Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 859: Things Worth Coveting, and What Is a Good Subordinate?

Chapter 859: Things Worth Coveting, and What Is a Good Subordinate?

Judging from the thickness of the stack, there had to be a lot of things at Nelson and Murdock that needed to be paid, like the electricity, the landline, rent, property management, and so on.

But food and fruits clearly couldn’t be used as payment.

Luke shook his head and left.

Miss Karen was clearly paying attention to his actions.

He was afraid that the woman would rush over to stop him the moment he stepped into the office.

He turned around and went to the other side. It was obviously a small kitchen.

Apart from some used cups, there wasn’t much else inside. Even the coffee machine only had a small amount of dregs in it; it hadn’t been used in at least two days.

It wasn’t because Miss Karen was lazy.

There was an empty coffee powder bag in the trash; it wasn’t like the coffee machine could boil water out of thin air.

To make matters worse, it was already past ten in the morning. Foggy and Karen were the only ones in the office, and Mr. Matt was nowhere to be seen.

No matter how one looked at it, this was doomed to fail! Luke sighed.

In this world, it was hard to be rich if you wanted to be a good person.

After Luke looked around, Walter’s voice came from outside. “Let’s go, Luke.”

“Coming,” said Luke. He smiled at Karen again and left the office.

Foggy was still outside, talking to Walter.

Walter was a little impatient, but he had just learned a lot about the situation, so it wasn’t good for him to turn hostile now, and he simply hummed carelessly in acknowledgment.

Seeing Luke, he promptly said too Foggy, “I’ll let you know if there’s anything new on Elena’s situation. Don’t rush when you do things, kid.” Then, he patted Foggy’s shoulder and left.

Luke winked at Foggy before he followed Walter downstairs.

Foggy watched them leave, then exhaled. “I hope you find something.”

Karen suddenly popped up behind him. “Is that Luke your new neighbor?”

Foggy said, “Yes, right across the street. The one who was renovating a few days ago.”

Karen said, “Why didn’t you say that he was a detective? He’s so young.”

Foggy said, “We just met a few days ago. We were in a hurry to get to work and didn’t have time to chat with him, but I think he’s a nice guy.”

Karen hesitated for a moment before she said in a low voice, “But why do I feel like he was looking around as if he was at a crime scene?”

Foggy: “…The crime scene is the CSU’s purview, Karen.”

Karen stared at him in amus.e.m.e.nt. “I know. I’m just saying that he’s like a detective at a crime scene; he’s the kind of detective who looks at details.”

Foggy spread his hands. “Alright, then what do we have here? The two gang members outside have already slipped away, leaving only one woman whose visa has expired.”

Karen was lost for words.

When Foggy said that, she suddenly didn’t think that there was anything worth coveting in this shabby office.

Except… herself?

However, the young man didn’t look at her the way most young people did when they saw a beautiful woman. He simply observed her from the corner of his eye.

How did Karen know? Because she had been secretly watching the young detective.

At that thought, she sighed. “I was overthinking it. He said that he’s your friend, but he’s never been to the office, so he wanted to take a look around.”

Foggy slapped his forehead. “Jesus, he didn’t come into my office, did he? My desk is full of payment notices we received in the last few days.”

Karen said, “He didn’t go in. He was just looking from the door. He shouldn’t know about our embarra.s.sing dire situation.”

After a brief silence, Foggy shook his head. “I need to find a big client, at least enough to pay the bills for the next two months, which will give us more time…”

Karen nodded with a bitter smile and returned to her desk in the lounge.

Looking at the ‘clients’ in the room, she wondered if it was possible to find a big client here.

Downstairs, Walter just said, “Selina will explain the situation to you later. You can visit the two victims of the explosions and see if they have any information.”

Luke said, “Inspector Cobb, this is a little rude, but I have to ask, where are you going?”

Walter didn’t look happy. “Do you want to be my boss?”

Luke wasn’t fl.u.s.tered at all. He simply said, “I’m just making sure that you’re not on your own in Clinton. After all, my biggest responsibility is to ensure your safety here.”

Walter got even more upset. “Do I need you to guarantee my safety?”

Luke was unperturbed. “If it was anywhere else, of course not. However, if even the chief wanders around here alone, we wouldn’t be able to guarantee his safety.”

Walter’s mouth moved, but he was unable to retort.

This was Clinton, known as h.e.l.l’s Kitchen.

Listening to Luke, Walter suddenly realized that Dustin might not have asked Luke to follow him to steal his credit, but to ensure his safety.

The man in front of him could fight dozens of monsters.

After a brief silence, he nodded and said, “Ricky and I are going back to the police station to do research, okay?”

Luke said, “Then that’s fine. If you need to come here again, you can call me anytime, Inspector Cobb.”

Walter snorted and got into the car. “Nosy.”

Ricky gave Luke a helpless look. He had quite a good impression of Luke.

Most of the people who had interacted with Luke didn’t hate him.

Walter’s att.i.tude toward Luke was clearly because of Dustin, and had little to do with Luke himself.

The car started, and Walter suddenly rolled down the window and said, “Don’t be so stiff-necked when you’re out doing things. Use my name in the future, understand?”

Luke smiled. “Alright, Walter.”

Walter looked away and waved, and Ricky drove off.

After a moment, Ricky suddenly smiled and said, “Boss, this newbie is very conscientious.”

Looking at Luke’s car in the rearview mirror, Walter snorted. “Just drive.”

Ricky laughed even louder. “Boss, don’t be stubborn. This guy is quite likable. He puts me in a much better mood compared with that piece of sh*t John.”

Walter couldn’t help but rub his forehead.

A person’s true value could only be determined through a comparison.

Compared with Luke, his subordinate, John, was a tough nut to crack.

After figuring out Dustin’s intent earlier, Walter was surprised, but he was also jealous of Dustin.

A subordinate who could fight as well as carry out orders was simply perfect.

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