“d.a.m.n it! These are ranked magic pattern arrows!” Wasteland Warrior couldn’t believe his eyes!

The spectators outside the stadium were all transcendent people. Naturally, they also saw the remarkable features of Angel’s small arrows and commented in succession: “This boy is too prodigal. The weapon did not enter the ranks of alchemy works, but the ammunition did! This is unreasonable!”

“Which Alchemy Wizard actually has the free time to refine so many ranked alchemy ammunitions? Did Master Promi make these?”

“No, Master Promi is following the path of blending. This is the path of enchantment. We, the Savage Grottoes, haven’t had an Alchemy Wizard on the path of enchantment for a long time.”

“Is this from a new Alchemy Wizard?”

“Whoever it is… this Alchemy Wizard has too much free time…”

As these words were uttered, the mood of all of the people from the audience suddenly fluctuated.

A new Alchemy Wizard.

A very idle Alchemy Wizard.

An idle newcomer Alchemy Wizard who is idle enough to make so many entry-level ranked munitions for a First Level Apprentice!

Normally, Alchemy Wizards are too busy to meet people. Every time they send a shipment of products. People have to wait in line and rush to snap them up immediately. Just thinking of Promi Alchemy Shop. They remember many people queuing up at the door every day, but Promi stays in his laboratory all year round and seldom goes to his alchemy shop. But even so, this does not dampen the enthusiasm of the customers lining up.

In other words, Alchemy Wizards are too scarce!

If he can come into contact with an Alchemy Wizard that can refine these ranked munitions. Why would he ask another person to make the weapon he is using?

—In particular, with the recent news brought by the Frost Moon Alliance, if an alchemy weapon is along in the mix, it would allow people more places to operate!

The audience’s mood was going through a myriad of changes, but none of these audience members displayed it. These kinds of small cautious thoughts are enough for them and the next person. Why should they say it out loud and wake up the fools on the other side?

In any case, Angel’s name has been remembered by this group of people.

“Caught by so many magic pattern arrows, Mondo looks like he’s in a dangerous situation!”

Mondo is Wasteland Warrior’s real name. He doesn’t cover up his face as Angel does, so many people already know his name.

“If he wants to pretend to be strong, then we can only say he asked for it.”

The audience’s comment was already discussing what would happen after Mondo was shot. For a moment, let’s look back to a few seconds ago.

Angel covered almost all positions with the arrows, blocking all escape routes from Mondo.

Mondo was full of chagrin and wanted to escape. But there was nothing he could do to avoid the arrows at all. Even on top of his head, two small arrows were coming towards him while glittering with the brilliance from a Sharpened Edge Magic Patterns.

Seeing the situation, no matter where he hides, he’ll end up injured. He can only choose the position that can make his injury the lightest and forcibly change his position.

Turning sideways, he bowed his left leg, and the bloodline from the Earth-Fire Salamander frantically ran wild. His whole body’s defence was completely open right now. Making his Magic power flow into his khaki armour and giving it a fiery glow.

Two Armor-Piercing Magic Pattern arrows grazed across his left arm and leg, while his right leg was completely frozen by the Frost Magic Pattern arrows.

In a twinkling of an eye, the two contestants fighting situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. There is no doubt that Mondo’s defeat has been decided.

Mondo, who was half-kneeling on the ground, only felt hot-headed with his face burning. His injuries are only secondary. As an apprentice in the Blood Branch, his recovery abilities are far better than his peers. What he was ashamed of was his previous grandiloquence, which was immediately refuted with his face being slapped hard!

If he fights normally and doesn’t give his opponent the time to calculate and target his weak points. Even if he is. .h.i.t by a small arrow with a magic pattern. He can still resist it by moving away. But he wanted to pretend to be a big shot and give the other party a real chance to slap his face.

If only he knew earlier! He wouldn’t talk so much nonsense… Now he wanted to cry without tears…

Mondo was so ashamed. He wished there was a crack in the ground for him to drill into.

He even felt that after today’s match, the other members of his team would laugh in his face… Moreover, Horn of War was also in the audience. Mondo glanced at the position of his teammate out of the corner of his eye. Now Horn of War was burying his face while looking away, pretending not to know him. Seeing this scene, his heart ached even more.

Angel stretched out his hand and exposed the Wrist-Mounted Crossbow from under his robe for the first time.

This exquisite piece of mechanical alchemy made everyone present in the stands take a deep breath.

“What a delicate weapon! The Alchemy Wizard who produced this work is really extraordinary!”

“This newcomer is a monster!”

Angel naturally did not reveal his Wrist-Mounted Crossbow just for display. He just points his Wrist-Mounted Crossbow at Mondo, and a magic pattern spreads out from the band below the crossbow. The meaning of the deterrence is very clear.

“There’s also more ranked ammunition!” The audience on the outside exclaimed. Although it didn’t look like there was much left, the crowd seeing this thought the Alchemy Wizard was really too idle!

Mondo also saw Angel’s movements, and naturally, he understood what he meant.

Mondo took a deep breath and said. “Thank you for not killing me. I admit defeat.”

The information card was thrown out by Mondo.

The match is over!

Angel was watched by countless people all the way back to the backstage from the contestant channel. Envy mingles with greed, but more people had curious gazes.

As soon as he arrived backstage, the other contestants surrounded him.

Angel thought they were looking for trouble, but what he didn’t expect was that the surrounding contestant’s att.i.tude seemed to express goodwill. After listening around carefully, he discovered that they were all trying to explore about the Alchemy Wizard who made his Wrist-Mounted Crossbow.

Only then did Angel have a clear understanding about the status of Alchemy Wizards in the Savage Grottoes. It seemed to be really high.

However, as the cold and indifferent Milk Baron, how can Angel have a reason to deal with these people? He snorted coldly to the left and scoffed to the right while drifting away from the angry glares of the crowd.

“Ungrateful son of a b.i.t.c.h.” Just now, a black-haired contestant with a delicate face scolded him and then gathered around a black-haired woman in the contestant area: “Selena, you have a match with that boy this afternoon, but you have to help your brother out before that.”

Selena glanced blankly at her own brother next to her.


“Oh, what?”

“I see.” Selena still gave a simple reply with no waves on her face.

A fat man with a big sword put his hand on the shoulder of the black-haired contestant: “I say DuPont. It’s hard to imagine that you and Selena were born from the same mother. The difference in speech and facial expression between the two of you are really incompatible.”

DuPont heaved a sigh: “I suspect she is not my sister. I also wish I had a delicate and lovely sister.”

Instead of staying backstage, Angel went straight through the contestant area, leaving by cableway from the dedicated contestant channel. Thanks to his cableway departure, he avoided the trouble of being surrounded and questioned about who produced the Wrist-Mounted Crossbow.

When Angel returned home, he became absorbed in his meditation.

On the other hand, after the end of the Milk Baron and Wasteland Warrior match. There was an inexplicable surge in the Underground Market. Some people were quietly circulating rumours of a Mysterious Alchemy Wizard.

This rumour is like ink drops falling into a clear water pond. The faster it spreads; the more ink is spilled. In a short time, clear water will become muddy water. Over time, it will become a new vat of black ink.

Even David, who has always been immersed in alchemy, has heard the news.

He didn’t open for business until late in the morning. As usual, when he opened the door, he saw the crowd outside the shop. But to David’s surprise, however, fewer people are queuing up today than usual.

David, as always, said the same script to the people in line.

“Master Promi didn’t come today. New products will be available in the next few days. Please come again next time.”

In the past, most of the queues dispersed after David said this, but today some people looked disgruntled.

“If we find that alchemy Master, who will come to you? For two months in a row, no new alchemy weapons were produced, and we are treated like monkeys, waiting here… every day.”

This man’s words are like opening a torrential eye. Many people followed suit and echoed his sentiment.

Most of the people in the queue have higher accomplishments than David. He dares not talk back at this moment and can only make amends with a smile. Respectfully sending them away.

When everyone left, David murmured silently: Listening to their tone, has a new alchemy master been promoted?

David didn’t care. He just closed the shop and continued to study his own Spiral Aircraft Generation 3.

At noon, David received a summons from Master Promi, asking David to pick up the goods at his home.

“Hey, is Master Promi sending a shipment of goods today? If I had known, I would have told the people in the queue to wait and wouldn’t have been scolded just now.” David sighed a little in his heart, then put down his work, hastily hiring several workers and headed for Master Promi’s residence.

Master Promi lived at Apprentice Town No. 8, but he did not actually live in the town. Instead, he opened a huge cave in the forest near the town for his daily practice and alchemy experiments.

In the past, when David came in, Master Promi would be immersed in his alchemy experiments and never paid any attention to him.

As usual, David went to the warehouse to take the alchemy items. This time the shipment was quite large. David motioned the hired hands to pick up the goods, while he took out a pen and paper to record each parameter of the items.

To David’s surprise, he found two-finger trigger crossbows and one handheld crossbow. These are small long-ranged alchemy weapons that Master Promi seldom refined before because it is difficult to solve the power problem. He didn’t expect it to appear at this time. Unfortunately, there are no magic patterns.

As David was about to say his goodbyes, he was suddenly stopped by Promi.

“Did you hear anything about the Alchemy Wizard? I asked you to find information on them last time.”

Promi’s question led David to have a moment of confusion until Promi pulled out the golden arrow. Only then did he remember who Promi was asking about.

The golden arrow in Promi’s hand was exactly the same ammunition in Angel’s Wrist-Mounted Crossbow.

But David remembers that Master Promi was just curious about the Alchemy Wizard and didn’t ask him to find information on them?

“You didn’t ask your little friend, did you?”

David was about to speak, but he suddenly remembered Angel’s character. Angel lives like a hermit, and should not want to be disturbed, right?

David replied strangely, “I went asking, but I didn’t see anyone else in his house.”

David’s expression was somewhat awkward when he told a lie. He saw his uncomfortable face through the reflection of metal materials in the distance and saw his eyes when he was lying. David’s heart is full of bitterness. It seems that he will be discovered. Master Promi does not like liars.

Just as he was in a cold sweat, waiting to be criticized by Promi, he heard Promi mutter, “Yes, your little friend is fighting in Sky Tower these days. It is normal not to see anyone.”

“What? Angel really went to fight in Sky Tower?” David’s eyes widened in surprise when he heard Promi’s words.

Promi looked at David doubtfully. “Don’t you know? Isn’t he, your friend?”

David felt his head somewhat grumblingly: “Angel asked for Sky Tower contestant information from me. I didn’t ask him why he wanted it… In fact, he joined the Savage Grottoes only last year. It took him more than a month to get promoted, so I didn’t think he would go to fight in the compet.i.tion…”

David’s remarks are all true. So Promi did not doubt it but showed an expression “so that’s the case.”

“It seems that you don’t know your little friend very well. He not only went to fight in the compet.i.tion but has now reached the first floor of the Three Floors of Death. Just this morning, he also beat Wasteland Warrior Mondo.”

“Angel beat Mondo?” When David heard the news, he couldn’t believe his ears. He couldn’t help exclaiming, “How is that possible?!”

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