Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 860: Unt.i.tled

Chapter 860: Unt.i.tled

If John was as obedient as Luke, Walter couldn’t help thinking that he might’ve become the chief of the Detective Bureau long ago, and Dustin wouldn’t have come into the picture.

Luke didn’t know about Walter’s complicated feelings, and wouldn’t care too much even if he did.

It was unlikely that Walter would actually fight Dustin.

If this senior inspector couldn’t accept the situation, he would be transferred to another department; at the very least, he and Luke would be colleagues for a few months.

Luke could tell that Walter wasn’t a mean guy. He was only competing with Dustin for a promotion, and certainly wouldn’t make the captain suffer.

After Walter and Ricky left Clinton, Luke and Selina turned around and looked for the two families based on the addresses which Walter had given to them.

The questioning didn’t go smoothly, and there was almost a gunfight at the second address.

The man at the second address grew nervous when he opened the door and saw Luke’s badge.

Sensing that something was wrong, Luke took out his gun behind his back.

He kicked the door open.

The edge of the wooden door slammed into the man’s face, and he pa.s.sed out.

Looking at the gun on the floor, Luke sighed. “Why can’t you talk nicely?”

Instead of going in, he simply said to Selina, “Call over the patrol officers from the 15th Precinct.”

Then, he leaned against the door and took out a chocolate lollipop.

He wasn’t interested in wasting time interrogating such a n.o.body. It was better to leave it to the police of the 15th Precinct.

But half an hour later, the man who had been knocked out by the door was awake, and the patrol officers still hadn’t arrived.

Luke wasn’t in a hurry. He had antic.i.p.ated this of the 15th Precinct.

If the 15th Precinct dared to say that they were second last in professionalism among all the police stations in New York, n.o.body would dare claim they were last.

Looking at the man who had woken up, Luke smiled. “You’re awake? Then be good and answer my questions.”

The man only felt that his head was hurting, and he didn’t pay any attention to Luke’s words.

Luke said, “If I’m satisfied with your answer, then you weren’t holding a gun when you attacked the police. If I’m not satisfied, the gun was fired, understand?”

The middle-aged man was confused, and it took him a while to figure out the difference.

Shooting a cop was different from hitting a cop.

He didn’t want to be set up by the police, and wanted to face a judge even less.

In less than ten minutes, he told them about the night of the explosions.

Also, this man had some useful information.

He had seen something that night, but didn’t mention it because he didn’t want to cause trouble. However, Luke had sensed with his telepathy that he was hiding something. After being interrogated a few more times, the man could only come clean.

“Are you saying that the car which delivered the goods to the Russians exploded a few minutes later?” Luke confirmed.

The man nodded. “That car always comes between 7 and 8pm. I’ve seen it a few times.”

Luke understood.

The leader of the Irish gang, Owen, was probably right. The explosions were most likely caused by Kingpin.

Because Kingpin was the largest drug dealer in New York, he was the one who supplied the Russians with the goods.

If his own a.s.sets were blown up, Kingpin wouldn’t just sit back and watch. He would definitely send someone to find out who had moved his goods.

A rumor that the black mask was the perpetrator wouldn’t fool Kingpin, so it could only be a rumor spread by Kingpin himself.

Luke and Selina were sucking on their lollipops as they asked the questions, and it was another 15 minutes before the patrol officers from the 15th Precinct arrived.

The two officers spoke to Luke and Selina in a businesslike manner, and were about to lead the man down.

Raising an eyebrow, Luke stopped them. “Officers, you should check his place.”

The patrol officers glanced at him. One of them, who was almost forty years old, nodded carelessly. “We have to escort him back first. Just cordon the place off.”

Luke was amused. As expected of New York’s most rotten branch! They didn’t even bother to conceal the fact that they were just going through the motions in front of their HQ colleagues.

As the saying went, “Be a monk for one day, strike the bell once a day[1].”

If these two patrol officers became monks, they would probably be lazy pigs who ate and slept every day without touching the bell at all.

“Officers, do you need me to remind you that someone else is in the apartment?” asked Luke.

The two officers were stunned. “Someone else? Then why didn’t you go and take a look?”

Luke said, “Isn’t this your territory? But it seems that you’re too busy, so forget it.”

Then, he gestured at Selina and they walked into the apartment.

After opening the bedroom door, they quickly helped a young woman out.

Looking at the woman’s expensive clothes, the two officers knew that something was wrong.

The woman didn’t look like she was from around here, and it was impossible for her to live in this shabby apartment with the hooligan.

So, was this a kidnapping?

Luke hadn’t paid attention to the woman before because he sensed that she seemed to be sleeping.

But it was a little strange that she didn’t wake up even with the commotion outside.

Given the unusual situation, he didn’t want to hand the girl over to the two unreliable police officers. He simply got into the car with Selina and went straight to Metro General Hospital.

“She’s just a girl, right? She doesn’t look old enough.” Looking at the girl in the backseat, Selina sighed. “The people of the 15th Precinct are less reliable than I thought. Their law enforcement is so c.r.a.p.”

Luke said casually, “Once you become used to deceiving yourself and the outside world, you become a garbage existence.”

In comparison, even in a big city like Los Angeles with huge gang numbers, most of the police officers at least acted professional on the surface.

It was only 11:30am. The two patrol officers hadn’t been at work even three hours, but seemed to be in a hurry to have lunch.

As expected of the 15th Precinct as the worst police station in New York.

Luke and Selina often skipped work, but that was because they had already done more than required, and they never dilly-dallied or s.h.i.+rked work.

After that, Luke and Selina weren’t interested in discussing the lousy 15th Precinct.

When they arrived at Metro General Hospital, they sent the young woman to the E.R..

Ten minutes later, a nurse with long brown hair walked out and said, “Detectives, the patient is in a semi-conscious state. We’re not sure what her condition is like, and she can’t be questioned for now.”

Luke nodded. “Do you have some time? We need to know a little more about the victim’s injuries.”

The brown-haired nurse said, “I have five minutes.”

[1] [Annotation text missing]

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