A wizard’s ultimate pursuit is to seek the truth.

“But there’s more than one way to seek the truth.” Sanders stood on the falcon demon’s back while holding the brim of his top hat. As he faced the oncoming gale, his black cape began dancing with the wind.

For an instant, Angel had felt the illusion that time and s.p.a.ce had reversed.

“Don’t search for a single process. Sometimes, there may be more than one answer.” Sanders lectured.

Sanders suddenly looked towards the distant sky. Dark clouds were gathering as they saw a storm coming. Near the dark clouds, Angel was drawn to seven or eight apprentices who were focused on recording something. This scene was very familiar to him. Angel had seen this scene many times before in the Savage Grottoes.

A philosopher on Earth once said that the “unity of knowledge and practice” is the combination of knowledge with practice. Only then can thoughts and action be turned into life experience. This is exactly what those apprentices are doing right now.

Observing the dark clouds, some apprentices gathered water elements in their hands. Some surrounded themselves with clouds, and others were exerting an external force on the dark clouds to observe any changes which may occur.

“They all have the same questions, but their final answers are so different. Do you know why?” Sanders looked at Angel.

“Because they have learned different things. Their personal understanding and logical reasoning are also different. Each truth derived must be different.” Angel said.

“Yes, they have learned different things, so they have to go their separate ways for the moment. When they can’t go farther on their path, they will covet other paths. If they do so, they may never reach the end of their own path.” Sanders replied.

Angel was stunned. When Sanders made this point, how couldn’t he understand? Sanders is worried he will be fascinated and obsessed with the power of the gravity law insight. Then he will start trying to improve his soul force and forgot where his real focus should lie.

Sanders knows very well powerful things are the most fascinating. Especially for newcomers entering the Wizard Plane. Many examples can be seen in Sky Tower where there are no fewer examples of people abandoning their foundations to pursue a powerful spell. But how powerful is the gravity law insight? Naturally, its attraction is even greater to a newcomer. If Angel is a little too eager for quick results and only seeks instant benefits for immediate interests. He will end by giving up a great future. In the end, he will certainly be left disappointed.

“I know which is more important.” Angel solemnly said.

Sanders nodded and said no more.

In fact, Sanders was a little too worried. Even if Angel is eager for quick results and instant benefits. He will be seeking strength not for himself, but in order to fulfil his five-year appointment with Jon. Seems like less than half of the time has pa.s.sed already, but he hasn’t even finished drinking half a cup of water. How can he take the time to enjoy the clouds or moon pa.s.sing by in the sky?

They flew all the way back to the range of the Tree of Eternity. He watched as they were about to arrive at Phantom Island, but he still had some things he didn’t quite understand. So, Angel had asked his question quickly before they landed.

“Mentor, was the illusion you trapped Saka in just now a basic illusion?” Angel asked.

Sanders gave an “mhmm” and said: “You’ve been studying illusions for a long time. What else do you see besides the basic illusion?”

Angel talked about every illusion he had seen before. With the palm of his hand, he displayed several basic illusion nodes that he had previously studied. His palm was filled with illusions and was like the legendary palm kingdom.

“Your microcosmic illusions are cast well.” Sanders doesn’t hesitate to praise Angel’s progress.

Angel laughed and smiled. This is also due to his previous refining of the falcon demon ornament. It had suddenly opened up his mind. With that flash of insight, he was able to cast these illusions in his palm.

“What you just showed me is correct. You are correct in your node distribution, logic, magic power distribution and even the content of your illusion. It seems that you really have a good handle on basic Illusions.” Sanders paused before saying: “So, what you want to ask about is information on the Rewind Sound Illusion?”

Angel nodded with excitement, as his eyes expressed his full desire for this knowledge.

Sanders didn’t speak, but directly grabbed Angel’s shirt and leapt off from the falcon demon’s back as Angel showed a startled expression.

With Sanders with him, Angel wasn’t worried at all.

After letting him go, Angel was free falling towards the ground. He didn’t feel Sanders magic power fluctuations behind him anymore. He quickly turned his head and saw Sanders was not behind him at all. But floating in the air further away, looking at him with an expressionless face.

Angel’s heart beat like a drum… His mind was completely blank. He didn’t know what Sanders was trying to do, but he was still more than ten thousand meters away from the ground. Angel’s face and lips became pale with fright.

As if he came back to the day when the Will of the World arrived. He was knocked off from the tree leaf by a strong gale and had fallen hundreds of meters in the air.

How similar his situation is to that day.

Angel thought: But on that day, I was rescued by Mirror Ji. This time… Will Sanders save me?

He won’t! Angel inexplicably decided that Sanders would never save him at this time!

Angel had a moment of weakness, but his eyes flashed a cruel look the next and thought: Why should I place my life in other people’s hands? I don’t need others to save me. I can save himself!

Save myself. I must save myself… Angel’s mind flashed through magic models. He didn’t know many magic models, but he did have improved magic models!

Which spell should I use? How can I save myself? Angel’s mind turned very quickly at this moment.

All of a sudden, Angel thought of a model that he had noticed when he first deconstructed “cleansing.”

After deconstructing the cleansing spell, it turns out that it was actually a combination of water and wind elements. The models are both composed of “plane” and “jade hook.” If the magic model is a “broken jade hook series,” then the balance of water and wind elements focuses on water elements. If the magic model is a “plane and complete jade hook series,” then the balance of water and wind elements focuses on wind elements.

At that time, Angel calculated all combinations and permutations for casting the cleansing spell. One of which took an entire 15 minutes for the Holographic Tablet to finish calculating.

After the calculation of the magic energy formula, the magic model was a complete jade hook and plane. Presumably, this is definitely a magic model that is inclined towards wind elements.

“Maybe the wind can slow down my descent.” Angel’s eyes were bloodshot, regardless of the consequences. He arranged the model in his mind.

In the beginning, when Angel recklessly cast an arranged combination calculated by the Holographic Tablet, it took him thirteen minutes to calculate it. As a result, he was sent out of commission for more than half a month by a spell backlash. Since then, Angel has not taken any more risks.

But this time he had to do so again. He hadn’t learned any wind system magic. But even if he had, it would still be useless because level 0 wind system magic spells couldn’t make people fly. And this also happens to be the only “partial wind system” model that took the Holographic Tablet a long time to calculate!

Cast the spell!

Angel used the magic model directly when he was about to land on the ground.

He watched as his magic source was frantically squeezed and more than half of the magic model was constructed. But before it could finish constructing, his magic power suddenly dried up!

This is almost identical to the last time he went through a spell backlash. His model began showing signs of imminent collapse when his magic power was depleted.

“It’s over….” Angel’s face flashed with despair as he thought. He still overestimated his magic power reserves. This model has reached at least the standard of level 1 magic or even higher.

In despair, Angel closed his eyes.

Just when he thought he would fall and become a meat patty. A gentle magic power without attributes entered his body.

Is this magic power?

Before Angel could think about where this magic power came from. He quickly guided this magic power into the model that was about to collapse before. Finally, under the continuous transmission of magic power, he was able to construct the model before he hit the ground!

A complete jade hook! A complete plane! This is an extremely complete model!

At the moment when the model was successfully constructed, Angel focuses his spell at the soles of his feet.

In an instant, a strong wind with a rotating force quickly took shape and formed rapidly under…

Angel vaguely heard a shriek of a bird. Before he could think of why there was a bird shriek coming from under him, he suddenly lifted off. A tornado about two meters wide helped him lift off from the ground.

Is this magic model for… Wind Tornado?!

Wind Tornado is indeed a combination of water and wind elements. But his Wind Tornado is too small… And the genuine level 3 magic Wind Tornado is completely different from this.

Even if it was small, at least it saved his life.

Angel breathed a sigh of relief and comforted himself.

“It’s not good to hurt my falcon demon.” A low but gentle male voice sounded in his ears.

In the next second, Angel’s present landscape changed completely. Originally, he should have landed on the ground safely. But in fact, he was still thousands of meters in the air.

Sanders reached out and held his neck by his shirt collar.

Not far away, the falcon demon flapped its wings as it wailed. A b.l.o.o.d.y hole appeared on its back and there were wind and water elements which remained in the b.l.o.o.d.y hole.

“Just now… was this all an illusion?” Angel’s face was still pale. He didn’t know whether it from a sequela after his magic source was squeezed dry, or whether he was pale from fear.

“Hahaha.” Sanders laughed softly. The laughter changed from the lows of the past to became much clearer. It was like a sound of rustling brought by a mountain breeze across leaves, pleasing to the ear and rea.s.suring.

Instead of receiving a response, he had received laughter. Angel silently poked out his mental force tentacles and felt the magic power fluctuations around him. Sure enough, there were traces of basic illusion nodes.

The truth was clear. All that had happened just now was really an illusion!

Angel only felt his face burning. Did Sanders see his teeth gnashing, veins popping out and ferocious face just now?

There is no doubt about the answer.

Angel covered his face and felt ashamed for himself. His image… The gentle and humble image he had painstakingly crafted!

Angel lowered his head and looked as pale as a corpse. Sanders carried him by the back of his collar shirt and flew back onto the falcon demon’s back.

The falcon demon glared viciously at Angel as he buried his head even lower.

Sanders healed the falcon demon’s wound, but it was still bare and contrasted sharply with the beautiful black feathers around it.

Angel sat on one side of falcon demon with his head held down and remained silent for a long time.

“Did you just use a modified version of the Wind Tornado?” Sanders broke the silence and asked with a smile.

Angel replied: “I don’t know. This was my first time casting it.”

Sanders nodded and said: “The model is a complete hook jade placed on a plane. Was this originally arranged from the cleansing spell?”

After hearing Sanders talk about what the model looked like. Angel was sure that when his magic source dried up, the sudden stream of magic power came from Sanders.

“Yes, it’s from the cleansing spell.” Angel paused, looked embarra.s.sed and said awkwardly: “Just now… Thank you mentor for sending the magic power over to me. Otherwise, I would have gone through another spell backlash.”

“I remember the last time you faced a spell backlash, it was from recklessly casting an improved cleansing spell. So, this improved Wind Tornado was the improved spell you cast last time?” Sanders said in interest as he thought of the Wind Tornado. A level 0 magic meant for cleaning had been improved to the point of being close to level 2 magic.

No, I didn’t. Angel said quietly in his heart.

“Yes.” Angel murmured as he buried his head.

“Yes, such simple level 0 magic can be improved to this point. Although there are still some imperfections, it is enough to be in a book.” Sanders patted Angel on the shoulder and said: “If you like, you can send this improved cleansing spell to a publication for apprentices. It should be well received.”

Angel gave a squeak and didn’t say whether or not he would do it. He just continued burying his head further and licked his wounded ego.

When Sanders saw the situation, he secretly smiled in his heart.

“In the basic illusion just now, did you realize the role of sound in the Rewind Sound Illusion?” Sanders decided to change the subject to avoid Angel’s continued depression.

The role of sound in the Rewind Sound Illusion? Did that Rewind Sound Illusion have sound just now? Angel was still licking his wounded ego, but Sanders words just scratched his itch.

Angel couldn’t help thinking about his previous experience in the illusion. But after carefully recalling what had happened, he was still confused.

Sanders asked: “Don’t get it yet?”

From the illusion just now, Angel certainly knows it is a basic illusion because he can clearly see the nodes. But he really didn’t notice… The sound in the Rewind Sound Illusion.

The Rewind Sound Illusion needs to rely on sound, but he didn’t hear any sound just now! So, was there really sound in the Rewind Sound Illusion that was cast?

Sound… Is it the wind? Angel frowned as he thought.

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