Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 833: Leaving, and Going Home

Chapter 833: Leaving, and Going Home

Relying on the fact that this was Stark Industries’ territory, Pepper’s men in their professional uniforms arrived first and took Iron Monger away.

After the reactor was destroyed, Iron Monger lost its power system and was Iron Monger in name only.

Obadiah, the bald boss, was trapped inside and couldn’t move. He was also taken away.

It could be predicted that a second shareholder of the company would soon retire and disappear from the public eye.

While Tony and Phil were plotting against each other, Luke quietly returned home.

It hadn’t been a long night, but Obadiah was still a “valuable” villain.

System: Defeat Obadiah Stane. Mission accomplished.

Total experience: 3,000. Total credit: 3,000.

Contribution rate: 90%. EXP +2,700. Credit +2,700.

Host’s experience: 67,300/100,000.

Credit: 86,100

The system had only given him 100 experience and credit points for saving Tony. Clearly, its discrimination against the tyc.o.o.n hadn’t improved.

Also, the system didn’t indicate that he had received the grat.i.tude of a certain young master.

It was far more difficult to impress the proud young master.

Of course, this could also be because the tyc.o.o.n had used up all his energy squabbling with the bald uncle, and had no time to thank Batman.

Luke had nothing to complain about.

His and Tony’s relations.h.i.+p had always been like this no matter what Luke did. In any case, when a certain person ran into bad luck again, Luke couldn’t be blamed for it.

On the other side, now that it was over for Obadiah, Tony would definitely take over his shares.

Obadiah had more than 10% shares in Stark Industries, and together with the 5% Tony had gotten a few days ago, the tyc.o.o.n had close to 50% shares in Stark Industries.

If he took advantage of the fall in stock price to acquire more, Tony would be in firm control of Stark Industries.

Tony, who had just been backstabbed by Obadiah and the shareholders and kicked out of the company’s management, certainly wouldn’t let go of this opportunity.

Thinking that, Luke called Jenny. “Let’s start making money.”

Jenny was stunned for a moment before she said, “Stark Industries’ stock price has only dropped by 50%. If we pull out now, we’ll lose a lot of profits.”

Luke thought for a moment. “How long will it take?”

Jenny said, “We’re expecting it to be the day after tomorrow.”

Naturally, Luke had no objections.

Tony wanted to kick out those two-faced shareholders, so the stock price wouldn’t increase in the short-term. There was still time.

He thus said, “Let’s end the first phase as soon as it drops 50%.”

“Okay,” Jenny agreed.

“Then, let’s start the second phase, and buy shares in secret,” he continued.

Jenny asked, “So soon?”

Luke said, “It won’t be long before someone tries to undercut us. We should take action as soon as possible. In any case, it’s easy money.”

Jenny remembered that Luke had mentioned that he had “someone at the top” in Stark Industries. She said, “Okay. Does that mean you won’t be coming to take a look at the accounts? You should at least be interested in how much ‘easy money’ we have, right?”

Luke said with a smile, “That money will be turned into stock in a few days. I think I’ll pa.s.s. You should work harder during this period. I’m going to New York after this is over. We can discuss it in more detail then.”

Jenny chuckled. “Have you had enough of a vacation?”

Luke said, “More or less. I’m making a trip back home to Texas, and I’ll go to New York a few days after that.”

Jenny said, “Okay.”

After hanging up, Luke got to work.

Most of the things in Los Angeles didn’t need to be moved. Claire would come by every weekend.

The California earthquake tour was over. She had returned to Los Angeles a few days ago and was now a USC freshman.

She was busy with her new life in college and needed to stay on campus for the first year, so she hadn’t been coming over recently.

That was normal.

Claire’s birthday was on 15 August. At that time, she was still on tour, and everybody had only called her to congratulate her.

She had turned eighteen that day, and was a legal adult. She would have to face this society on her own, and college was a good start.

Of course, Claire was very happy to help Luke look after the villa.

The bungalow was small, but it had everything. There was a training room, a jacuzzi, and a smart kitchen. Taking a break here every weekend would be a delight.

Luke put the truly sensitive items into his inventory.

Some things which needed to be s.h.i.+pped over had already been sent to New York.

Last month, he had bought a new residence there. It was a worker at the phone company’s New York branch who had helped him find a suitable place to purchase.

As the saying went, money could do anything!

Unlike when he transferred twice before, Luke this time wasn’t hard up for money and didn’t have to quickly report to work or look for a cheap place to rent.

He had been penniless back then, and could only resign himself to fate.

However, the things he was s.h.i.+pping over would be placed in the phone company. He didn’t dare directly send them to his new place, otherwise there probably wouldn’t be anything left.

After walking around the villa one last time, Luke chuckled.

He was a nostalgic person.

Since he was rich, he didn’t want to sell or rent out this bungalow.

Selina had already said that if he wanted to sell this house, he could only sell it to her.

Of course, Luke wasn’t stupid enough to agree. He simply smiled and said that he would never sell it, and that he would take good care of it so that it was the same as ever.

At eight in the morning, he drove the car to a logistics company and had them take the car to New York.

Luke took a cab to the airport.

In the afternoon, he returned to Shackelford.

Looking at the town that was still the same, Luke calmed down.

When he got home, Catherine was cooking dinner. She was pleasantly surprised to see Luke suddenly return home.

Luke hugged her with a smile. “So? Are you surprised?”

Catherine simply patted him on the back with a smile, and they chatted in the kitchen.

Robert had been a little busy recently, not because of his job as a sheriff, but because he was at Drax’s ranch.

Selina’s family had always talked about a new ranch, so Luke naturally wouldn’t stay quiet.

It was only after he secretly bought the four ranches next to his grandpa Drax’s ranch that he let the man know.

The old man was both angry and amused at the same time, and called to scold him for being a wastrel.

That was because the old man had also been negotiating with these ranches, but Luke had offered a higher price.

After a short conversation with Drax, the four ranches knew that the old man couldn’t offer them a higher price, so they decisively chose Luke, who was more generous.

Luke had entrusted a professional to negotiate the purchase, and the price didn’t exceed the market price.

Drax hadn’t been able to negotiate with any of them because he didn’t have enough money, and could only try his best to lower the price.

So, although Luke and his grandpa had an “internal conflict,” no one lost out.

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