Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 960: Investigating a Case Together

Chapter 960: Investigating a Case Together

As they talked, they didn’t forget to nod at Katherine Beckett, who was looking at them.

Beckett only smiled politely before she turned back around to instruct her two subordinates, who were laughing foolishly for some reason.

She wouldn’t reprimand Javier and Ryan for that.

Luke and Selina were ordinary detectives, but they didn’t have low positions.

They were frontrunners in solving cases, and there were rumors that Luke was good at fighting. He had also found the hitmen who attacked Walter, and all the old detectives in the police department were very friendly toward him.

They also had a good relations.h.i.+p with John and Joe, these two sly foxes.

With Dustin’s support on top of that, n.o.body in the police department wanted to come into conflict with them.

Both of them had good manners, good looks, and a good reputation. If it wasn’t because Beckett was especially busy with the transfer, she would have talked to them earlier.

After all, Luke, Selina, and Beckett were the best looking detectives in the department. It was impossible for them not to feel close to each other.

At that moment, the two groups of three left the department separately.

At the door, Elizabeth parted ways with Luke and Selina to return to the intelligence department.

Luke and Selina, however, headed in the same direction as Beckett and the other two.

Walking a little ahead, Beckett turned her head to talk to her subordinates, Javier and Ryan, and noticed Luke and Selina. She slowed down and asked, “Are you going to the parking lot too?”

Luke nodded. “Working a case too?”

Everybody laughed.

Of course, it wasn’t a funny exchange. It was just a regular conversation between detectives, like ordinary people asking each other if they had eaten.

They went to the parking lot, but Javier and Ryan, the “weak” personnel, subconsciously fell behind the three “bigshots.”

They might be older than the other three, but there was a huge gap between their abilities and their positions.

In the police department, age needed to be backed up by ability in order for a person to be deemed qualified.

Aware of the disparity, they didn’t want to go forward. Even if this walkway was wide, five people still couldn’t walk side by side.

Actually, Selina hung back a little, leaving the conversation to Beckett and Luke.

They had been partners for a long time, and Luke had always been the one to set the tone for their first contact with other people. She wouldn’t say anything at first.

For easy-going Selina, it was very hard for her to quickly determine if someone had an ill nature, and she was more friendly with most people.

Luke, on the other hand, was just polite with most people, and wouldn’t get close to just anyone.

He was the one who curbed her shortcoming of being over-friendly.

It was the first time that Luke and Beckett, this beautiful colleague, were speaking to each other in person.

Beauties weren’t rare to Luke.

Of course, it wasn’t common to see a woman like Beckett who was still pretty without makeup. She had short black hair and soft, slightly doll-like features.

After chatting for a while, they ended the conversation without even the “let’s get a drink after work when we’re free” that was the most common invitation among colleagues.

A great beauty like Beckett had a different sensitivity to after-work invitations compared with middle-aged men like John and Joe.

Unless she extended the invitation herself, it was best that men who weren’t interested in her didn’t say anything.

But it was also easy for her to be misunderstood if she opened her mouth. With Luke around, Selina was also lazy to make conversation, since everybody wasn’t familiar with each other.

Following behind like attendants, Javier and Ryan had no opportunity to intervene.

Thus, when they reached the parking lot, both parties smiled politely and went their separate ways.

Before long, Beckett and her two subordinates charged out of the parking lot.

Luke also drove out unhurriedly.

Clearly, Beckett’s case was more urgent than Luke’s.

He drove slow enough for Selina to read the case file before they met the troublesome couple.

Selina, on the other hand, chucked the file onto the console. “Scan the information and establish a new file. Code name…”

She looked at Luke to see what he was thinking.

“Code name, troublemaker.” Luke gave the case an appropriate name.

In less than a minute, Selina turned on the tablet, and the image was synchronized with the screen on the console in front of Luke so that he could look at it when he needed to.

With his current attributes, Luke could even vaguely see the trajectory of bullets. His memory and reaction speed were many times faster than that of an ordinary person.

It was definitely dangerous for an ordinary person to be distracted while driving, but Luke was more efficient than an ordinary person when it came to multi-tasking; there wouldn’t be any problems.

Selina started the brief. “Jeffrey Soderberg, 52 years old, a famous financier in New York. The Goldberg Fund is his, and his a.s.sets are worth around a billion dollars. His wife, Aurora Soderberg, is 43 years old and mainly manages various charity funds funded by her family. Most of the time, it’s Laura who’s responsible for donating to the various departments in New York. Hm, she’s also a major player in the ‘face appreciation society’.”

Luke found that odd. “Isn’t she afraid of being called out for discrimination?”

It wasn’t easy for the poor to sue the rich for discrimination, but once the latter became the subject of gossip and derision, their standing would collapse.

A powerful couple that was willing to donate millions to charity every year to uphold their image shouldn’t be so stupid.

Selina continued flipping through the file. In the end, she burst out laughing. “This Madam Aurora seems to be quite proud. It seems she’s at odds with some of the upper-cla.s.s ladies in New York. The rumor is that they’ve mocked her before for her poor taste in men, and they’ve become enemies.”

Luke was even more confused. “Shouldn’t they be bickering over newspaper or magazine appearances? What does it have to do with looks?”

Selina said uncertainly, “It’s probably because they said that the person she likes is… ugly? The file doesn’t mention that. It’s on a piece of paper from Dustin.”

Luke glanced at the words which Dustin had casually written on the paper and was lost for words.

Selina said, “Fine, I’m relieved. At least I won’t be cla.s.sified as ugly, right?”

Luke said gloomily, “They’re rich white people.”

Selina was lost for words. “Is it true that surface discrimination is ultimately racism?”

Luke tilted his head and thought for a moment, but still shook his head. “Maybe in the end, it still has to do with looks?”

Glaring at him unhappily, Selina continued, “More importantly, our mayor’s last name is also Soderberg, and he’s Jeffrey’s cousin.”

Luke wasn’t surprised since Dustin had mentioned it earlier. He simply sighed. “No wonder. They’re rich and influential.”

They reached their destination and entered the parking lot. When they got out, Luke said with a smile, “Hey, Beckett and the others are here too?”

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