“Music box? Is it an advanced cla.s.s music box? What kind of alchemy wizard has so much leisure time?” A wizard couldn’t help but murmur.

In the Silver Card VIP area on the second floor, David also shook his head and said: “Such a beautiful appearance which can be regarded as a work of art… It turned out to be a music box?”

“Speaking of which, Angel, this guy has as much leisure as you do for refining this music box into advanced cla.s.s…” David complained as he turned his head to tease Angel. But he saw Angel with a gloomy expression as his hands kept pressing on his chest the whole time.

“Don’t move! Toby, calm down!” Angel exclaimed loudly.

When Angel heard the item was called “On Cloud 6.” He felt a bad omen. Sure enough, when the auction item appeared, Angel was completely shocked.

The transistor with a great sense of design, waves full of exotic flavour, lines, l.u.s.tre and illusion spell nodes. This all told him that the auction item that Twilight put on the auction floor was his music box!

Why did his music box appear in the auction? Angel thought.

Before he could think about the problem, there was a change of movement in his inner pocket.

A manic and restless mood surrounds Toby.

Angel immediately sensed Toby’s anomaly. This kind of restlessness which kept acc.u.mulating and rising even made Angel feel that when this restlessness reached the limit. Toby would definitely lose his mind.

This location is full of countless powerful wizards at the Twilight InHouse area! How can Angel dare let Toby have an accident? He was so scared at what would happen as he quickly covered Toby and kept whispering:

“Calm down! The matter hasn’t been settled yet. Don’t jump to conclusions!” Seeing Toby’s anomaly, Angel immediately reflected what Toby was thinking.

“Mumble—.” Toby voiced out a low cry of grievance from his chest pocket.

Angel buried his head and whispered in Toby’s ear: “You know, I made another music box early last morning after I gave you one. Perhaps this music box was from Lord Mirror Ji. So don’t worry.”

Angel’s warm, gentle whispers made Toby quiet down a little.

But after a while, Toby began becoming restless again.

From Toby’s mumbling, Angel understands why he grew restless again… Because Toby sensed the music box was contaminated with his scent.

There is no doubt this music box auctioned by Twilight is the one made by Angel for Toby.

But what’s the use of knowing this? It is an established fact that the ship has left the harbour and set sail already.

After getting off the airship when they arrived, he learned Toby’s music box had been loaned to his little friend. He wasn’t afraid of speculating the outcome of the music box with the worst-case scenario.

In fact, he actually foresaw this “worst-case scenario.” But he thought the music box wouldn’t be too precious. So he didn’t voice out his worries and only wanted to warn Toby not to trust anyone completely. He was ready to teach Toby a “profound lesson” when they got back to the Savage Grottoes.

But he didn’t foresee this “lesson” happening so suddenly. This point in time isn’t suitable for his emotions to go out of control. Toby’s “lessons” were felt far deeper than Angel had imagined.

Just imagine, the day before. Toby was happy to share his most precious music box made by his young master with his little friend. The next day, he saw his beloved treasure on the cold auction table. Not to mention losing his music box, Toby was betrayed by his little friend. In addition, the music box was about to be sold right in front of his eyes, which was doubly cruel for Toby, who has always been a happy go lucky bird.

Toby was restless, worried and struggling to come to terms with what was happening. But most of all, his little head was afraid to directly look Angel in the face.

Angel understands how Toby feels. Especially since he gave the music box to Toby. In the end, he lost it himself, causing him to feel shame when facing Angel…

Angel can only comfort him by whispering: “It doesn’t matter, this music box, I can refine plenty more. Echo Flower isn’t expensive. So when the auction is over, we will head back and I will refine a better one for you later…”


Angel’s interaction with Toby is a quiet private conversation.

David couldn’t hear what they were saying. But looking at Toby’s mournful eyes, he remembered what Angel had said once: “I made a music box and gave it to Toby. He likes the music box a lot.”

David vaguely understood something, but it seemed too unreal.

At this time, Twilight on stage continued explaining: “The special features of this music box will be demonstrated for everyone in a moment. Now everyone can admire it.” Twilight pointed to the position of the energy chamber and then infused a bit of magic power.

In an instant, an aura field for the stillness of mind spread from the music box.

“This seems like… some kind of meditation effect?” A wizard wondered.

“This is absolutely a tranquil magic pattern! I’ve seen a similar item in Sky Machinery City before. It was a pillow engraved with a tranquil magic pattern which brought a good night’s sleep!”

“However, this doesn’t make sense. A tranquil magic pattern is used to calm the spirit. Why would it be depicted on a creaking music box? How useless!” A wizard commented.

Twilight smiled and nodded as she said: “Yes, this is a tranquil magic pattern. As for the doubts on whether it is well-matched with this music box. I will demonstrate it to everyone later, and then we’ll see.”

When Twilight said tranquil magic pattern, not only did David understand, but Promi also looked at Angel… They both knew Angel had been making a music box. The other day Angel had mentioned in front of them that he was going to depict a tranquil magic pattern under the music box.

It was thought only Angel could think of such a strange and mysterious combination.

Therefore, this music box almost certainly came from Angel’s hands. However, such a paradoxical thing has happened. How did the music box, which Angel was still making two days ago, strangely appear at the Twilight Auction?

They’ve been staying with Angel these days, and haven’t seen Angel bring the music box to Twilight Auction for review.

Seeing Angel coax Toby and stabilize his mood a little, David asked in a low voice: “Angel, what’s going on? Is that… Did you make that music box?”

As soon as David’s voice fell. Toby, who had quieted down a little, began struggling again.

Angel can only throw David a sentence: “It’s a long story, we’ll talk about it later,” and then continued to coax Toby.

In fact… Toby can break away from Angel as long as he exerts himself. But he doesn’t know what to do. What can he do if he breaks away from Angel? His mind is chaotic now, but he knows he has made a big mistake and doesn’t want Angel to be angry. With seeing Angel not very angry, Toby felt slightly relieved. But he began worrying that Angel might ignore him and began struggling to get Angel to focus on him again.

Angel clearly saw that if Toby really wanted to break away. He couldn’t stop him at all unless he could control the gravity law insight in his soul. Therefore, Toby is actually putting on a “touching porcelain” act with Angel. This is the kind of mood when “children make trouble to buy candy, and ignoring someone while continuing to cry until the person pays attention to them.”

Angel understands Toby’s helplessness and confusion but doesn’t expose his little trick. Instead, he tries cooperating with him.

While Angel and Toby were immersed in this two-person world of one man and one bird, David sighed and whispered to Promi: “I guess there’s something else going on. The music box Angel gave Toby was stolen.”

Promi didn’t say anything but said to David: “Angel will tell us the inside story when he is willing to. If he doesn’t want to share, don’t guess. Twilight is about to begin demonstrating the effects of the music box. Let’s watch carefully. I’d also like to know what’s so special about the music box refined by Angel.”

Promi is also an alchemy wizard. Although his path is different from Angel’s choice, Promi is actually secretly competing with Angel. Even though he has never shown it openly, he actually has a faint sense of superiority in his heart. Largely because he follows the most orthodox path of blending. When he communicates with Angel, he mainly teaches him and naturally puts himself at a higher realm than Angel.

However, even if Promi thinks he’s better than Angel in alchemy, and the stuff he’s refined has been sent to Twilight. The auctioned off items in Twilight Auction is the usual auction house rather than during the big auctions which happen twice a year.

But Angel’s refined music box not only went straight to auction when it first came to Twilight Auction House. But it was also placed in such a far back position… Most importantly, the Twilight auctioneer seems to praise the music box, even boasting that “Red Lotus” Lydia will like it.

This series of events made Promi, who secretly thought he was one realm above Angel, somewhat uncomfortable and always felt as if he had been beaten in the face.

As a result, Promi is more concerned about what was so special about Angel’s refined music box.


Twilight placed the music box on the auction table and softly said to the crowd: “As far as the music box is concerned. The most important thing is, of course, the music itself. Therefore, in order to protect the rights and interests of the seller. I will play the piece of music only once, and everyone can appreciate it for themselves. As for whether or not to buy, wait after appreciating the music before making a decision.”

The crowd didn’t expect much from the music box. Although the auction method by Twilight was a bit long-winded, this half-time break of listening to a song should allow them to relax.

Only Lydia, who was named by Twilight, sat in private room No. 1 with her eyes slightly narrowed and firmly fixed on Twilight’s movements.

She saw Twilight take out a piece of cloth which flashed a strange light to cover the music box directly. Then, she reached into the cloth and twisted twice.

With the twist of the bar, the tranquil magic pattern’s aura is fully open, enveloping the entire In-House area.

The tranquil magic pattern’s aura makes the In-House area enter a quiet state. However, the music and fantasy world set by Angel wasn’t cast outside, apparently being covered by the cloth.

As time went by, everyone looked at each other, wondering what Twilight was doing.

Lydia sarcastically said: “Twilight, what are you waiting for?”

Twilight calmly replied: “Don’t worry, Lady Red Lotus. Actually, the music box has been activated by me. But for the benefit of the bidder, I have hidden it. When it comes to the end, I’ll uncover the last piece of the music which you can appreciate.”

This is actually a kind of anti-piracy consciousness. The crowd also understood what Twilight meant, and suppressed their curiosity and waited patiently.

After being soothed by the tranquil magic pattern for about five minutes. Twilight stepped forward and said to the already slightly relaxed crowd: “The music piece has reached the end. Now, we can begin appreciating it.”

Everyone only saw Twilight slightly raise the black cloth, and a strange light was accompanied by melodious music as it slowly spread out from the black cloth.

While the crowd was still wondering what was happening, circles of water lines suddenly appeared in the s.p.a.ce around the In-House area.

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