If Angel voiced his thoughts on their activities, it can be guessed that 233 will simply reply: “Perverted Dandy wasn’t enough to sum up the activities. Maybe we should add a suffix, such as ‘Perverted Dandy Mark II.’

Milk Baron’s powerful magic pet coupled with powerful alchemy weapons is clearly something a first level apprentice shouldn’t possess. As a result, many people have speculated that Milk Baron must have an incomparably strong background.

It is also because of this speculation that even if some people hate Milk Baron very much. No one outside the arena dares to really cause trouble for him.

As they reached the gate, Angel suddenly remembered something and asked: “My information card is still with me… Didn’t Sky Tower need to check it? If so, how could you replace me in the matches?”

233 took out an information card from his robe and handed it to Angel: “At first, I was surprised. When I chose my opponent, I directly said I forgot to bring my information card with me. Lord Baroque questioned no further and gave me an anonymous information card. The match data for this past couple of days are all in this information card. When the young master is ready to head to Sky Tower next time. The young master can directly go to the management office to import the data into the original information card.”

Angel captured one message in this statement: Lord Baroque questioned no further.

“With this Lord’s ability, he must have seen through the disguise to reveal your true ident.i.ty long ago. It’s not he didn’t want to ask about it, but he gave my mentor face… Or, he was feeling guilty about something.” Angel said sarcastically.

233 didn’t answer, he recognized the meaning behind Angel’s words. As a clever servant, he only needs to stay quiet at this moment.

“Anyway, thank you for the help this past couple of days.” Angel thanked 233.

“I actually didn’t do anything. It was Lord Toby who truly worked hard.” 233 said.

Toby, who was mentioned once again, raised his head proudly and waited for Angel’s praise.

Angel gave a wry helpless smile. Although his reputation has become smelly, this isn’t a big deal. Anyway, no one knows his real ident.i.ty except for a few people. Of those who know, they are basically trusted people with no possibility of gossiping. Even including Saka, Angel doesn’t think he will disclose his ident.i.ty to the public.

After saying goodbye to 233, Angel walked quickly to the study on the second floor.

Pushing open the door, Sanders was sitting at his desk with his chin resting on one hand and his eyes closed. He didn’t open his eyes until Angel approached and said in a low hoa.r.s.e voice: “Are you here?”

Under Sanders direction, Angel sat to one side.

After Angel sat down, he didn’t hear Sanders voice for a while. When he looked up, he saw Sanders lost in thought again.

“Mentor?” Angel called out softly.

Sanders returned to the present with a slightly apologetic look in his eyes.

It seems Sanders is preoccupied with something on his mind. Angel has some hesitation in his heart and thought: As an apprentice, should I be concerned?

Angel tentatively asked: “Mentor, is it about Lord Rhine, is there anything I can do for you?”

Angel’s question stunned Sanders. Looking at the concern in his eyes, Sanders faintly smiled and said: “It does have something to do with him, but what Lord Rhine was looking for me to do is no big deal. He’s just asking to borrow the Wizard Garden.”

“Borrow the Wizard Garden?” Angel recalls a recent conversation between mentor and Nisi, which seemed to mention some people wanting to traffic creatures through mentor’s Gravity Garden.

“Was it for trafficking creatures?” Angel asked.

Sanders nodded. He knew Angel had a delicate mind and Sanders personally had a measure in his heart to let Angel ask and say anything on his mind. Therefore, when he talked with Nisi, he didn’t let Angel avoid their discussion.

“Can any creature be trafficked through a plane border?” Angel’s face was full of doubts as he asked: “Is it similar to trafficking magic beasts?”

“There are magic beasts, but not all of them are beasts.” Sanders explained: “Most of the creatures trafficked across a plane border are intelligent exotic plane creatures.”

“Intelligent… exotic plane creatures?” There was a sudden quiver in Angel’s heart.

“I once said that if exotic plane creatures want to enter the wizard Plane. They must go through regular channels to be registered. Otherwise, when the gang of rampant wizards from the Extreme Sect find out. They will go crazy and make trouble.” Sanders explained.

“However, most exotic plane creatures taking the regular channel basically have a peace agreement signed with the Wizard Plane and their plane. Both sides have certain restrictions in each other’s world. Therefore, we won’t fight against these exotic plane creatures that have proven they can stay.” Sanders paused: “However, biological research has always been a hot topic among wizards. Of which, humanoid exotic plane creatures are the most worthy of study. So, exotic plane creatures can often be sold at a good price in the wizard community.”

“So, creature trafficking generally refers to this kind of exotic plane creature.” Angel surmised.

Angel asked: “What does creature trafficking have to do with the Extreme Sect?”

Sanders said: “In the end, an exotic plane creature’s life will end in death. This is very much in line with the beliefs of the Extreme Sect and will naturally be ignored.”

Rarely does Sanders take the initiative to talk about exotic plane creatures? Angel thinks about how to steer the conversation toward “Illegal Travelers Excluded by the Will of the World.”

But before Angel could think of a way to ask, Sanders cut off the topic.

“These things are too far away from you, and you can only understand a little bit.” Without waiting for Angel to answer, Sanders cut to the main point: “I asked you to come over this time to tell you about bloodlines.”

“Bloodlines?” Angel questioned.

“Just before, Nisi wanted to inject succubus bloodline into you, but you chose to refuse in the end. I agree with this decision very much. The reason why I agree isn’t because succubus bloodline is necessarily bad, but rather you have the rare Nightmare Soul… If you decide to implant a bloodline, the object of choice for a bloodline to better serve you would be a magical creature in the Nightmare Plane.” Sanders explained.

“Although most magic creatures from the Nightmare Plane can be found in the outside world. Bloodlines from Nightmare Plane magic creatures contain even more incredible powers. Moreover, the vast majority of Nightmare Plane magic creature bloodlines attach a strange additional effect on the illusion system.” Sanders paused: “Some of my spells are inseparable from Nightmare Plane bloodlines. Even Flora’s Red Reaper is actually related to Nightmare Plane Bloodlines.”

“Of course, which bloodline to choose is up to your discretion. But I suggest you should take this issue seriously.” Sanders warned.

“I see.” Angel doesn’t know why Sanders chose to talk about bloodlines at this time. But since Sanders chose to speak about this, Angel naturally has his eyes on bloodlines.

“Well, that’s all. If you have nothing else to say, you can head back first.” Sanders said.

Sanders issued an eviction order, and Angel saluted before his planned leave.

As Angel pushed open the door to leave, Sanders noticed the magic falcon ornament on the table and suddenly said: “I heard Flora mention that Mirror Ji seems to like novel gadgets. She saved your life last time. Don’t forget to thank her.”


After coming out of the study, Angel was surprised to see Housekeeper Goode in the corridor.

“Housekeeper Goode, can I return these clothes to you after I wash them?” Angel pointed to the clothes he was wearing.

“The Lord should not care about these minor things, and these clothes are also outdated for the Lord. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing them, it doesn’t matter if you decide to throw them away.” Goode said.

Angel waves with his hands: “No, they are comfortable. I’m just a little embarra.s.sed wearing them.”

“Then Master Pat will continue wearing them. Looking at the young master’s attire makes me believe I am seeing the Lord when he was young.” Goode said: “Those were really fond memories…”

Seeing as Goode had plans to make a long speech. Angel said his goodbyes before he could say anything.

After leaving Phantom Island, Angel rode the Treevine Bus at Falling Cloud Leaf Platform.

In the carriage, there was a cold night wind blowing as Angel recalled Sanders last words.

Naturally, he didn’t forget the life-saving grace from Mirror Ji. But he just felt very embarra.s.sed at the thought of Mirror Ji’s request… to Angel. Sanders wasn’t interested in Mirror Ji’s request, so he didn’t know what else to do. Was it true, as Sanders put it, he just needs to “show his face” and head over there?

Angel can’t be so brazen.

Fortunately, just now Sanders happened to mention that “Mirror Ji likes some novel gadgets.”

Speaking of novel gadgets, Angel immediately thinks of his music box… which has never been released.

A music box isn’t uncommon, but if it is accompanied by beautiful music and illusions. This should be considered “novel,” right? Angel thought.

Anyway, Angel doesn’t have anything else he can take out. Mirror Ji certainly despises things regarding realms of power. He can only try and see if things at the cultural and entertainment realm can enter before Mirror Ji’s eyes.

After thinking about this throughout his ride, Angel headed back to Apprentice Town.

Apprentice Town was quiet in the middle of the night. Only the distant market still had lights faintly flickering.

Instead of going home immediately, Angel turned and went to the Underground Market first.

According to 233, he has already drawn lots for tomorrow’s matches and will currently fight in five matches. As for whether any other contestant has drawn his lot from the match pool, this isn’t known yet. Angel will need to go to Sky Tower’s Announcement Board to see for himself.

Angel went to the Underground Market. Apart from checking out tomorrow’s match schedule, he had one more thing left to do… Buy a new wizard robe.

Sanders lost his old wizard robe, and in order not to reveal his ident.i.ty, he must buy a brand-new wizard robe.

If it weren’t for Angel’s tight schedule and lack of study on clothes making. He would’ve really liked to craft his very own alchemy robe for himself.

Although it’s already night outside, it’s still as bright as day in the Underground Market…

When Angel arrived at Sky Tower, it was already ten o’clock in the evening and people were grouped in twos and threes in front of the Announcement Board.

After seeing what was on the Announcement Board. Angel’s current nickname, Milk Baron, appeared eleven times. Starting from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. there was almost no one else competing on the same floor. Almost every hour was just Milk Baron.

If Angel put aside the five lots drawn in the drawing area. It seems there are still six people remaining in the match pool who have drawn his lot. This frequency of matches is obviously a bit strange. Angel guesses that Baroque wants him to quickly acc.u.mulate points and get out of Sky Tower. Angel’s guess is basically right, but it wasn’t Baroque who wanted him to go. For the entire Sky Tower senior management, his match victories by using “scoundrel tactics” were neither beautiful nor selling tickets. They all wanted him to quickly finish his climb and leave.

Angel personally calculated the remaining points he needed. After these 11 matches, his points will soon be enough to reach the fifteenth floor. Angel took a look at his opponents’ names… In fact, it doesn’t matter whether he takes a look at his opponent or not, Toby will do all the fighting anyway. His reputation is already so smelly, so Angel has made up his mind to let Toby do all the fighting.

Speaking of smelly reputation. When Angel listened to 233 giving a general report, he didn’t really get an impression of it.

It wasn’t until after he had experienced it for himself that Angel knew how bad his reputation had become. When he went to the ticket booth, Angel saw an apprentice ready to buy tickets to watch a match but hesitated on deciding which match to watch. Next to him, someone immediately advised him not to buy a ticket for the “One Strike Man” match. Then they gave all kinds of mainstream gossip, explanations, and insults to… As well as a pa.s.sionate warm-blooded speech which made Angel feel that “Milk Baron” was an extremely heinous villain.

Other apprentices around also followed suit and echoed that apprentice’s sentiments in succession. Even some of the mortals became furious from hearing their accounts.

Seeing this scene, Angel silently turned around and left. If he didn’t leave now, he was afraid he couldn’t help himself but join the ranks of people criticizing “Milk Baron.”

Shortly after Angel left, a man in a white teddy bear outfit came walking from a distance.

“Tonight is destined to be the night of my fated encounter.” White Bear arrived while whispering under his breath. When he reached the bottom of Sky Tower, he looked left and right but didn’t see the man’s figure…”Yes, err, there are times when even fate is wrong… Or I guess I’m late.”

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