This time when Angel sensed it again, he could now truly sense Nisi’s emotions. It’s just that…

Sanders noticed Angel’s expression becoming stranger, and he asked doubtfully: “Still unable to sense his emotions?”

Angel shook his head. “I can sense it. It’s just what Nisi is thinking about…”

Sanders asked curiously: “What is he thinking about?”

Angel forced himself to calm down before saying: “Lord Nisi is thinking if a woman could help him with her mouth at this time… It would feel great. “

These dirty words were sensed with the description coming out of Angel’s mouth. When Sanders heard this, he only felt his veins popping on his forehead. But Nisi did not feel any shyness or shame as he said in a nonchalant way: “This is exactly what I was thinking about, it seems that you can really sense the emotions that come from other people! But you can’t perceive the emotions of a person whose soul level is higher than yours or who has a mental defence. Overall though, your soul quality is still quite good. This should already be listed as part of your talent, right?”

Nisi’s last question is more directed at Sanders.

Sanders hated Nisi’s question about what Angel sensed and wanted to gouge his eyes out for imagining such a scene. Knowing that Angel can sense emotions, this rascal deliberately thought of that kind of scene with absolutely no shame. No wonder outsiders call this the ** valley.

“At present, this does not seem to be part of his talent avatar. It can only be said his soul is more sensitive, of higher quality, and has a certain ability to a.n.a.lyze others emotions in rich detail.” Sanders continued by saying: “For it to be considered part of his talent avatar. He needs to at least be able to use this ability in his physical body and not exclusively while he is in his soul body. Being able to sense emotions should be a byproduct of having a Nightmare Soul.”

“Yes, this ability hasn’t quite reached the level of talent avatar, but it is still considered pretty good. If you ever have the opportunity to learn the “Soul Cord Spell” in the future. You will be able to freely leave your physical body with your soul. Then the application of this emotion-sensing ability will be more universal.” Nisi said.

In the following steps, Nisi continued adjusting the light waves, and Angel was floating in the mid-air doing nothing in the meantime.

Some light waves made Angel feel uncomfortable for a period. But as Nisi said, he needed to put up with it and have a little patience. However, other light waves caused Angel to feel a faint itch on his shoulder blade. Angel didn’t know whether to tell Nisi or not, so he could only use his eyes to signal to Sanders.

Sanders asked him: “Is that spot itching again?”

Angel nodded. Although he inexplicably felt Sanders way of phrasing the question sounded somewhat dirty.

“I once said, your wound is an anchor point. If you want to resolve this problem thoroughly, you can only go back to the area in the Nightmare Plane that represents this anchor point. However, this wound is so overbearing. It cannot only alert you while you are stuck in an illusion, but also eliminate Parasitic Mother who had tried to kill you… At the end of our last trip to the Nightmare Plane. I’m guessing the rank of that demon which left this mark on your soul should be extremely high. Perhaps this demon is from an area not connected to the periphery of the Nightmare Plane.”

The voice transmission from Sanders so far had very little words to say, but in fact, there are many overtones from these words.

If this demon is not from the periphery of the Nightmare Plane, then the only possible place it would be from is the inner circle of the Nightmare Plane.

For hundreds of years, Sanders has only wandered on the periphery of the Nightmare Plane. Even so, there were often many dangers involved during those trips. Just like the last time they were in Nightfall City. There were many places where Sanders did not dare to set foot and even the legendary wizards will also avoid these areas.

And this is all still from the periphery of the Nightmare Plane. One can imagine how dangerous the inner circle of the Nightmare Plane can conceivably be.

In other words, if he wanted to completely solve the root problem that caused this wound on him. He can only go to the inner circle of the Nightmare Plane. Angel guesses that if he wanted to set foot in the inner circle, he has to at least be a legendary wizard… He doesn’t know in what month or year this will be.

Moreover, Angel has personally speculated that the Demon Eating Flower King, whom he had met in the Demon Eating Flower Tunnel. Once told him he had the “Breath of the Queen.” Perhaps, what the Demon Eating Flower King refers to as “Queen’s Breath” was caused by the demon who gave the wound on his back—the creepy woman with st.i.tches covered all over her face.

“You don’t have to worry about the wound and don’t have to tell Nisi about it. At least for the time being, the disadvantages of doing so far outweigh the benefits. This wound even takes the initiative to protect you. Perhaps, the demon that left behind this wound doesn’t want you to die for now. It can only be speculated that this creature is waiting for you to grow up in order to harvest a ripe fruit… Haha, the trick of waiting for the green fruit to ripen. This tactic is known to be used by many evil G.o.ds. It’s a pity that they haven’t accepted lessons from history. After waiting to swallow the ripened fruit, they may end up being swallowed instead.” Sanders lectured again.

Hearing Sanders words, Angel suddenly glanced at Saka. Looks like Saka just said something similar about waiting for the green fruit to ripen. Sure enough, he is an immature boy, how can he compare with an evil G.o.d?

Although Sanders said so, Angel still felt that the demon might not be waiting for him to grow up, but had another purpose. This reason may be to serve some purpose or maybe for some kind of restriction in the future. If he wants to explore further, he has to come face to face with that demon creature in order to understand. If he wants to face that demon creature, he won’t know when he will be able to do so.

However, as Sanders said, at the moment, he only needs to know that the wound is not harmful to him. As for other matters, they’ll discuss it later.


About half an hour later, when a yellow-white light wave shone on Angel. Suddenly Angel’s translucent soul appeared in a trance for a moment.

Then the wave of light shone deeply into Angel’s soul.

Instead of penetrating or disappearing like other light waves, this light wave was swallowed by the grey fog. At the same time, this exposed the grey fog.

“Eureka, White and Yellow Band Spectrum 3722.” Nisi let the light continue shining directly at Angel and jumped out to tell Sanders.

“Sure enough, there is indeed a grey fog.” Nisi took out his pen and paper and began recording the parameters which revealed the grey fog.

Angel looked at Nisi’s eyes flashing with magic power while he quickly calculated the density, viscosity, diffusivity and so on… of the grey fog. Then he listed a large row of variables whose data were similar to what he calculated. These variables may help shed truth on the grey fog.

“Is it Soul Poison, no wait, Soul Poison can instantly pollute the whole soul. It can’t spread in a small range like this fog. Could this be evil spirit miasma? No, this could also be wrong. If there is a sleeping evil spirit influencing Angel, he should have gone mad by now. Maybe this is White Bond Frost…” Nisi conjectured out loud.

As Nisi was talking to himself, Sanders carefully observed the grey fog with a flicker of doubt in his eyes.

“Why does this grey fog feel so familiar, as if…?” Sanders always felt this fog was familiar as if he had seen this fog somewhere recently. Before he finished his words, he had recalled his memories.

Nisi also put down his pen and paper. He approached Angel’s soul body to take a closer look at the position and movement of the grey fog.

“I also think it’s a bit familiar as if I have seen it somewhere before.” Nisi picked up a magnifying gla.s.s and carefully observed it for a moment before telling Angel: “You can try controlling the grey fog now.”

Under Angel’s deliberate control, the grey fog moved slightly, but it quickly returned to a sluggish state and stagnated.

Just as the grey fog was manipulated by Angel to move, a strange fluctuation that Angel had not noticed caused a slight change in his soul quality. As if the grey fog had blended in with his soul quality.

Angel hadn’t seemed to notice, but Nisi had. Nisi’s eyes widened at what had happened and said: “It doesn’t seem to be soul pollution, but a kind of…”

Nisi suddenly asked: “Have you been practising a Soul Spell recently?”

“Soul Spell?” Angel’s face was filled with bewilderment. He wanted to learn about soul spells only recently, but this thought only popped up half a day ago. He simply wanted to know how to restrain a soul spell… Other than that, he did not intend to learn more on soul spells at all.

“No, I only know some basic spells and illusion magic.” Angel shook his head as he denied. He didn’t even learn advanced level illusion spells. How could he take the time to learn a soul spell?

“That shouldn’t be the case. Just now I saw the grey fog in your soul fluctuate as if it was a product of some type of substance or aggregation made by design. Like a spell model being the result of visualization created by knowledge and wisdom, and not just knowledge itself. ” Nisi thought for a moment and added: “This fog is very much like… a kind of soul spell. “

Nisi suddenly summons a female soul.

Immediately afterwards, Nisi cast a barrier spell that contained her.

At a time when Angel didn’t understand what was going on, Nisi adjusted the Innumerable Light Apparatus to another light wave and shone it on the female soul. Under the irradiation of this light wave, Angel can clearly see the energy distribution within the female soul.

“Susan, use your Soul Howl.” Nisi ordered.

As Nisi’s words fell, the female soul’s internal energy began converging. Her soul showed strange fluctuations before she gave a ferocious expression and howled wildly. However, they are protected by a barrier spell and were unaffected in any way.

“Do you see? When you manipulated the grey fog just now, the fluctuation in your soul was very similar to when Susan used her Soul Howl… Therefore, my guess is this fog may be some kind of soul spell. ” Nisi’s face showed another strange expression before saying: “If this is really some kind of soul spell, then your information about this spell is a bit lacking… When not utilized, it presents itself as a condensed grey fog. If it is utilized, then this grey fog may fall into the category of ‘magic.’”

“Yes, that makes sense… No wonder you said that when you manipulated it, you will feel as if your soul is being sucked dry. Because this is not something a person at your level should be using. Just like a baby holding a knife, it may hurt end up hurting itself rather than others.”

Angel looks confused and asked: “Is this really a Soul Spell? But I’ve never learned any Soul Spells…”

“At present, my guess is this is a Soul Spell. If you can cast it a little, maybe you can get more information. Unfortunately, your present soul strength is too weak to meet the basic requirements to cast it. Once forcibly cast, you may really end up being sucked dry… But I’m quite curious, how did you save yourself the last time you were being sucked dry?” Nisi asked.

Angel shook his head and said: “I don’t know.” All he knew was Parasitic Mother was driven away by the wound on his back and he was being sucked dry. Then his soul suddenly began to swell up. Angel did not explain these things because they are related to the Nightmare Plane.

Nisi said: “Then there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“It’s not as though we can’t do anything.” Sanders recovered from his thoughts and said to Nisi: “If he can’t cast the grey fog, doesn’t this just mean his soul has too little force? Just lend him some soul force so he can cast it.”

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