Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 934: Norman’s Negotiation

Chapter 934: Norman’s Negotiation

He didn’t know if it was because n.o.body from the Fraternity made money at the Continental Hotel, or because Weasel had limited intelligence.

After all, famous from the Fraternity were even more of “bunkers” than the guy whom Luke had just killed, unless Weasel had a higher ranking for them.

At that moment, Selina came out of the shower and sat down on the couch.

Looking at the information on the virtual screen, she asked, “Did you find anything?”

Luke said, “First of all, Weasel gave me some useful information, so I won’t take care of him for now. Secondly, his info is all on ordinary trash, worth at most 10,000 dollars, so I’ll take care of him.”

Selina burst out laughing. “Why do you have to deal with him?”

Luke took a sip of tea. “Because I gave him 20,000 dollars without hesitation. If I don’t want him to give me even more rotten information next time at a higher price, I have to leave a deeper impression on him. He’s much more shameless than Wade.”

Selina was surprised. “More shameless than Wade? No way!”

Luke said, “Okay, that’s only when it comes to a job. Wade took the money, and he will at least get the job done. As a middleman, Weasel isn’t that self-aware.”

Selina recalled how Wade had protected the Cohen sisters on the motorboat. She had to admit that although he was shameless, he had professional work ethics.

“What do we do next?” she asked.

Luke said, “Go to work, investigate cases, eat and drink. We have to give these people time to show up. Daredevil just happened to jump out. I’m sure they’re very excited.”

Selina agreed.

Big Daddy and Hit-Girl were on vacation. Luke had already notified them about the bounty, and told them to take a break for several months.

Selina and Luke had been waiting to catch the big mastermind behind everything, but he hadn’t shown up in the last two days.

Of the five targets, only Daredevil, who had recovered from his injuries, had come out after the bounty was issued.

In two or three days, these hitmen would only become more active in searching for their targets, and wouldn’t leave.

In fact, if Matt hadn’t shown up, Luke would’ve shown his face in the next couple of days and then retreated swiftly, as continued “motivation” for the hitmen.

Now that Lawyer Matt had jumped out and been shot, there was naturally no need to take this step.

After chatting, one went to work and the other went to train.

Not long before, while Matt was being hunted down by the hitmen, someone was on the phone in an apartment building in Harlem. “Stan, they said that there’s something wrong with the goods from last time. They want to talk to you in person.”

“What’s there to talk about? If they want to buy, buy. If not, they can get lost.” Norman Stansfield rummaged through his place as he spoke. “Hm, where’s my Beethoven record?”

The person on the other end of the line smiled bitterly. “Stan, you have to come. Otherwise, they’ll take 10% of our stock to make up for what we lost last time.”

“How long has it been since the last deal?” Norman paused for a moment. “The money for the goods, that’s the rule! Malky, tell them that if they don’t want to die, just quietly hand the money over.”

On the other end of the line, Malky looked at the gang members who were already holding their guns. Feeling bitter, he covered the receiver and said, “He doesn’t sleep very well. He gets angry when he’s woken up. Relax.”

After barely appeasing the drug dealers, Malky walked to a corner of the room, removed his hand from the receiver, and said in a low voice, “Norman, Internal Affairs has already informed us that they’ll be investigating us. We can’t cause any more trouble right now! Otherwise, we’re all finished.”

Pausing for a moment, he continued, “Listen to me. Come over and solve this problem. Then, you can take a few days off. That’ll be good for everyone.”

Norman, who was in pain from the gunshot wound on his arm, was about to curse, but a thought suddenly flashed through his mind: These guys were getting more and more disobedient! He should go and take a look. If they kept talking, he would kill them like that short fatty, Lando.

With that thought, he relaxed.

Killing them would be good. It would be simple and straightforward! In any case, this wasn’t the only place that could produce the goods.

Thinking that, Norman took out his gun and drove to Harlem.

Twenty minutes later, he entered a room on the bottom floor of an apartment building.

One of the criminals wanted to search him, but Norman grabbed his finger and twisted it. “This is my new suit. Get lost.”

There was a crack, and the criminal screamed and retreated two steps.

Everybody frowned.

But after a brief silence, the leader waved his hand, and his four subordinates put down their guns.

Norman approached him. “Alright, Gusman. I’m here. Say what you want to say.”

Gusman said coldly, “Norman, we heard that you killed Lando’s family.”

Norman smiled a little maniacally. “Why? You want to avenge him?”

Gusman shook his head. “No, it doesn’t have anything to do with us how many times he dies. But I heard that it was because he swallowed your goods that he was unlucky. Is that right?”

Norman said, “Yes, but I didn’t kill his entire family. His daughter happened to be away, and I couldn’t kill her.”

Gusman didn’t look happy. “Lando made a deal with you, but in the end, he swallowed your goods, and the 99% purity we wanted turned into 90%. Norman, don’t you think that’s a little coincidental?”

Norman still had that strange smile on his face as he said, “Money for the goods, and accounts settled on the spot. That’s the rule. I sell several tons of the goods every year. No one has ever dared play tricks with me. How many times have you bought the goods from me? Don’t you understand that logic?”

Gusman gritted his teeth. “Norman, we’ve been doing business for seven to eight years. I didn’t check them one by one because I trust you. Are you going to trick me like this?”

Norman said, “Maybe you heard the news and wanted to make use of this opportunity to extort money from me? You said it yourself, I’ve never cheated you. Why would I cheat you this time?”

Gusman said, “Norman, don’t play this game with me. Last time, it was ten kilograms, and you short-changed me 10%. I must get an extra kilogram today, or there’s no negotiation.”

Norman tilted his head and looked at him. “Do you want to die like Lando?”

Gusman’s face darkened. “Are you threatening me?”

Norman snorted. “I can crush a bunch of drug dealers like you with one foot. I’m just telling you a fact. If you don’t want to die, shut up. Do you know how many drug dealers I’ve killed? That lame Fleck, that baldie Joyce, and that sledgehammer Colt; I killed their entire families. Look, I’m still alive.”

Gusman trembled.

He wasn’t scared, but angry.

The baldie that Norman was talking about, Joyce, was his cousin. His entire family had died.

Gusman had always thought that it was an enemy who had taken some sort of revenge on his cousin.

Because disaster had befallen the entire family, most people had thought it was the work of gang members, but it turned out it was Norman.

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