“I won’t regret it.” David replied firmly.

Looking at the interaction between David and Angel, Promi has been sipping wine and smiling at the corners of his mouth. Promi was naturally very happy to see how harmonious their relationship was. Before, he was quite appreciative of David’s ingenuity. Now, coupled with his and Angel’s relationship, he has elevated David’s position in his heart.

Promi thought to himself: “When the commission of my benefactor is finished, perhaps I can focus on cultivating David.”

“Just before, because of the thing with Blackjack had disrupted my thoughts, I almost forgot to ask. Why are you here today? Don’t say you were waiting for Master Promi who usually comes on a whim.” David asked.

“If you didn’t just ask me about it, I almost would’ve forgotten myself.” Angel scratched his head with embarra.s.sment and said: “I originally came by here today to say thank you. But due to some problems I had encountered on the way, I went to see if there were any wizard robes in your shop.”

Just now, Angel simply explained the process he went through to buy a wizard robe.

Promi laughed and said: “Although wizard robes are very low-level alchemy items, it still at least requires a junior alchemy wizard to refine a wizard robe. It’s not as though this is a Wizard Market. There’s no possibility that the tailor shops outside can hire an alchemy apprentice. Even if you can afford one, no one is willing to take the offer.”

“I’m sorry, but there are no wizard robes in the shop either.” David paused and said: “But if you don’t mind, I can lend you a wizard robe.”

Angel thought about it for a moment. It seemed a bit rude to borrow someone else’s wizard robe. But if there are no problems, he would only have to borrow it for a day. Anyway, he had borrowed Sanders clothes, so it shouldn’t be a big deal to borrow David’s. Thinking along these lines, Angel decided to not shy away from the offer and borrow the wizard robe for a day!

At this moment, Promi suddenly said: “The wizard robe I received from the Resource Allocation Hall is still there. I abandoned it long ago and replaced it with a more functional one that I have on now. If you need it, I can give you my old wizard robe.”

Angel quickly waved his hands and said: “No need to give it to me for free, let me just buy it.”

Promi didn’t insist either way. Anyway, he just wanted let Angel know he was treating him well.

“That’s fine. My wizard robe hasn’t been worn for over 40 years, so the corners are a little fringed. I’d also feel embarra.s.sed if I overcharged you as well. How about 2 magic crystals?” Promi offered.

Angel also doesn’t know the price of wizard robes either, but he thought with every apprentice entering the Savage Grottoes being able to receive one. Even if the wizard robe enter as a ranked item, the price shouldn’t be too overly expensive.

“Well, I don’t have any magic crystal. But can I swipe my bone card?” Angel said.

“Of course.” Promi replied.

After paying the points, no one knows from which corner Promi pulled out an old box.

The box itself looks a little rotten, but the wizard robe Promi pulled out from the old box looks as good as new.

“Fortunately, the wizard robe itself has a depicted dust removal spell, or else I’d be embarra.s.sed if it rotted away in the box.” Promi handed Angel the wizard robe as he joked with a smile.

Angel looked at the wizard robe in front of him with the corners of his mouth looking slightly stiff.

The colour of this basic wizard robe is actually—purple, which makes it look both coquettish and bright!!!!!

Although there are no other patterns on the wizard robe itself. The colour alone scares him. In his past, he never hated the colour purple and also happens to have several purple handkerchiefs. Purple represents the mystical, melancholy and tranquil. But the wizard robe in front of him isn’t the purple in his memories at all… He never expected there would be such a coquettish purple in this world!

Angel looked up at Promi, who was also wearing another purple coquettish wizard robe with sequins of gold and silver decorations.

He always thought that Promi wearing a coquettish purple wizard robe would be only worn on occasion. Just like him and his brother Leon having pink shirts with lace edges in their wardrobe. Only occasionally wearing it so as to not remind people of the metaphor behind pink.

But he didn’t expect that behind Master Promi’s generous and kind face, unexpectedly hid such a sultry heart!

“Don’t you like it? This colour was the only one at the beginning that I had managed to get.” Promi’s nearly middle-aged face showed a hint of “juvenile pride.”

“Good, good-looking, absolutely handsome.” Angel said as he smiled stiffly.

Anyway, I’ll wear it for one day. Bear with it! Angel thought in his heart.

Angel has foreseen that his Milk Baron reputation as a dandy pervert is bound to show in reality. As soon as the coquettish purple colour makes an appearance, people will try to punish and banish this evil. Because wearing this fashion statement was already the greatest “evil” there was.

When the ringing sounds from the bell tower spread all over the Underground Market, Angel also bid his farewell.

“I will also be there to support you in tomorrow’s match!” David waved goodbye to Angel who had already gone far away.

Angel jerked and stumbled as he looked back and said: “No, you don’t have to come, it’s quite alright.” Besides, he felt embarra.s.sed fighting in this coquettish purple wizard robe, okay?

David took out a whole stack of tickets from his pocket: “I bought all the tickets for the eleven matches already!”

Angel made a stiff “hehe” sound, and resolutely turned to leave.


The next day’s match, Angel saw how frightening the stigma of the name of “Milk Baron” has truly become.

Before he went on the platform to fight, the other contestants gathered in the backstage contestant area and began criticizing him loudly. When he approached, they stopped talking. But their looks of fear and disgust were self-evident.

During the official match, Angel once again felt boundless malice rolling in.

There weren’t many people in the audience stands, but they all look at him with murderous gazes. 233 said there were “female fans” but he didn’t end up seeing any of them. They were probably scared away by his coquettish purple colour.

Angel’s face remained calm as he heard all kinds of whispers coming into ears calling him “pervert.” He only felt the rising and falling of the drama of life from this event.

Fortunately, he has good psychological quality and can resist the pressure. If this were a lesser man, the innumerable voices of condemnation would’ve crushed their spines under the pressure.

During the confrontation phase, the contestants also learned a lesson from their predecessors and stopped swearing. For fear that Toby would mercilessly turn them into corpses.

Of course, on this day’s scheduled matches, some presumptuous contestants made loud speeches. Angel had already planned to let Toby take a tough approach against his opponents. But when the countdown ended, the other party directly threw in the towel and didn’t give Angel the chance to fight at all. It was especially infuriating when they left the arena. They stood on the arena and enjoyed the cheers and adoration from the audience members as if they had won a stunning victory.

Like a mentally deranged person.

Under the deliberate covert operation of Sky Towers, his opponents weren’t the elite on the Ranking Table, but full of c.r.a.ppy crooked melons and cracked dates. Angel took all his match victories without any suspense for his eleven matches for the day.

By the end of the last match, Milk Baron’s coquettish purple wizard robe had turned into a b.l.o.o.d.y one, which made people disgusted and almost gag from the sight.

More than two months of matches came to an end when he took over the fifteenth-floor information card from Baroque.

“Little guy, your goal has been achieved, will you come by again for another match?” Baroque clasped his yellow book and looked at Angel as he said with a smile.

“Not necessarily.” Angel said coldly. He was very grateful that the persona he had set up for Milk Baron was cold and arrogant. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to talk with Baroque in a pleasant voice.

“Then I’ll first give a piece of advice to the young. The fifteenth-floor matches won’t be as simple as today’s lineup. If you want to dominate with your bird which understands the gravity law insight, it may still be difficult.” Baroque seemed to smile, but his words were tinged with threats.

As his hood drooped slightly, and the eyes under them flashed a trace of hatred.

“Yes, thank you for your advice.” Angel turned away without a trace of fluctuation in his voice.

Baroque quietly watched Angel’s figure move far away, feeling a little strange in his heart: This guy’s att.i.tude seems a little wrong, ah?

At this moment, a graceful figure appeared behind Baroque.

“The taeniasis green velvet spores in his body have disappeared. Only Sanders can clean them up so quickly. Sanders also sent a dark demon shadow servant to replace him in the matches these past two days. It seems that he really values him.” The female voice explained into Baroque’s ears.

Baroque replied: “Sanders knows we can see through the dark demon shadow servant’s ident.i.ty. But still sent them to replace him in his matches, perhaps he is sending us some warning?”

“The Lord means that Sanders knows of our connection with Boyi?” The graceful figure said.

“I’m unsure, but my guess is Sanders probably doesn’t know yet. He probably cares about his disciple being so badly injured in Sky Tower, and is using the dark demon shadow servant to give us a warning.” Baroque paused and said: “Anyway, he has already reached the top and there shouldn’t be any follow-up to the incident.”

“Yes, but it’s strange that if Sanders values Angel so much, Why doesn’t he just give him a Purification Garden quota directly? Why make him work so hard and take part in the matches.” The graceful figure wondered.

“Who knows?” Baroque replied.

“Melanctha, is there any news over there?” Baroque finished the topic of Angel and asked with a solemn expression.

“There is a little news, but I don’t know if it has anything to do with the sudden confinement of ‘that place."” Melanctha said.

“Say it.” Baroque asked.

“Samantha seems to have sent her body double scout to find Rhine Muta. Yesterday, Rhine Muta then went to Phantom Island and ‘that place’ was sealed off by Rhine.” Melanctha explained.

“Samantha, I know her purpose, she came for Sanders Wizard Garden.” Baroque snorted coldly: “They are simply overreaching to deal with the descendant of the Demon G.o.d. However, Rhine shouldn’t allow Sanders to be involved in this matter. Otherwise, there would truly be a problem, and the matter of loss would not just involve two people.”

Speaking of this, Baroque frowned and said: “But, this has nothing to do with closing ‘that place,’ right? Is there a dark curtain in the middle of this play we don’t know about?”


It wasn’t until Angel left Sky Tower that the suffocating pressure in the face of Baroque abated slightly.

The experience of this day was so bad that even if Baroque doesn’t test him, he won’t come back to Sky Tower again.

By this time, it was already 5:30 P.M. and Angel’s coquettish purple wizard robe was too eye-catching. Anyone who watched his fight in today’s matches would’ve recognized him immediately.

People pointed at Angel all the way as a group of malicious tails followed behind.

Angel walked all the way to a remote corner and let Toby attack while the people behind still couldn’t respond.

Under Toby’s advantage of speed, these people were just as vulnerable as wooden blocks. Angel didn’t even make a move and a few minutes later, a crowd of people lay on the ground.

Angel didn’t let Toby leave his arm since he didn’t know if everyone was dead, but it didn’t matter in the end. After confirming everyone who attacked him was down, he snorted coldly and turned to leave.

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