Angel’s mood expanded as the sound of the footsteps approached.

The sound of these footsteps did not head straight to the study, but advanced to the other room.

After thinking about it, Angel decided to go out and see who the visitor was for himself, even if it was not Sanders, and instead a demon, he could still run away in the direction of the empty hall.

Thinking of this, Angel immediately sprang to his feet.

As he quickly rose to his feet, the chair in which he sat in naturally slid back, quickly screeching against the floor while making a “screech” sound.

In the silent s.p.a.ce, the sound clearly echoed pleasantly to the ears.

Even Angel himself was startled by the sudden noise.

“Who is that?” A hoa.r.s.e low voice came from the room next room door.

Hearing this familiar voice, Angel’s mind flashed a shadow of Mentor Sanders, and unlike the younger version of Sanders, this voice was less green and more stable, could it really be Sanders?

“Is that you, Angel?” The man left the room next door and slowly walked towards the study where Angel was sitting.

Hearing his name, Angel was overjoyed and tentatively said, “Men… …tor?”

As Angel’s voice fell, the door of the study was pushed open and a handsome middle-aged man appeared standing at the doorway while wearing a black gentleman’s outfit. He looked at Angel standing up from near the desk and raised his eyebrow.

“I didn’t think it was really you, Angel.”

Looking at the shadowy figure at the door, Angel’s originally perturbed heart, unexpectedly and inexplicably settled down.

It was really Sanders, the one who entered the Nightmare Plane together with Angel, the older Sanders, and not that young and murderous Sanders.

Sanders approached and saw the open journal sitting on the table in front of Angel, and with a faint smile coming from a corner of his mouth, he said: “Looks like you found the guidance method before I did. Did you enjoy reading it? What do you think of it?”

In this unknown and strange world, to see his only acquaintance, Angel could not hide the excitement coming from his heart, even his tone of speech held a simple meaning that came from the corner of his mouth: “En, seen it, it’s very good! Unfortunately, it is only half… …”

Sanders declined to comment, but went up to him, picked up the journal and quickly flipped through it. All his memories that had been obscured by the Nightmare Plane, had returned. Naturally, his memory of this guidance method journal also came back, and with this simple glance, he remembered everything.


“30% guaranteed fit, this should be the highest guaranteed fit value of a guidance method that I have ever seen thus far, although there is no follow-up method, and this is only the first half, it is already considered a supreme treasure.” Sanders sighed slightly.

“But forget about this guidance method for a moment, let’s start with you.” Sanders put down the journal and stared straight at Angel.

“Start with me?” Angel was confused for a moment, not knowing what Sanders meant by his words.

Looking at the puzzled Angel, Sanders smiled, reached out, and lifted a strand from Angel’s golden head of hair. “As I expected… you came to the Nightmare Plane with your soul… wait, no, what is this?!”

Suddenly, Sanders’s face had changed dramatically, and he quickly moved a few meters away from Angel, looking at him with an expression of bewilderment and confusion: “Who are you?”

Angel looked confused as well. “I’m Angel!”

“Angel?” Sanders chuckled, “With Angel’s strength, how would it be impossible for him to get here. Your breath is as deep and profound as the endless sea. Why should you pretend to be Angel?” Sanders said, “My breath is profound as the sea? So I disguised myself as… …me?” Angel was completely confused, he doesn’t know what Sanders is talking about.

“Mentor, I’m Angel! As soon as I entered the Nightmare Plane, I was sent to the underground labyrinth, and it was not easy for me to get here.” Angel felt aggrieved.

Sanders cannot believe his eyes, but he began to clearly speculate about this situation.

Angel can only explain himself over and over again, saying that he is the real Angel, and almost crying towards the end.

Sanders looked at his eagerness to identify himself, and was little confused, he saw that his expression did not seem to be false, but why was the breath on his body so profound that Sanders thinks back to being pressured by that great being behind Gloria. Besides that moment, he has never felt so oppressed before. Sanders, in addition to feeling this breath of terror, also seems to smell a faint fragrance with his nose, not knowing particularly where it comes from?

Speaking of this breath, from far away, he did not feel it at all. But once he gets up close and stands right next to Angel, this breath of terror rears it’s ugly head and shows that it has been impolitely rooted on Angel, as long as a creature comes near, the endless pressure will immediately spread, forcing any creature to flee.

“You… are Angel?” Although Sanders still sounded doubtful through his words, his tone was much more stable than before.

“I really am Angel!” Angel nodded, and to prove himself, he took out half of the Twisted Protozoa from his inner pocket.

Sanders looked at the other half of the Twisted Protozoa, and looked deeply at Angel… finally, instead of Angel acting and speaking so suspiciously, he took out some evidence, after, Sanders suppressed his instinctive discomfort and sat near Angel on the other side on the table.

“Tell me about your experience after you were transported to the Nightmare Plane, how did you come to find this place?” Sanders finger gently taps the table with extreme regularity and with an unknown amount of force so that Angel’s previous excited and swinging mood quickly calmed down.

“I entered the Nightmare Plane after you, appearing directly in the underground labyrinth.”

“Looks like you were out of luck, Angel.” Sanders raised his leg and folded it as the expression on his face was no longer tense: “But you arriving here means that you were lucky as well.”

Angel continued: “Where I appeared, there were two demons next to me. These demons were only heads, they had red eyebrows, a big eye but only an eye hole, no nostrils but two holes, and a thick white beard. They looked terrifying. ”

“I was afraid that these two demon heads would attack me, so I jumped away and flew towards the sky in order to escape, but they didn’t seem to want to attack me at all.”

Sanders thought for a moment and said, “A demon that was only a head? You should be talking about a flying skull demon, which is a low-level demon but still very powerful in comparison to you.”

Speaking of this, Sanders said with a funny expression, “You couldn’t have escaped by flying in the air, the specialty of these flying skull demons is flying. And it was very strange that they didn’t attack you immediately.”

“Ah, it turns out that they can fly also… …” Angel muttered to himself, “Mentor, when I entered the Nightmare Plane, how was I suddenly able to fly, what’s going on here?”

Sanders said: “This is a talent issue, I was going to speak about it earlier, because you are only using your soul to enter this plane, and the soul is not an ent.i.ty of the physical world, it is normal for you to be able to fly.”

“Did I just enter as a soul?” Angel stares with wide eyes at Sanders.

“Yes, you entered with only your soul, we’ll talk about your talent later, go on with your story.”

Angel nodded, but there was some doubt in his heart. If he had really just entered with his soul, what about the Holographic Tablet? Has everything he recorded been fake? When he travels back to the Wizard Plane, will it all disappear?

This uneasiness in Angel’s heart was not reflected on his expression, so while facing Sanders, he still talked eloquently about his experience along his journey. Besides hiding the existence of the Holographic Tablet, Angel did not lie.

“The flying skull demons did not chase me, but in order to confirm my position and find the coordinate points left by Mentor, I chose follow a random direction. But the tunnel I chose was very strange, I flew a long distance before I knew where I was going. There was no light in this tunnel, so it was completely dark without any visibility.”

“You said you went into a completely dark tunnel?” Sanders suddenly looked at him with a very strange expression on his face.

“Yes, because it was so dark, I could not help it, I could only keep on flying in the dark without being able to tell which direction I was going.” Angel hid some details about the Holographic Tablet’s flashlight. “Then I flew for a long while before finally reaching an odd place.”

“Kept on flying? No demons intercepted you?” Sanders was so surprised that his voice raised a little higher: “Like a vine or something?”

“Vine? Is Mentor talking about the big mouth flowers? … … Oh, the big mouth flower is my own original name for them, they are a kind of flower with a mouth, they were very interesting. Their vine roots are what saved me.” Angel spoke truthfully.

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