“Angel, where have you been?”

As soon as he stepped into the restaurant, he saw Shalem waving at him from afar.

“I haven’t seen you all day. I thought Hooked.i.c.k was troubling you.” Shalem carefully wiped the table. “For this reason, I went to her excellency Lord Asbay, and can you guess what I saw?”

Her excellency Lord Asbay… … Angel was stupefied for a moment before he remembered Lord Asbay whom Shalem refers to was Nausica.

“What?” Angel sat down with a plate of food and placed a piece of white toast into in his mouth.

“I saw Hooked.i.c.k gather with a group of people to try and contain Lord Asbay, but instead, they were beaten up by her excellency Lord Asbay. They seemed to understand their place after they left with those black and blue faces. I guess they won’t dare go out for the rest of the month.” Shalem said happily, but didn’t forget to wipe the table over and over again until he confirmed that there wasn’t a spot of dust before setting his thick book on the table.

“That guy’s resilience is quite good, although his neck injury hasn’t yet fully healed, he went out looking for trouble, I really don’t know where he finds the courage, but yesterday he went to block Nausica and kept getting beaten.” Angel laughed when he heard this.

“Yes, I’m surprised at why he did so as well. Angel, your bird covered him in b.l.o.o.d.y injuries, and obviously these injuries have not yet fully recovered, so why even try to block Lord Asbay.” Shalem enjoyed drinking his vegetable juice and eating the barbecue but did not forget to interject about what happened.

“Who knows, maybe he woke up and took the wrong medicine.” Angel said carelessly.

Shalem nodded: “Clearly, all the talents know that her excellency Lord Asbay is the strongest talent in this session, with exception of Baruba of course, Hooked.i.c.k may have very well taken the wrong medicine when he decided to mess with her.”

“He didn’t take the wrong medicine, but has fewer folds in his brain.” At this time, a lazy female voice came from behind Angel.

Nausica, dressed in white casual clothes, came to both of them with a plate.

“Lord Asbay!” As soon as Shalem saw her, his eyes lit up, and he stood up to bow at Nausica in a very respectable manner.

Nausica froze for a moment, and did not get angry, but said: “Do not call me so formally, just call me Nausica.”

“But….. … Lord Asbay is such a powerful figure that even my Queen wants to be an acquaintance with… …” said Shalem.

“Generally speaking, only those who want something from me, or those who just want to talk to me will call me with any honorific. As for my friends, I wish they could call me by my first name.” Nausica put down the plate of food and sat next to Angel. “So, do you want me to call you Sir Pustina?”

“No… … your excellency, will you call me Shalem. ”

“And about calling me your excellency?” Nausica raised her brow.

“Uhm… … Miss Nausica. ”

Nausica veiled her mouth with her hand and smiled secretly.

“Speaking of which, Angel did not leave his room throughout the day, he wasn’t oversleeping was he?” Nausica eats her meal elegantly and highlights a topic of conversation.

Angel smiles gently but did not answer.

As the group casually chatted over dinner, Nausica had unknowingly began talking about what Shalem had just spoken about earlier: “I was so right in knowing what Hooked.i.c.k was going to do. He felt so confident about himself and thought that he would for sure be a formal wizard. So he went to talk to me about his future achievements, and wanted to form a camp with me to deal with you… … little brother Angel.”

Nausica shrugged. “Of course, as you know, I beat him up.”

When Shalem heard this, his face flashed with disdain. “I don’t know where his mysterious confidence came from.”

“Maybe he got another opportunity.” Angel said.

“Maybe.” Nausica suddenly remembered that last night, by chance, she saw Hooked.i.c.k standing with a little gray haired old man that she had never seen before. Did this little old man give Hooked.i.c.k the confidence, or was he fascinated by this old man?

“Shalem, you were so serious about wiping the table and placing your book that I thought you’d already opened it.” As Angel was eating with Shalem, even though he had no intentions of hearing him flip through his book at all, he noticed something, and wondered why Shalem would clean the table so seriously in the first place if he wasn’t going to open his book to read? He might as well have kept it in his backpack.

Shalem froze for a moment, then looked at the book on the table, his eyes held a trace of nostalgia.

“This book… … is very important to me.” Shalem had only said this, and then stopped talking. Angel guesses that there is probably a story behind, and since Shalem doesn’t want to speak of it, he won’t continue asking.

After drinking his last sip of vegetable juice, Angel stood up.

“I finished eating and will go back first, you two, take your time.”

Nausica:, “All right, why don’t you swing by my room for a drink later?”

“According to the law in my hometown, I still have three years to go before I reach legal drinking age, so sorry.” Angel waved his hand and said something before his figure left them: “We’ll have something to do later, let’s get together when we arrive at the Savage Grottoes tomorrow.”

After Angel left the restaurant, Shalem and Nausica looked at each other.

Nausica: “Will we be arriving at the Savage Grottoes tomorrow?”

Shalem: “That’s what he seems to be implying, but what I’m more curious about is, how would he know we’re going to arrive there tomorrow?”

Nausica: “Maybe he has another channel, after all, his ident.i.ty… …” Nausica came to a conclusion, and Shalem understood the hidden meaning behind those words.

“By the way, did you smell Angel?” Nausica had been sitting next to Angel, always getting a faint smell coming to her nose, which made her feel refreshed. It was strange that she should feel so refreshed.

… …

Angel walked all the way to Sanders room, the front was guarded by servants, but the guards did not stop him, presumably his mentor had already informed them.

He is the only one that entered Sanders room. When Angel saw Sanders, he was writing something quickly about the < Singularity Scattering Meditation > that Angel had silently written down yesterday.

“You, sit down for a while.” Sanders did not look up, but let Angel sit aside while he threw him a crystal tube, “This is from our trip to the Nightmare Plane, your opportunity was not small, your mental force value has also increased a little bit, you can retest, it should be a surprise.”

“Surprise… …” looking at the crystal tube in hand, Angel was surprised, and soon only became frightened. He did not forget the pain from testing his mental force value the day before.

Angel sighed and retested his mental force value.

Once again, after facing the pain from the test, Angel took a break to gather himself while gasping for breath and looking at the scale.

“15.00.” It is nice to have gained two more points.

Angel thought of the Cold Night Potion he had brought back yesterday from the Nightmare Plane, and if he drank it, his mental force value would reach 17.00. Then his guidance efficiency will improve even more!

Although it was a painful test, Angel was happy when he got the result.

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