While ** Tower was thinking about his countermeasures. On the other side, Angel felt that he has been really unlucky today.

When he left the central area of Tree Spirit Court and came all the way to Treevine Bus. He was attacked before he even stepped into the border of Apprentice Town after he got off at Crypt Field Station.

A female soul hidden in the shade of a tree had attacked him.


Sylvia still used her Soul Howl. Only causing a minor sense of tingling to Angel’s spirit. Then he heard a low burst of laughter:

“Sure enough, the negative state caused by Soul Howl has little effect on you.” A male voice said.

The speaker was standing on a branch, wearing a broad wizard robe and a hood that completely obscured even his cheeks.

Although he couldn’t clearly see his face, Angel didn’t have to look to know who it was. He could recognize the person just by his strange laughter.

“Saka! Are you in such a hurry to die?” Angel has a gloomy expression. He hasn’t been looking to trouble Saka, but he didn’t expect the other party would come to trouble him first.

Saka smiled nonchalantly and said: “Don’t be angry, I just came by to send you a message… By the way, I just wanted to test your soul quality, my future Third Star.”

When Saka was speaking, Angel had already finished building a spell model in his mental s.p.a.ce.

With the blessing of the Universal Axis, although not instantaneous, Angel is far faster than others in his spell model construction speed. When Saka sensed the magic power fluctuations, Angel’s spell had already been completed. At the same time, a faint crescent mark appeared on the palm of his hand.

“Whizz—”A half-crescent transparent Wind Blade flew towards Saka.

At a critical moment, Saka jumped up and the Wind Blade cut only a piece of his wizard robe and the trunk behind it. In an instant, the tree branch and leaves began rustling as they fell.

Saka made a perfect combat roll and fell from midair, only stopping next to Sylvia.

“Didn’t I say I was just pa.s.sing on a message to you…Today.” Saka said.

Before Saka finished speaking, Angel’s second attack flashed by. It is still a crescent Wind Blade, but what accompanied it was another extremely fast shadow.

The Crescent Wind Blade and a small golden arrow are used by Angel in succession. One is used to cut the midsection while the other is aimed at his head.

In a battle of apprentices, pre-emptive strikes are always the most advantageous. Very often, because of the other side starts speaking nonsense, it will lead to a loss of many opportunities. One wrong step may lead to a terrible outcome.

Saka didn’t transplant any bloodlines, so he used his normal physical reaction to respond. He had difficulty in avoiding the two-p.r.o.nged attack. But he wasn’t alone. After a puff of smoke, a muscular man stood fiercely in front of him.

Daisy Star, Herrington. This Saka’s second soul that he controls.

At this point, Herrington’s soul body was covered by a thin layer of air shield. Both Angel’s Wind Blade and small golden arrow were blocked by this layer of air shield.

“Well, I was thinking that after I sent over the news to you. You would be moved and take the initiative to cooperate with me in the test. In this case, I’d better take the initiative.” Saka’s voice came from behind Herrington: “You can…”

When he heard Saka’s voice, Herrington suddenly rushed to Angel with unprecedented speed.

“Although you are immune to the vast majority of negative effects on the soul. But are you immune to direct impacts on the soul? This is the most important experimental topic I came to test on you today.” Saka’s voice came from under the black robe.

Before being attacked by the person in front of him, Angel subconsciously put up an ice wall. But when he saw Herrington’s translucent body move through the ice wall, he suddenly realized the enemy was a soul body!

He could only roll over on one side, which was enough to avoid the sneak attack. Angel has no direct means of attacking a soul body. So when dodging, his target was still Saka. As long as he solves Saka, the rest of the problems will disappear.

Angel’s left palm touched the ground while he turned sideways. At the same time, his right palm’s half crescent mark shot out Wind Blades like a string of bullets. In a split second, there are nearly ten Wind Blade cast by Angel. These weren’t only aimed at Saka’s fatal points, but these Wind Blades were also cast in places where Saka would dodge.

Angel didn’t believe at this time there would be another Herrington to block his attack.

“Yo, your realm is increasing very fast. The Continuous Crescent Blade can already be cast, and this spell has already surpa.s.sed 5 regular Continuous Crescent Blades.” Saka said with laughter: “As expected of the soul I have my eyes on.”

As Angel had expected, Saka couldn’t escape from the attack. But Angel guessed that the other party should be able to cast a defensive spell to fight another round. Angel didn’t expect that one blow would be enough. He was also carrying his revolver and Wrist-Mounted Crossbow with him. With his thirty Continuous Crescent Blades, he planned to focus on consuming the other party’s magic power.

But Angel’s idea fell through in the end, because Saka didn’t cast any defensive spells at all. More than a dozen Wind Blades all directly hit Saka. In an instant, Saka was cut into several pieces.

“Was it such a simple death? This is impossible…”Angel frowned after tilting his head. However, the blood on the ground and the b.l.o.o.d.y fountain that sprayed out after the artery was cut were all telling Angel that this wasn’t an illusion.

Just as Angel was stupefied, his eyes suddenly darkened.

Angel suddenly saw Herrington fall from the sky with his fist out and ready to land a hard blow on him.

Angel dodged quickly, but it was too late. The fist instantly struck Angel on the chest.

This is wrong! His fist hasn’t hammer down on anybody. Herrington’s hand suddenly opens up and a ray of light shines from his palm to the depths of Angel’s soul.

In Angel’s boundless Land of Souls, this light wasn’t visible at all, but it quickly navigates to Angel’s soul at an extremely fast pace.

Without outside interference, the soul in the Land of Souls wouldn’t move at all. Seeing the light about to attack Angel’s soul, several green petals turned into armour and covered his soul. The light pierced the petals, instantly opening a hole in the petal armour.

Even if the petal armour resists most of the damage, but the follow-up to the aftermath still impacts Angel’s soul.

Angel only felt a sharp pain rising from the depths of his soul. The pain was instantly fed back to his **. The sweat on his forehead was almost visible to the naked eye. At the same time, his eyes were bloodshot and facial muscles spasmed as veins popped out.

This reaction only lasted several seconds. By the time everything had slightly calmed down, Angel had already lost all his strength and had collapsed to the ground.

In his Land of Souls, his soul body was struck by the aftereffects of the light as a scar was left. At the same time, the taeniasis green velvet near his soul body sprayed out little green lights to cover this scar.

Under the cover of these green lights, Angel’s soul finally showed signs of recovery after the shock.

The matter regarding his Land of Souls won’t be discussed for the time being as Angel wasn’t clear on what had happened.

He is now lying on the ground, gasping for breath. After the attack, Herrington dissipated completely.

Angel looked at the other side from the corner of his eye and saw Saka’s corpse scattering a b.l.o.o.d.y smell into the air.

“So, did I win in the end?” Although Angel felt that something was wrong in his heart. But judging from the current situation, it seemed that the result was in his favour.

But just as Angel began rejoicing, Saka’s voice came out of nowhere:

“The experiment has achieved remarkable results by displaying the effects of a direct attack on the soul. Alas… The attack was reduced by nearly 80% of its original strength. This is a really amazing soul, ah.” Saka sighed.

Angel’s pupils sharply contracted as he said: “Saka? You’re not dead?!”

Saka suppressed the sound of excitement and laughter as he said: “Although death is only the beginning for a soul wizard. But before I am promoted to a formal wizard, I dare not abandon my body at will.”

“I’m quite happy to meet you at this time. Although our meeting was brief, it’ll be better the next time we see each other.”

Saka’s voice gradually fades away. The last few sounds were distorted and scattered by the wind until it ended up dissipating.

Angel lay on the ground for a long time, and it wasn’t until his body regained a little strength that he struggled to his feet. At his weakest point, the other side still didn’t attack him. It seems Saka is really gone.

But how did he do that? Angel looked at the scattered corpses on the ground and wondered as doubts arose in his heart.

All of a sudden, he saw a round object near the corpse covered by the wizard robe. The shape of the object was very similar to a… Crystal Ball Contact Device.

When Angel was first attacked by Herrington, he was completely powerless. Now he was feeling a little better, but his steps are still faltering.

Angel is going to see if the round object is a Crystal Ball Contact Device. Just in case, he decided to cast Magic Power Hand and use Magic Power Hand to search and scope it out.

But just as Angel staggered, a disgusting laugh came into his ears.

“Tut tut tut, previously so arrogant. How could such a man be so pitiful? It’s really sad.” The voice said playfully.

Angel looked back and saw three figures emerge from the gra.s.s not far away. Angel is no stranger to these three. It was Queena on the left and Tesla on the right. He met these two in Promi Alchemy Shop while the person in the middle was Crazy Demon Blade, Naru.

Today’s Crazy Demon Blade doesn’t look as arrogant as he used to when he treated David badly. At this time, his whole body is scarred and looks like a defeated rooster.

“Elder brother, that’s the man I was talking about, it’s this guy. If it weren’t for his wanton price increase, how could we lose to those people?!” Tesla pointed to Angel and shouts.

Queena also sneered and echoed the sentiment.

Naru’s eyes looked sinister as he said with hatred to Angel: “Was that you?”

Angel sighed slightly as he thought: It Never Rains but It Pours. His luck today is simply amazing.

“If you want to fight or kill me, hurry up. I have work to do. I don’t want to waste any more time.” Angel said.

Angel didn’t want to bother with their nonsense at all and there was no trace of fear on his face. This calm att.i.tude suddenly made Naru sense that something was wrong in his heart. They arrived when Herrington had attacked Angel. Originally, they wanted to swallow this darkness, but now this person just rolled his eyes.

“Even though you are hurt this extent, you still dare to boast. You two go up and teach this kid a lesson.” Naru said as he took a few steps back.

Tesla was grinning grimly as he looked at Angel with cruel and vicious eyes.

“Weren’t you so arrogant before? Ha ha ha, this is retribution. I thought it’d be a while before I saw you again, but who’d expect I would be presented such a wonderful opportunity in this way.” Tesla said.

Just when Tesla wanted to come forward and teach Angel a lesson, Queena suddenly stopped him.

Queena said with a coquettish smile: “Brother, you are doomed this time. But if you tell me where your alchemy weapons came from, maybe I will be merciful and beg the eldest brother to spare you.”

Queena’s question exactly expressed Naru’s meaning. They all p.r.i.c.ked up their ears to hear Angel’s reply.

Angel asked: “Do you want to kill me?”

“If you don’t tell the truth, there is only one way.” Tesla said sternly.

Hearing this response, Angel sighed deeply: “Originally, I didn’t have any enmity with you. I didn’t want to kill you. It’s a pity, ah.”

Before Angel’s voice fell. Naru suddenly sensed something was wrong and quickly retreat to a farther distance.

But by this time, Angel had reached his palm out, and several Wind Blade slashed towards Queena and Tesla. They were completely unprepared for the attack and the Wind Blades directly cut off their heads.

Blood sprayed like a fountain from their broken necks. One moment the ** was still warm and alive. The next moment, they became headless bodies.

“How can you still cast more Continuous Crescent Blades?!” Naru exclaimed. He had previously seen Angel cast Wind Blade five times already, how can he still cast more? This was completely beyond his imagination. How could the other person’s spell model be so perfect?!

Naru turned around and began running. As a Blood Branch wizard, he almost instantly ran dozens of meters away.

It was hard for the Wind Blades to hit him at this distance.

Angel shook his head, took out his revolver and aimed at Naru’s head before firing a single shot.

The bullet flashed a precision magic pattern light. After a deafening roar, it sank into the back of Naru’s head and finally penetrated through the centre of his brows.

One shot fired, one death.

Angel wasn’t excited to kill these three people. The best of the three people, Naru, was at best mixed with those on the seventh or eighth floor of Sky Tower. If they didn’t have the intention to kill him, Angel would have no interest in dealing with them.

After confirming that no one survived, Angel walked near “Saka’s” corpse and lifted the tattered wizard robe with his Magic Power Hand.

The round object, as Angel expected, was a Crystal Ball Contact Device.

With doubt, Angel infused a little magic power into the Crystal Ball.

A faint line of text appeared on top of the Crystal Ball.

[My dear Treasure Star, kiss~.]

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