Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 882: A Lawful Interrogation

Chapter 882: A Lawful Interrogation

How could the police lawfully kill a suspect in the interrogation room? Of course, it was the same trick that Luke had once used to lure a suspect into taking the gun.

This method could be simplified significantly — he could stuff the gun into the suspect’s hand himself; then, with the sound of a gunshot, the world would be at peace.

The officer involved would at most be demoted after an investigation.

As long as there were no recordings, and it was insisted that the hapless suspect went for the gun, any doubts would be buried.

Luke said solemnly, “We’re law enforcement officers. Naturally, we have to strictly abide by the department’s rules. I’m just reminding you.”

Joe: …Are you f*cking bragging?! Do you think we’re not familiar with this business? We just don’t usually use it.

Leaving with a face of disdain, Joe nevertheless muttered to himself, This guy isn’t as naive as he seems.

Recalling how this guy had killed more than fifty bandits along with John, Joe felt that it was only natural.

If a freakish detective like this was hidebound by convention, they would’ve been killed by criminals long ago.

John returned very quickly.

He was shocked by the police station’s efficiency.

Most of the time, they still had to rely on him to dig out a suspect.

This time, he had only beaten up a second hoodlum and had yet to get any useful information before he was told to come back to interrogate a suspect.

Walking into the interrogation room, he glanced in the direction of the observation room. “Who’s over there?”

Joe said, “Don’t worry. It’s Connie, Luke, and Selina.”

John asked, “Where’s the chief?”

“He said he’s reporting to the director, and won’t appear next door for the next hour,” said Joe.

John clenched his fists and looked at the suspect. “He’s underestimating us, isn’t he? Go with the old rules.”

Looking at John’s sandbag-like fists, Joe gulped. “Wait, do you need me to remind you that it was me last time?”

Stumped, John looked at him. “Was it?”

Joe said, “My face was f*cking swollen for a week. I had to have a liquid diet for several days, and lost five pounds. You actually forgot?”

John slapped his forehead. “Sorry. Maybe I’m still hungover from last night.”

Joe said, “Shut up! It’s only midnight, and the night’s not over yet. Stand here. Stand here, I said.”

John: “…Easy. We still have to investigate the case.”

Joe said, “Don’t worry, your face will be swollen for three days at most.”

John said, “Okay, three days then.” With that, he closed his eyes and stood in front of Joe.


“F*ck!” John cursed and stepped back until he hit the wall. “You’re definitely taking revenge. It’ll definitely be swollen for more than three days.”

Joe slowly withdrew his fist. “That’s what you told me last time too.”

Rubbing his swollen cheek, John stood up and took out his gun. “Okay, let’s get to work.”

Joe took out a key from his pocket and walked over to the stupefied suspect. “Aim properly. Don’t hit me.”

John grinned. “Don’t worry. I’m good at this.”

The suspect looked at the key and suddenly realized what they were doing. He shouted in horror, “Don’t! Don’t come here! No, don’t!”

If it were any other time, he would’ve thought that they were acting.

However, he had been arrested as a suspect for a.s.saulting a police officer. Also, he had indeed knocked out a police officer with a stick, which meant that the man wasn’t joking.

Next door, Luke and Selina were sucking on a lollipop each, and they nodded at each other as they stood with their arms crossed in front of the mirror.

Luke sighed in admiration. “Look at how professional he is. Taking a punch and pinning it on the suspect, and then moving on to the next step. As expected of an experienced detective; he has solid moves.”

Selina, however, frowned. “If we do the same, will you hit me, or will I hit you? I don’t want my face to be swollen for a week.”

Luke shrugged. “Just hit me. I’m more resistant.”

Selina nodded in satisfaction. “Alright, I’ll train to control my strength and keep the swelling down to two days. I don’t think we’ll use this often though.”

Luke said casually, “Having another option isn’t bad. It can’t be too light, or you won’t see the effect.”

Connie said, “The two of you…”

Luke turned around and smiled at her. “We’ll improve faster if we learn from our seniors.”

Connie was lost for words.

What happened next was simple.

Already pinned with an a.s.sault charge and facing the possibility of being killed at any time, the suspect broke down.

In fact, he had made the right decision.

John had indeed planned to kill the guy, or injure him heavily.

He was gambling on the fact that this was still a suspect, after all

The suspect had no such odds.

But what the interrogation revealed wasn’t good.

They belonged to a gang called Blood Skull, and were professional fighters.

Their boss was called Billy Jordan.

Attacking Walter was an a.s.signment which their boss, Billy, had given them.

Blood Skull was just a bunch of hoodlums who lived in the Brooklyn area. There were 50 core members, and more than 100 thugs scattered around.

There were at least a hundred of such gangs in Brooklyn, and none of them were directly related to Kingpin.

There was no way to catch Kingpin with their statements.

Dustin had already appeared in the observation room, and he listened to the confessions of the two Blood Skulls with a dark face.

Luke leaned over and said in a low voice, “The person who planned this is too careful and cleans up after himself well. Unless that Billy tells us who that person is, this will have nothing to do with ‘him’.”

Dustin certainly knew who Luke was referring to.

After a brief silence, he said, “All detectives are now recalled from leave. Report to the police station immediately. Tell John to come out. He’ll lead the operation. I want Blood Skull to disappear from New York by tomorrow morning.”

Luke said, “Yes, sir.”

Although he was the best fighter under Dustin, John was more suited to be the commander of such a large-scale operation. After all, he was familiar with the people of the Detective Bureau and could make them do their best.

Dustin was also selling the wily old foxes a favor, so that they could avenge Walter with their own hands.

After a busy night, the clerks at the police station worked overtime.

They had to deal with a lot of phone calls, confessions, and arrest warrants.

However, n.o.body complained.

A veteran detective from the Detective Bureau had been severely injured. If the Detective Bureau didn’t respond, none of the gang members in New York would take them seriously.

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