The base of the fountain is so high that he really can’t see what’s going on around the bottom of the pool without climbing up. Angel jumps directly up and flies into the air and observes the details of the pool from a higher vantage point.

There is not much water in the fountain pool, only a shallow layer, it looks dense enough to have a touch of watery mist. The peeing child’s “pee” falls into the pool and splashes a few white ripples from it’s sparkling line.

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about it. The water looks like ordinary water, and the bottom of the pool is made of white brick tile, which can be seen at a glance. It wasn’t until Angel turned around to the other side of the pool that something suddenly looked wrong.

On one side of the statue, behind the back of the peeing child, there is something like a doork.n.o.b extending from the base of the statue. Angel said in his heart, “Is there something behind the base of the statue?”

With this in mind, Angel flew near the base of the statue and gently tugged at the doork.n.o.b.

As the door opened, a hole a little higher than the surface of the water, about 1.5 meters above the water, appeared in front of Angel’s eyes… … there was no light in the hole, making it completely dark. Angel turned on the flashlight and swept through the entrance, showing that there was a staircase.

Suddenly, Angel’s eyes suddenly opened wide!

The stairs are real, but the direction of the stairs is not down, but up!

Imagine that there is a staircase at the base of a small statue, and the direction of The Staircase is Going Up, which means that there should be a path up. But Angel flew around the statue several times, all around is empty s.p.a.ce, without any hindrance. This is very strange, this path is like a building coming out of thin air, traveling to an unknown place. Just like the legendary path to heaven, there is no dependence on it’s emergence, just going straight to the other side of the kingdom of G.o.d.

If he had only been taught by Jon and no one else, the scientific minded Angel would have been confused at this time. But through the influence of Sanders library, Angel also has his own views on some of the mysteries of this world.

“Perhaps this is also s.p.a.ce technology, similar to a gap between potential plane channels?” Angel thought.

Angel looked at the unknown pa.s.sage and hesitated whether to go in or not-

It was difficult to find this pa.s.sage, and Angel naturally wanted to go in and discover what was in there. But he is only one person now, who knows if this pa.s.sage is an exit to the outside world or not. If he stepped in, he might miss his meeting with Mentor.

But if he doesn’t step in, Angel will continue to feel an itch of adventure, and he’s seen a lot of treasures these days in the Nightmare Plane, and if that’s where the Guidance Method resides, he can record the guidance with the Holographic Tablet in advance. After all, Sanders once said that this Guidance Method is so special that he can’t even recall it. If one leaves the Nightmare Plane, they will forget the contents of the Guidance Method. If he is the first to record it with the Holographic Tablet, even if he goes back to the real world and forgets it, he won’t have too much to worry.

If he waits for Mentor Sanders in order to go in together, he dares not expose the existence of the Holographic Tablet, and will naturally be unable to record it anymore. Of course, the premise of everything is that behind this door is the Guidance Method Mentor Sanders has been trying to recall for several hundred years.

If behind the door is in fact the Sewer Labyrinth exit, then when Angel steps in, he will have missed meeting Mentor Sanders.

That’s why Angel is hesitating. This is his main concern for whether or not to go in.

Finally, Angel grit his teeth thinking of the cruel reality of the Wizard Plane, one cannot struggle without an indomitable will, otherwise they will never escape struggles in this cruel world alive. Large waves crash the sand, either you crash on the beach, or ride the backside of the wave, only without fear can you be a wave rider, riding hard from the top as you take the opportunity to travel through the barrel on your way out.


Angel thought of this, with hesitation in his eyes but a trace of decisiveness as well, he bowed himself into the wooden door at the base of the statue.

The wooden door was not high, but Angel thought that the pa.s.sage inside would be even more narrow, but unexpectedly when he stepped onto the stairs, he no longer felt it was narrow at all.

He could not even see the distance from the top, and there was a boundless darkness on either side of the stairs, and even the flashlight could not shine through this dark fog, it looked like some sort of chaotic s.p.a.ce. Only the stairs under his feet preached any sense of existence.

After walking for about ten minutes, he still hadn’t reaches the end. Angel silently calculates the distance, if the height of the stairs is the same height as the ceiling in the outside s.p.a.ce, then with his current pace, he should have long left the Sewer Labyrinth.

After walking for another two minutes, there was a sudden flash of light ahead. Angel had squinted his eyes while looking up and saw a narrow wooden door that was open with light shining out.

Angel hurried to the wooden door, but did not immediately step in, he looked into the other side with doubt.

He thought the wooden door was an exit, but it did not seem to be. Because the stairs did not come to an end, through the scattered light coming out of the door, he could clearly see that the stairs are still hovering up above, and there does not seem to be an end in sight. This wooden door is just a middle station of the staircase.

Angel lowered his head and looked inside the door.

Inside the door was a small room with a light tube similar to the ones seen in the Sewer Labyrinth overhead tunnel, which had brightened this whole room. At a glance, Angel saw a lot of things in the room, beds, tables and cabinets, as if someone had once lived in here.

Because of his perspective, Angel wasn’t able to really get a good look inside the room, but he didn’t see any traces of magic. So he decided to go in and take a closer look. Maybe the Guidance Method Mentor Sanders mentioned was in there.

Angel bowed his head into the wooden door while looking behind, fearing that when he entered the room, the stairs outside would disappear.

It was clear that his fears were superfluous. There was no change inside or outside the room, the stairs still existed, and the wooden door did not close.

Angel took it easy and rummaged throughout the small room.

The room is not big, tables, chairs and beds take up most of the s.p.a.ce, and all the furniture was hollowed out, so Angel can see at a glance whether there is anything wrong.

The only place in the room where things can be hidden is the nightstand cabinet, but there is a lock in the cabinet. Angel is very glad to have taken the dagger from young Sanders, otherwise it would be difficult for him to pry open the cabinet with his bare hands.

With dagger in hand, Angel did not spend much effort, he pried open the lock on the cabinet.

As soon as the cabinet door opened, a smell of decay like one would expect from not being in the sun for a long time spread throughout the room, and Angel frowned while he looked at what he found, there was a piece of clothing and a green book inside.

The dress, as soon as Angel touched it, turned to ash and crumbled to pieces.

The green cover of the book, although there were signs of decay, but it was not as serious. Angel carefully took it out and gently placed it on the table.

There was a row of font on the cover of the book, but he did not know the language.

Opening to the inside, there is still the same styled font, Angel has not seen this font before, but continued turning several pages, Angel noticed from the dates and notes he speculates: This book is probably a diary or something similar to that.

Because what is written on each page varies somewhat, with the same footnotes in the header of each page, Angel speculates that this may be the date.

Since it is a diary that he does not understand, it should not be the strange Guidance Method that Mentor mentioned. With this in mind, Angel recorded the book which was not too thick. Although he could not understand it at present, he might have a chance to decode the meaning when he returns to the Wizard Plane…

There may be something wrong with the content, after all, it is something from the Nightmare Plane.

After recording it, Angel did not put the book back in it’s place, but directly left the wooden door with it in tow.

Soon after he returned to the stairs, the green book on the table suddenly disappeared, and the lock that had been pried open on the nightstand cabinet returned to its original condition. If someone opens the nightstand cabinet at this time, it will now return to what Angel was able to see in the beginning. The clothes have not yet turned to dust, the books are well placed in the same s.p.a.ce, and everything there seemed to have been frozen in time.

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