department you want in half a year at most.”

Luke nodded. “That’s good. I’ll leave it to you. Right, boss, can I take the car with me?”

Dustin found that odd. “Why?”

He knew that Luke was very rich; there was no need for him to keep an ordinary police car.

Luke chuckled. “I’ve modified it. That cost me a lot more than the car itself.”

Speechless for a moment, Dustin nodded. “Fine, I’ll have the logistics department put that car on the auction list this month. You can buy it yourself. Don’t be stingy.”

Luke didn’t think much of it. “I’ll treat it like I’m bidding on a new car that has just been modified.”

Dustin nodded in satisfaction.

That would be best; no one would accuse him of reselling police a.s.sets.

Finally, he said, “That’s it. NYPD will send the offer at the end of September. Do you need time off?”

He was only asking to give them time to sort out their personal affairs.

Luke thought for a moment, then nodded and said, “Okay; we’ll go through the handover procedures in the next few days and then resign officially.”

He could earn a lot of credit points when he was on the job, but there were a lot of things he had to take care of before he left, so taking leave was more convenient.

After that, the two of them left.

In the car, Selina clicked her tongue. “Director Brad really is something. We haven’t even gone over yet, but the posts are already ready.”

The fact that Director Brad was able to a.s.sign manpower in advance before he was promoted proved that he had a lot of influence in NYPD.

Of course, this was because Dustin and Luke were very close, and Director Brad didn’t want them to be unhappy with their treatment in their new roles and summarily pull away from him.

In the next few days, Luke and Selina stopped taking new cases and transferred their current cases to their colleagues. They then started their most relaxed break for the year.

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