Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 820: I Have Someone at the Top In Stark Industries

Chapter 820: I Have Someone at the Top In Stark Industries

Luke could only say, “You’re not sensitive to technology, but for example, as long as Tony Stark wants to, he can make a product similar to our t.i.tanium phone in a matter of minutes.”

Jenny: “…Then why doesn’t he?”

“Because he doesn’t need to. He has so much science and technology in his head that can make a lot of money, and he won’t be able to make them all a reality in his lifetime.” Luke sighed again. “For example, it’ll take nothing more than a bit of time for Stark Industries to replace Island Dragon, but he’s not interested in doing something so boring. He’s not interested in making phones either for the same reason. You don’t have to worry about him stealing our livelihood.”

The fact of the matter was that Tony’s father had started out as an arms dealer. Although Tony was a playboy, he still valued family.

Also, “weapons specialization” was a talent which flowed through their veins; it was like they received divine help whenever they invented weapon-related products.

That was why Tony had inherited his father’s company and had always expanded in the weapons manufacturing industry.

Jenny was silent for a long time.

She wasn’t an uneducated person, but when it came to specialized technology, she couldn’t argue with Luke.

Since Luke said that Tony Stark was so skilled, the tyc.o.o.n had to be even more amazing than she had imagined.

Given Luke’s personality, his evaluation of Tony’s abilities was conservative, since he wasn’t a person to exaggerate excessively.

Silent for a moment, Jenny carefully considered the connection between Luke’s words and the purchase of Stark Industries shares, before she said, “So, if we manipulate Stark Industries shares in the financial market first, we’ll make a fortune. Then, if we grab more shares at bottom value, we’ll get a second windfall?”

Luke hummed in response and suddenly chuckled. “If you get enough shares, we can be considered major shareholders of Stark Industries in the future.”

Jenny rolled her eyes. “Stark Industries has a market value of more than a trillion. Even if its share price falls by half, that’s still more than five hundred billion. We’ll be lucky if we can get even 1% of the shares this time. That doesn’t amount too much.”

Luke chuckled. “Let’s try our best. Right, let’s take out a loan on the shares from the gold mine as well. That way, we’ll have more money.”

Jenny asked, “Are you so sure that the share price will drop?”

Luke smiled. “I have someone at the top in Stak Industries.”

Jenny was lost for words.

After that, Luke tactfully left and didn’t spend the rest of the night talking to Jenny about business.

For the next few days, he needed to give Jenny as much time as possible to complete the business with Stark Industries shares so that they could make more money.

Three days later, Luke’s phone rang.

He took it out and checked it. It was an automatic reminder that he had set up.

A certain private Stark bodyguard who had gone on a business trip to Afghanistan had returned home.

This was just a low-level bodyguard who would be off the clock once Tony got home, unlike Happy, who would continue to be busy.

This automatic alert didn’t apply to just one person, but also to most of the bodyguards who had been in Afghanistan.

Given this amount of data, it wasn’t hard to confirm a piece of information that Luke had already been expecting.

He immediately called Jenny. “Well, infighting is about to break out. You have to work hard and try to settle the money in a few days.”

Jenny was surprised. “So urgent?”

Luke asked, “If you were betrayed by your own company and almost lost your life, what would be the first thing you would do when you returned?”

“Revenge!” Jenny replied subconsciously, and then was astonished. “Someone betrayed him? That’s Tony Stark!”

Luke chuckled. “In the face of profits, some people are willing to do anything. To some people, Tony is just a kid who’s hurting their interests.”

Jenny didn’t ask any more questions.

There was no benefit in knowing too much about the conflict among the higher-ups in Stark Industries.

In any case, she just needed confirmation that Tony would be clas.h.i.+ng with the higher-ups in the corporation, and she could now make a fortune in the financial market.

If everything went as Luke said, the infighting would bring her and Luke a lot of benefits, and it would be worth it to be busy for a while.

Three days later, a major shareholder in Stark Industries suddenly announced his withdrawal from the company, and transferred his shares to Tony Stark.

Jenny called him almost immediately. “Do you have any new information from the person you mentioned? It seems the tyc.o.o.n has already cleaned up the internal mess.”

Stark Industries had been quite active recently.

The public appearance of an injured Tony Stark and the sudden withdrawal of the major shareholder confirmed Luke’s intelligence.

On the other hand, this also meant that the tyc.o.o.n had completed the internal cleanup.

The major shareholder who had withdrawn from Stark Industries had possessed more than 5% of the shares, and the transfer had been processed so quickly; the only possibility was that Tony had something on him.

For example, he had betrayed Tony Stark to the terrorists.

Only then would the major shareholder hand over his shares so obediently in exchange for Tony Stark’s understanding.

Alright, he probably wouldn’t be killed, but he would definitely be dealt a lot of blows.

But this could be considered the end of the infighting at Stark Industries, which wouldn’t trigger more fluctuations in the share price.

Luke chuckled. “It’s not that simple. Someone who can sell out that tyc.o.o.n isn’t a small fry. The show is about to start. You can step in now.”

Without saying anything else, Jenny hung up and went to make arrangements.

Working with Stark Industries shares was a gamble.

And gambling didn’t guarantee victory, otherwise it would be too easy to make a fortune.

But while they had invested a lot this time, it wouldn’t affect the phone company too much. Most of the funds had come from a deal they made with Beth Thompson, and a large portion were short-term loans.

If she failed, they would only be losing most of the future profits from their “Little Green” bait, which had little to do with the phone company and which was one of the reasons why Jenny was willing to take the risk.

The next day, Tony Stark announced at a press conference that he had been attacked in Afghanistan.

Looking at the tyc.o.o.n who was no longer as frivolous as before on TV, Luke smiled.

At that moment, a certain baldie was beaming widely as he followed behind Tony and walked toward the stage for the press conference.

This was Tony’s Uncle Obadiah Stane.

Seeing that this man was still out and about in public, Luke knew that the tyc.o.o.n had been fooled yet again.

The tyc.o.o.n looked like a dandy, but was actually a smart person.

The only people who could betray him were the ones he trusted the most.

Thus, that unlucky shareholder who had been thrown out yesterday was a scapegoat.

As the saying went, one wrong move and the whole game would be lost.

Since the real mastermind was fine, something would happen to Tony sooner or later.

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