Nisi comes to Angel with a stack of parchments full of data.

Pulling Angel along as they walked to the experimental platform on the other side.

“Wait a minute. I’ll give a last check of the data.” Sanders called to stop Nisi.

Nisi responded: “There is absolutely no problem with the data. You have to believe me when it involves experiments for the soul. There will absolutely be no mistakes.”

Sanders frowned and said with a firm expression: “Let me look at the data again. Angel’s soul experiment must not fail, so I must check it again.”

Nisi’s face flashed a trace of uneasiness: “It’s… No, you have to trust me. The results will have no problems. Just now, as we calculated together, Angel’s soul will be left undamaged.” Indeed, just now the two of them have been discussing various key points when Angel’s soul body will temporarily leave his physical body. Finally, they worked out the results together. With these result, it shows the experiment will not cause any lasting damage to Angel’s soul.

However, it was only on a whim that Sanders wanted to give one last check of Nisi’s data. But seeing Nisi’s glint and evasive expression, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of suspicion in his heart.

“Give me the data.” Sanders tone left no room for negotiation this time.

Nisi was silent for a moment and, with a hint embarra.s.sment, handed over the parchments to Sanders.

The process of this soul experiment is recorded on stacks of parchment, roughly dividing the experiment into four steps: Step 1 [soul adaptation], step 2 [separation of soul and flesh], step 3 [soul experiment], step 4 [combination of soul and flesh].

Because there was something wrong with Nisi’s expression, Sanders rechecked the data this time and read it word by word.

Step one, no problems so far. Step two, there is no problem. Step three… step four, still no problem. Whether it is the data or the results derived. Both show an expected outcome. It seems to list a perfect experimental process.

When Sanders finished reading the data on the last piece of parchment, his brow wrinkled slightly: It was really perfectly calculated data… But why did Nisi have that uncomfortable expression?

Sanders eyed Nisi suspiciously. Nisi at this time is showing the performance of magnanimity, there is no previous expression of apprehension on his face.

“I told you, there’s nothing wrong with the experiment data. I’m a soul expert. How can I make such a mistake!?” Nisi’s smile was like a spring breeze, and the wrinkles on his face were like folds of curtains.

Nisi’s sudden unusual magnanimity has made Sanders even more confused.

Sanders looked at the data once again, but he still found nothing wrong with it.

“There is really no problem with the experiment data calculations and process.” Sanders paused, giving a warning to Nisi: “I repeat once again, this experiment is very important. Angel’s soul must not have any troubles.”

Nisi nodded with a smile: “There will be absolutely no problem with the soul, the experiment data is all there on the table!”

Sanders still felt something amiss in his heart, but there was nothing wrong with the data. He could only wonder to himself: Am I being paranoid?

Just then, Angel, who had kept silent this whole time suddenly interjected: “Mentor, can I take a look at the experiment data?”

The conversation between the two official wizards was interrupted by an apprentice, which is a very inappropriate act according to the codes of conduct in the Wizard Plane. Especially at this point in time. Angel’s interruption may be interpreted by an official wizard as “not believing in the knowledge provided,” which is an even more taboo act.

It is like a patient going to see a doctor. When the doctor gives a prescription to the patient for medicine, the patient does not believe in the prescription prescribed by the doctor. Since the patient doesn’t believe the doctor, then why go out of their way to see the doctor?

Sanders looked at Angel and was somewhat surprised by his rudeness. Angel in his eyes is a very sensible child, proficient in aristocratic etiquette and sophisticated in the ways of the world. Apart from being proud and fond of sticking to some strange moral bottom line, everything else is quite good. Such a person basically has difficulty speaking up to say disrespectful words.

Angel also knew it was a faux pas to speak at this time, but this matter was related to his soul. He had a feud with both of Nisi’s disciples. Saka did not know his ident.i.ty before, but Hooked.i.c.k did! Who knows if Hooked.i.c.k will share any gossip in front of Nisi? In addition, with Nisi’s expression just now, even Angel could see there something was wrong. He naturally wanted to see to verify the data for himself.

Nisi felt a little unhappy. If anyone else dared to interrupt like this, he would definitely turn his hand and let their soul and flesh disappear forever from this plane. But Angel is Sanders disciple after all. He is not strong enough to say much in front of Sanders, only giving a slightly mocking tone: “Give it up to you? Even if I show it to you, would you even be able to understand it?”

Angel was silent. Nisi’s words. .h.i.t the nail on the head. Even if he shows him the data, he may not understand it at all.

Hearing this remark, Angel didn’t speak up again, and Nisi no longer cared. After all, the other party is just an apprentice. What should he care about?

Nisi wanted to take the parchment away from Sanders, but Sanders ignored him and pulled out one of the sheets of parchment and handed it over to Angel. The rest of the parchments were returned to Nisi.

Nisi looked at Sanders in disbelief: “What does this mean?”

“Angel doesn’t understand the rest of the experiment process, but he might understand what’s on this piece of parchment. So all I have to do is just show him that one page.” Sanders explained lightly.

Can there be data Angel understands? Nisi was shocked and felt even more doubtful at his response. Even Sanders had to be annotated beside him in order to understand the outline of the soul experiment. A first level apprentice that has only been in the transcendent world for half a year was actually vouched by Sanders: He may actually be able to understand what’s on that parchment.

Which one? Which one was it? Nisi’s heart suddenly flashed a trace of unease and turned over the rest of the parchments in his hand.

The main experimental procedures of all the four major steps and their descriptions.

That page is missing a notes page for step 3 of [separation of spirit and flesh] which roughly states: How to nourish the ** and how to keep the ** active after the soul is separated from the body.

The so-called keeping the ** active means that the blood continues to flow, metabolism continues to circulate, and the functions of the five organs remain unchanged.

After the soul is separated from the **, it will gradually begin to fail. Only by maintaining the activity of the ** will the last step of [combination of soul and flesh] not lead to failure.

Before, when Angel followed Sanders to the Nightmare Plane to look for the guidance method. It was also considered a separation of soul and flesh, his ** was back in the Wizard Plane. Only his soul entered the Nightmare Plane. However, the Nightmare Plane is a world where there is no cliff in time, and they came only for a moment and were gone the next. Despite the fact that he stayed in the Nightmare Plane for several days. In reality, the moment that pa.s.sed by was only a snap of a finger.

With only this moment of separation of spirit and flesh, and the time being too short, it did not lead to ** failure.

However, Angel’s soul experiment this time requires multiple tests and confirmations. The soul will be leaving his body for at least several hours, so they need to keep the ** active the whole time.

However, this note page explains how to use various magical plants and special materials to make a nourishing fluid to maintain the ** activity.

When Nisi saw the notes page taken away by Sanders, his heart began to thump… This time the soul experiment really didn’t have any problems, as Nisi rea.s.sured Sanders: “Angel’s soul will never have any problems.”

However, Sanders ignores Nisi since he does not guarantee Angel’s ** would be safe.

Nisi did use a bit of a crooked method on the issue of ** support… But Nisi did not really dare to kill off Angel’s **. He just wanted to prepare and do a small experiment on the side.

Nisi looked up at Angel and smiled wryly: “Can you understand it? If you don’t understand, give it back to me and I’ll explain it to you. “

Nisi’s tone suddenly softened, making Sanders raise his eyebrow slightly.

Angel, on the other hand, was immersed in the parchment data and did not notice when Nisi was talking to him at all.

Nisi turned around and asked Sanders again: “Can he really understand it? The above data are all magic materials needed to support the **, has Angel had any studies or research related to this?”

Sanders did not answer but instead stared at Nisi with Gherardini eyes.

Nisi felt very uncomfortable being stared at by Sanders, pretending to cough to divert his attention. He wanted to cry but had no tears in his heart: Clearly, there are more than ten other parchments to choose from. How can he pick out that one!?

Nisi can only secretly pray in his heart: Angel must not understand it.

In fact, Nisi has already understood in his heart. He can already see from Sanders expression just now that Sanders should also be suspicious. Even if Angel does not understand, with Sanders guess, he will probably find another person who can understand…

For this reason, he can only take the initiative to admit his mistake so he does not die for his experiment today.

“Alas…” Nisi deliberately gave a long drawn out sigh, and then his small eyes glanced around, with the corners of his eyes resting on Sanders.

Sanders heard Nisi’s sigh and looked over, but Sanders was still completely silent except for his smile.

Nisi is angry in his heart and short of breathe while thinking: Ask me, ask me quickly! Ask me why I sighed! You have to ask! So I can put on my bitter performance, wipe my tears in front of you and take the initiative to explain!

Nisi was still playing a small abacus. When he shows his bitter play. Sanders will certainly be moved, and remember the friendship between the two old friends. Certainly, he will not care about any little mistakes or mishaps he may have made.

However, Sanders did not follow the script at all. He made up his mind but did not say a word, only smiling.

Nisi’s heart wavered as he thought: Otherwise, should I not put on my bitter performance. Should I just open up and tell him the truth?

Before Nisi could make up his mind. Angel, who had been studying the data with difficulty suddenly said:

“Rainbow Reed Tube, Dying Breath Powder, Inflammable Oil from Foam Cedar, Spring Water from the Fear Sinking Spring…” Angel listed the materials out slowly.

Every time he reads aloud a magic material. Nisi’s heart will jump a beat faster.

When Sanders heard the names of these materials, he became lost in thought. As a Wizard, these magic materials naturally cannot be unknown to him. The effect of each magic material, he also remembers them very clearly. These are basically some materials used to nourish and support various organs in the body.

Angel read a total of thirteen magic materials.

“Are there any problems with these materials?” Sanders asked.

Angel thought for a moment before shaking his head and said: “There’s nothing wrong with these magic materials…”

Sanders raised his eyebrows. He knew Angel did not finish speaking.

Sure enough, Angel added by saying: “There is no problem with the magic materials on this note, but there is a strange magic material.”

“Which magic material is it?” Sanders asked.

“Venus Stinger Scorpion Flower.” Angel finally said.

Venus Stinger Scorpion is a magic insect in the Abyss Plane. It is a wonderful creature that is a combination of plant and animal. After each breeding season, when a female Stinger Scorpion gives birth to a young Stinger Scorpion, pheromones are fully spread out due to reproduction. But at that moment, the insect is at its weakest point. In order to protect itself, it will turn into stone for one to two days. When it becomes stone, its scorpion tail will produce a beautiful and graceful looking flower, called the Venus Stinger Scorpion Flower.

“Venus Stinger Scorpion Flower seems to be a kind of…” Sanders recalled for a moment as if thinking about the efficacy of Venus Stinger Scorpion Flower. Suddenly his expression became a little strange, still thinking about it: “It can certainly continue promoting the rate of blood flow.”

Angel nodded and said: “To be exact, it promotes the blood circulation as an aphrodisiac.”

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