Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 855: Daredevil In a Black Hood

Chapter 855: Daredevil In a Black Hood

Activating Sharp Nose, Luke quickly found a first aid kit in the room.

He then picked up the person on the floor and put him on a long table before turning on two lamps and angling them as he did his best to put together an operating table.

Twenty minutes later, he stopped what he was doing. “Mr. Black Mask, now that your injury has been treated, you don’t have to pretend to be unconscious anymore. Hm, or do you want me to call you New York’s Batman?”

The person on the table still didn’t move.

Luke sighed. “Whatever the case, I saved you. Are you sure you want to act like this with me?”

The man in black finally turned around and asked in a low voice, “Who are you? How did you find me?”

Luke shrugged. “I saw you when you went ash.o.r.e from the pier. You’ve gotten quite famous here recently. I only followed you here to take a look. I didn’t touch your mask, so you don’t have to care who I am.”

The man in black was silent for a moment. “You should still have a name, right?”

Luke said, “You can call me Puncher.”

The man in black asked, “Why did you save me?”

Luke crossed his arms. “As a basic courtesy, shouldn’t you give me a name? I can’t keep calling you Black Mask or New York’s Batman, can I?”

The man in black was lost for words for a moment before he said, “You can call me Daredevil!”

Luke chuckled. “That indeed suits you. You’re truly a daredevil for going out to fight for justice in just a black hood.”

Daredevil frowned. “You’ve seen me before?”

Luke suddenly smiled. “Daredevil, you do have sharp ears, but please don’t use them on me. It’s not a good habit to pry into other people’s privacy.”

Daredevil’s lips moved, but he didn’t know what to say.

“There’s no need to deny it.” Luke continued, “With your face completely covered like that, anybody can tell that you’re blind.”

Daredevil said nothing.

“If I were you, I would first make a helmet and add two lenses to hide the fact that you’re blind, so that the enemy will think that you’re relying on your vision to fight,” suggested Luke.

Daredevil was silent for a moment before he couldn’t help saying, “I’m not a tailor. I can’t make a helmet for myself.”

Luke, on the other hand, chuckled. “Then what about your clothes? You can’t hide your height in ordinary clothes, and your real ident.i.ty will be easily exposed. You’re truly inferior to Batman.”

Hearing the name “Batman” again, Daredevil couldn’t help but say, “I’m not Batman. I’m not doing this to imitate him.”

Luke tilted his head. “That’s a given; your imitation isn’t even as good as the cosplayers.”

Pausing for a moment, he then continued, “Since you’re not a copycat, make yourself special equipment to hide yourself better so that you’re different from the original Batman.”

Daredevil was speechless.

The equipment which Batman used had been a.n.a.lyzed countless times by the newspapers and magazines.

Daredevil wasn’t an engineering major; he couldn’t compare with Batman.

Luke put the first aid kit aside and looked out the window at the Hudson River. “Tell me, why would a blind man be a vigilante? Is he relying on the fact that his hearing is better than an ordinary person’s?”

Daredevil didn’t say anything.

Luke didn’t turn around. “You’re blind, but you’re talented. Apart from your extraordinary agility, your sense of hearing and smell are also very sharp. I told you not to pry into my privacy with your hearing, so you switched back to your sense of smell. Are you trying to remember my scent so that you can find me later?”

Daredevil’s body stiffened, and he suddenly felt like a child that had been caught doing something bad.

Luke turned around and looked at him. “This world isn’t as simple as you think. You’re not the only person with superpowers in New York. If you want to live longer as a vigilante, you better learn from Batman.”

Daredevil frowned. “I’m me, not anyone else.”

“I’m telling you to be careful.” Luke continued, “You may have to face more than just gangsters in the future. If the organizations investigating Batman are interested in you one day, information about you will appear on their desks in a few days.”

Looking at Daredevil, who was silent again, Luke smiled and threw a blanket at him. “That’s all I have to say. May you have pleasant dreams tonight!”

Daredevil finally couldn’t help but say, “Wait.”

Luke: “Hm?”

“Why did you come to New York?” Daredevil asked.

Luke chuckled. “New York isn’t yours or mine. Enjoy your last free moments, kid. You’ll be busy after this. We might meet again.”

Then, he quickly disappeared.

Daredevil gritted his teeth and lay back down after a moment.

If Puncher really wanted to kill him, he had had countless opportunities just now.

The fact that Daredevil was still alive could only prove that wasn’t his plan.

Daredevil had lost a lot of blood. He was dizzy and exhausted. He barely covered himself with the blanket before he fell unconscious.

After changing back into his clothes, Luke left the house and looked at the window on the third floor. He shook his head and left.

After meeting up with Selina, they went home together.

Selina asked curiously, “Is Daredevil’s sense of hearing and smell very good?”

Luke said, “Basically. That’s why I didn’t let you approach him, in case the new neighbor finds out about our ‘hobby’.”

Selina asked, “But you got close to him just now. Won’t that be a problem?”

Luke chuckled. “Do you think I would have dared approach him without being prepared? Remember to always clean up after yourself, or you’ll easily be found, like this Daredevil.”

Selina, on the other hand, frowned. “We’ll definitely run into him again at night. Won’t we also risk being exposed then?”

Luke said, “I’ll modify your armor and figure out how to solve the problem. The new neighbor should be resting for a few days. We have time.”

Selina nodded, then suddenly sighed. “New York is a lot more unbelievable than Los Angeles. We’ve only been here for a few days, and we’ve already run into all these weird people.”

“There will be a lot more like what happened tonight. Don’t get careless,” Luke warned her.

In the next few years, there would be a steady stream of heroes and villains stirring up wave after wave of trouble in New York. When that happened, these weird people and events would pop up like mushrooms everywhere, like a market sale.

Luke felt that this kind of life was a little… exciting!

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