Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 808: Ambush, Hole, and Pain

Chapter 808: Ambush, Hole, and Pain

The convoy relied mostly on the military base not far away for backup.

But the other party had come prepared with an electronic interference device.

If they couldn’t call for help, the remaining soldiers wouldn’t be able to last more than a few minutes.

Tony felt that the attackers’ firepower was even more intense than what the several dozen army vehicles had.

He was right. It wasn’t just several dozen attackers who had ambushed them, but almost two hundred people.

They had set up the ambush in advance, and their guns weren’t any worse than what the American soldiers had. They also had artillery support, and it only took a few minutes for them to take down more than thirty soldiers.

A baldie was looking at the convoy through a pair of binoculars from behind a hill. He suddenly turned around and shouted, “Pay attention to the target. Don’t shoot at his car. I want to see who this guy is.”

He was very interested in the person whom the top management at Stark Industries had paid a lot of money to get rid of.

This person could be useful; how could he just kill him like that?

When the female soldier in the backseat saw the battle outside, she couldn’t sit still anymore. She shouted at Tony, who was lying down in the backseat, “Stay in the car; don’t run around.”

Then, she opened the door and got out.

The criminals had the upper hand. It might be useless for her to resist, but she would definitely die if she didn’t.

The people who dared attack an American convoy here wouldn’t leave anyone alive.

Without the female soldier holding him down, Tony immediately sat up.

His mind was in a mess. He just wanted to see what was going on outside.

In the end, a bullet hit the female soldier in the arm after she got out of the car, and she screamed and fell to the ground.

Tony’s heart trembled and his blood raced through his veins.

He had never lacked guts. He had just been stunned for a moment by the sudden and desperate battle.

Seeing that this female soldier who had chatted with him on the journey dared to go out and fight, his mind finally cleared.

Pus.h.i.+ng open the door on the female soldier’s side, he climbed down and pulled her over to lean on the back of the car as he yelled, “How are you?”

The female soldier cursed loudly and quickly answered his question. “Thankfully, it didn’t hit the bone. It just hurts a little.”

Looking at the wound on her arm, Tony couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. You have a hole in your arm! This… just hurts a little?

But Tony sighed with relief at the female soldier’s words. At least she was still conscious.

He grabbed her rifle, which had fallen to the ground, and stuck his body out over the hood of the car. He fired wildly at the left side of the convoy.

The female soldier screamed as she tried to stop him from acting rashly. “Hurry up and get down. You’ll be killed.”

As she roared, she took out a pistol from the holster at her thigh, gritted her teeth, and opened fire at the attackers.

Tony was a billionaire and someone she had to protect.

He was now fighting; she couldn’t just lie there.

At that moment, there was a whoos.h.i.+ng sound as an object trailing white smoke shot at them from an angle from a hill. It brushed past the front of their car and hit the sand not far behind them.

They couldn’t help but look over, and saw an RPG with the Stark logo on it sticking out of the sand.

The female soldier’s heart tightened, and she lunged at Tony. “Get down.”

Just as she lunged at Tony, the RPG exploded.

The female soldier, who had just wrapped her arms around Tony’s waist, was sent flying several meters by the shock wave, and hit the ground heavily.

Tony’s ears rang as he dropped his hands.

He had subconsciously raised his hands to cover his face just now. Even if he died, he had to protect his handsome face. He absolutely couldn’t meet G.o.d with a pockmarked face.

He then looked at the female soldier who had lunged at him. She was lying on the ground a few meters away, and had already stopped moving.

He was about to get up and take a look, when he felt a stabbing pain in his chest.

Gritting his teeth, he tore open his clothes, only to see that the bulletproof vest inside was riddled with holes, and had been pierced by the RPG.

Thankfully, if it wasn’t for the bulletproof vest, his chest would’ve been blown to smithereens. Thinking that, Tony felt his vision go dark, and he lay back on the ground, completely unconscious.

On the hill, the bald leader cursed, annoyed. “B*stard, which idiot did that? I want him alive!”

Looking at Tony, who was lying on the ground, he could only hope that the guy hadn’t been killed. At the very least, the idiot who fired the rocket hadn’t hit the military vehicle directly, otherwise it would have been very hard for this target to survive.

It wasn’t until half a month after Tony was attacked that Luke noticed something unusual.

The intelligence-gathering system which he had named Polyhedron discovered something.

Someone had used a t.i.tanium phone to reveal what was happening in Afghanistan, and this woman was the wife of a military general.

When she posted on F2F, she mentioned that her husband was in Afghanistan on a business trip.

Polyhedron found something unusual in the pictures in the F2F post.

The woman’s husband was actually with Happy, Stark’s personal security chief.

In the picture, Happy was talking to someone else, whose shoulder covered half of his face, but Polyhedron immediately recognized him.

The Polyhedron system hadn’t been perfected yet, and Luke didn’t dare set up something like PRISM from the start. That was a government thing, and he didn’t want to touch it yet.

For the time being, the Polyhedron system could only a.n.a.lyze the public information stored in the phone company’s F2F software as well as some online communication records for intelligence.

Most of the time, the intelligence was there; eyes were just needed to discover it.

Polyhedron was this pair of eyes.

Happy was Stark’s personal security chief and was only responsible for Tony. He would basically be wherever Tony was.

Luke had a vivid memory of how a certain playboy turned into Iron Man in his previous life. He had installed certain settings in the Polyhedron system long ago that would automatically ping when conditions were met.

Tony + Afghanistan was one of them.

The moment he read the news, Luke had a bad feeling. He immediately put down his work and activated the smart program to a.n.a.lyze the situation in more detail.

It wasn’t easy to find out Tony’s itinerary and purpose, but with Afghanistan as the specific location, it wasn’t hard.

Tony wasn’t invisible; he was the richest and most famous playboy in the world.

There were a lot of American soldiers in Afghanistan, and there would always be someone who would leak something despite confidentiality regulations.

Soon, Luke found some comments on the Internet.

The person who posted introduced himself as “the brother of a second cousin’s husband’s brother’s cla.s.smate’s girlfriend” – he might as well be saying that this was basically gossip.

Apart from a few taunts, n.o.body took the words seriously.

Luke had a bad feeling when he read the information.

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