Translator: SumTLMan

Pushing open the door of Sanders’s study.

Angel now saw Sanders sitting at his desk, fiddling with something.

Before Angel could be surprised at both mentor and apprentice wearing the same black gentleman’s outfit, especially looking like they were wearing matching parent-child outfits. The thing Sanders was playing with was the alchemy weapon he had been thinking about!

It was a revolver with pure gold engravings.

This revolver was Angel’s secret weapon and his last insurance for his climb to the top of Sky Tower in addition to the Wrist-Mounted Crossbow and Toby.

This revolver was not only engraved with a magic pattern, but also had six bullets in the chamber also engraved with different magic patterns, each with different properties. This weapon is Angel’s biggest killer at the moment!

Since the revolver is with Sanders, what about his Wrist-Mounted Crossbow? Angel walked to the front of the desk and found the Wrist-Mounted Crossbow sitting beside him.

“You are here?” Sanders did not raise his head to look up but continued to play with the revolver.

After Angel replied with an “En,” he didn’t know what else to say. So he hesitated and said his thanks to Sanders: “I heard Housekeeper Goode mention that if mentor hadn’t saved me, I would have been… I’ve caused too much trouble for mentor.”

Sanders looked up and took a glance at Angel: “I just helped you suppress the taeniasis green velvet. The person who really saved you was that alchemy store employee.”

…After hearing it was an alchemy shop employee, Angel reacted and immediately knew Sanders was talking about David. It seems that there is no mistake in his memory. It was David who rescued him away from the battle arena as expected. He also vaguely recalled Promi also being involved in the rescue efforts.

While Angel was standing in contemplation, Sanders opposite to him suddenly picked up the revolver and asked:

“The style of this alchemy weapon is very interesting. Did you buy it at that alchemy store?”

Angel shook his head and said with slight embarra.s.sment: “This weapon is called a revolver. I made it myself.”

Angel had a shy face, but his heart was a little proud. The last time he was at Sanders Mansion. He waited for Sanders to ask about the origin of the Wrist-Mounted Crossbow, so he could show off his accomplishments. But Sanders never asked about it in the end, which made him feel a little sorry.

Sanders raised his eyebrow and said in a slightly sceptical tone: “Did you really create this?”

Angel slightly raised his tail in pride and replied: “Yes.”

Sanders looked up and down at Angel with an unexpected expression on his face. After a while, Sanders suddenly took out a piece of blood copper from his earring and tossed it towards Angel.

“You, smelt this falcon demon blood copper.” Falcon demon blood copper is one of the rarest blood coppers and is much more valuable than the earth demon blood copper used by Angel.

Sanders sudden move seemed to indicate suspicion of Angel lying.

Angel’s heart had slight discontent, but his expression remained unchanged. He simply took the falcon demon blood copper and directly used the Heat Blend Art in front of Sanders.

Others are very careful when using the Heat Blend Art, for fear of uneven input of magic power. However, Angel has the help of the Universal Axis and has become even more adept with the Heat Blend Art after using it for such a long time. Smelting the falcon demon blood copper in hand had become a cinch.

When Sanders saw this, there was a twinkle of surprise in his eyes. He really did not expect his little apprentice had any alchemy talent. What a big surprise this is! Wizards with alchemy talent in the Wizard Plane are very cherished! He personally spent decades trying to study and learn alchemy himself. But alas, he didn’t have any achievements which is a pity for Sanders.

Although the Heat Blend Art is only a level 0 magic, it is the bare minimum threshold for alchemy and is a very difficult spell to control. Even if Sanders wanted to export such fine and stable magic power, he would only be able to do so after he had been promoted to an official wizard. However, Angel has only been in the Wizard Plane for more than half a year and can already master the Head Blend Art perfectly. How can he not be surprised?

By the time the smelting of the blood copper was about the end, Angel had intended to stop at this point. But thinking of the slight suspicion in Sanders eyes just now, he felt Sanders looked somewhat unconvinced. So, he simply used his Magic Power Hand to shape the smelted blood copper.

Sanders saw Angel’s movements and shook his head slightly as he thought: He is still a willful teenager.

Without the combination of other materials, how can he construct any alchemy item with just the blood copper alone?

Angel hadn’t planned to make an alchemy item either. He just wanted to “shock” Sanders with his Form Sculpt. But without the use of any of his tools, his Magic Power Hand Form Sculpt was extremely slow.

At this point in time, Sanders sees Angel not wanting to simply use Form Sculpt as he reaches for an artisan knife.

He also wanted to see what Angel could do.

After receiving the artisan knife, Angel worked even harder. He wanted to use the falcon demon blood copper to sculpt a falcon demon ornament. In his days on the Cloud Whale, he was most familiar with the shape and form of the falcon demon. Within two or three moments, a soaring falcon demon statue was shaped in Angel’s hands.

Just as Angel was about to use Condensation Art to condense the final form, an idea flashed through his mind.

These days he has been thinking about and figuring out how to integrate “sound illusion” into the music box. Although there has not been much progress on this front, he has gained some experience on how to integrate illusions into a condensed object.

The illusion created by the basics of illusions is actually built by changing the magic node and creating an illusion through injecting magic power. Angel is familiar with basic illusions, and he personally has placed basic illusions in a wide-open s.p.a.ce many times.

However, he hasn’t tried laying out a basic illusion in a smaller s.p.a.ce. But in principle, it should still be the same, it is just a matter of shrinking the illusion into a smaller s.p.a.ce in accordance with the proportional distance.

The falcon demon statue is about to take form. When the basic illusion is used in the falcon demon statue, it requires basic illusion nodes to be miniaturized according to the proportional distance.

Angel is used to having a larger s.p.a.ce for arranging illusions, but this is the first time he has tried to set up a microscopic illusion in a small statue.

However, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers and Angel is not afraid of failure. Sanders had only asked him to smelt the falcon demon blood copper, and he has already done so. The following actions are just him performing boldly!

With this spirit of fearlessness, Angel was not afraid at all!

Miniaturizing basic illusions into a small statue requires meticulous care and long-term patience, which Angel does not lack. While a.n.a.lyzing the coordinates of each node and stabilizing the transmission of magic power… Each node was arranged by Angel.

Sanders has kept an eye on Angel’s progress the whole time. When he saw that Angel did not use the Condensation Art, but instead input magic power internally. He at first felt stunned, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised to form a curve.

As the pinnacle of the Southern Region illusion system, how could he not see what Angel was doing? For a long time, wizards in the illusion system have placed illusions in the macro world with little attention paid to the microcosmic world. But in fact, Sanders is very clear about the control and difficulty involved in laying out an illusion in the microcosmic world. The control and difficulty involved is no worse than a layout in the macro world, or may even be worse.

Sanders had originally intended on waiting until Angel advanced to a second level apprentice before mentioning microscopic illusions to him. But he hadn’t expected Angel to think of this himself.

“He really deserves to be my apprentice!” Sanders said silently in his heart.

For the Microcosmic World Illusion, Angel’s first layout was a little strange, but he didn’t expect how difficult it would be to arrange such an illusion. He just wanted the falcon demon statue to have a little bit of a strange effect, so the nodes he chose were relatively simple to arrange.

After about a quarter of an hour later, Angel finished arranging the last node!

Angel’s eyes flashed with a hint of joy, and he quickly used the Condensation Art to condense the form of the falcon demon statue. This was the final but also the most crucial step in the process.

When the Condensation Art is over, Angel immediately examined the statue. It was without a trace of cracks, and there was even a faint fluctuation of magic power. A glimmer of excitement rose in his heart as he marvelled at his creation!

This means the statue was constructed successfully!

After Angel finished making the statue, he looked up at Sanders.

Sanders sat in front of the desk with his fingers clasped and the corners of his mouth with a faint expression of appreciation.

Angel breathed out a little sigh of relief and then placed the falcon demon statue on Sanders desk.

This is a statue of a falcon demon soaring with its wings.

The falcon demon statue’s craftsmanship can only be said to be general. At best, it is up to the standard of an ordinary craftsman, but because Angel is very familiar with the falcon demon. When sculpting, his mind was able to recall the appearance of the falcon demon. The overall effect of the final form of the falcon demon turned out to be very good. In particular, the eyes have the most vivid expression.

Sanders flicked his finger, and a tiny ma.s.s of magic power fell into the statue.

As the magic power melded into the statue, the falcon demon seemed to come to life. A faint falcon demon shadow broke away from the statue and spread its huge wings. It flapped both wings and soared into the sky.

This virtual shadow only existed for a few seconds before gradually fading away.

If one observes it with the three criteria of basic illusions alone, then this illusion would be completely illogical. Not only is it confusing, but it is also unrealistic and would be considered a complete failure.

But if it is just used as a decoration, then it would still be considered a good decoration.

At the very least, Angel believes so.

“It’s well constructed. Although flawed, I’m glad you put into practice and applied your study of Microcosmic World Illusion.” Sanders is very happy in his heart. Whether alchemy talent or illusion talent. Angel being able to achieve a balance of progress, ingenious thinking, and originality shows his ability.

Sanders, who has always been fond of shapes rather than colours, is really overjoyed now and still had a slight smile on his face.

“Your alchemy talent is also very good, but my level of alchemy is very general. I can’t give you any guidance in this regard.” Sanders handed Angel the Wrist-Mounted Crossbow and revolver as he said: “The ingenuity of these two alchemy weapons is proof your mind does not stick to the well-trodden path. Maybe one day, the Savage Grottoes will be able to really herald an alchemy master.”

Sanders teasing made Angel feel slightly embarra.s.sed. The Wrist-Mounted Crossbow and revolver were actually produced by the 3D blueprint Jon left in the Holographic Tablet, and Angel personally didn’t add much creativity to it.

Therefore, in the face of Sanders praise, Angel does not have much pride but rather felt guilty.

After returning the alchemy weapons to Angel, Sanders commented on Angel’s illusion.

When it comes to teaching, Sanders got down to business.

“The day before yesterday, I felt a hint of breath from the Nightmare Plane.”

“Breath from the Nightmare Plane?” Angel said in surprise.

Sanders nodded: “Yes, the breath of the Nightmare Plane is very thin, and it originates from you. That’s why I arrived at the Underground Market and brought you back to Phantom Island in time for treatment. Otherwise, with the taeniasis green velvet spores in your body, you would have died.”

“Taeniasis green velvet spores?” Angel thought of the green pollen when his ** was encroached by Parasitic Mother.

“That’s right. I already saw your match with Parasitic Mother the other day. But I have some doubts which have been unresolved. Tell me what happened when you fought against Parasitic Mother. Why is there a hint of breath from the Nightmare Plane?”

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