Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 894: An Idle Day

Chapter 894: An Idle Day

Jessica picked up the bunch of five keys that were hanging from the door handle and tested them. They were indeed the keys to the metal door.

So, someone had secretly changed the door for her last night and even considerately left the keys behind? She suddenly thought of something and rushed to the sofa.

She took out her phone and was about to make a call, when she saw a new message.

She subconsciously opened it, only to see a short message. She was speechless.

Miss Jones, in order to thank you for the leads, I helped you switch to a safer door. Don’t thank me, you deserve it! — High School Detective

That was the contact name that Jessica had given Luke.

Her deepest impression of the young detective was his handsome but young face.

Of course, she now felt that her impression of him had to change a little.

“What do you mean I deserve it? Is what I deserve a rotten prison door? Are you crazy?” the female detective suddenly roared.

The woman above her said, “You’re the crazy one. You’re crazy every day…”

“B*tch, do you think I won’t break down your door?” the female detective roared.

The world suddenly seemed full of life!

Luke and Selina went out early after breakfast, and headed to Metro General Hospital first to visit Walter, whose condition was now stable.

A week ago, the dutiful lieutenant had been attacked by two Blood Skull gangsters and was heavily injured.

The worse thing was that the two thugs had told him that they were actually only supposed to break one of Walter’s legs.

In the end, Walter, who was on high alert, resisted at the last moment. The two hitmen impulsively hit him in the head, which got him sent to the ICU.

Thankfully, Walter was recovering well, and Luke’s conjecture that he might have to retire early wouldn’t happen.

Walter’s doctor said that the patient could be discharged in two to three weeks, and could start moving around in a month.

This also meant that Walter’s career wasn’t over yet; the 41-year-old could work for another twenty years.

Walter was recovering well, but he had been hit in the head, after all. Luke and Selina simply said a few words in greeting, then told him he didn’t have to worry about the follow-up investigation.

Walter shook hands with Luke and said in a low voice, “Thank you.”

He had learned from Rick that Luke and Selina had arrested the two attackers less than an hour after the incident.

The next day, Dustin wiped out the gang which they belonged to.

His new boss and his new colleague had done all they could, and hadn’t gone about it in a half-hearted way.

It was one thing for Walter to compete with Dustin, and another for his colleagues to stand up for him. He had to thank Luke, Selina, and even Dustin.

Luke and Selina spent a rare afternoon in the department hall as they went through the files.

They wanted to verify that NYPD hadn’t made any mistakes with the case last night, as well as see the reaction from Kingpin’s side.

So far, it seemed that they had done a good job last night, and there was no sign of Kingpin’s forces.

At three in the afternoon, Luke and Selina got off work early.

They had been invited to Haley’s private party tonight. It was at six o’clock.

They had to finish their daily training before they went to the party.

Fun and relaxation were fine, but they had to finish what they were supposed to do. This was a habit they had developed over the past year.

At five in the afternoon, Luke took a shower and changed his clothes. When he saw Gold Nugget, who was enjoying a chocolate ball and watching a drama, he slapped his forehead.

He took out his phone and called Haley. “So, are you allergic to dog fur?”

Haley thought for a moment, then smiled. “You want to bring that precious golden retriever with you, right?”

Luke said, “Yes. If it knew we went out to have fun without it, it’ll sulk for a long time.”

The smile in Haley’s voice was obvious. “Okay. I don’t keep any pets here, but you can bring it with you.”

Luke said, “Thank you.”

Gold Nugget’s ears perked up when it heard that. After Luke hung up, it sat up and whined.

Luke said, “Alright, she’s not allergic to dog fur and has said that you can come with us, but you have to control your appet.i.te. They definitely won’t be able to accept a dog eating dozens of pounds of food.”

Gold Nugget whined.

Luke said, “Alright, you can ask Selina to bring along some candy for you.”

Gold Nugget considered for a moment, then accepted the suggestion.

As long as it didn’t chew on the candy, it would last Gold Nugget for a while.

While Luke was chatting with Gold Nugget, Selina came downstairs.

She had dressed up today. She wasn’t wearing her usual white s.h.i.+rt and jeans, but the bohemian dress which Luke had bought for her. She even had a matching orange and red shawl on her shoulders.

Her hair, which was usually tied up, now fell in natural waves over her shoulders.

“How is it?” She turned around and showed him how she was dressed tonight.

Luke said, “Very pretty and casual.”

Selina was satisfied, but she looked at him. “You’re going in just that?”

Luke shrugged. “I’m a man, I don’t have to compete with women in what I’m wearing.”

Thinking that it made sense, Selina stopped criticizing his laziness.

Most of the guests would be women. He wasn’t going to pick up girls, so there was no need to dress too handsomely.

His outdoor windbreaker and casual work pants were no different from the clothes he usually wore at work.

But because of his figure and appearance, he often received phone numbers from enthusiastic girls on the street who expressed that they would be happy to get to know him, whether in the short- or long-term.

Five minutes before six, Luke and Selina arrived at a high-cla.s.s apartment in the Upper East Side.

The rent for such a luxurious apartment was more than a hundred thousand dollars a year. It was completely different from an ordinary apartment.

In order to enter an apartment like this, one either had to have a pa.s.s or had to be personally verified by the resident before the doorman would let them in.

They gave him Haley’s apartment number, and the doorman didn’t let them in until after he contacted her.

They took the elevator upstairs. Luke rang the bell, and the door soon opened to reveal Haley.

“We’re not late, are we?” he said with a smile.

Haley said, “You’re on time. Come on in.”

The two of them and the dog entered the place, and indicated the boxes in their hands. “Homemade desserts. Where should we put them?”

Looking at the boxes in Luke and Selina’s hands, she asked doubtfully, “Both of them?”

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