Angel is naturally clear about David’s advice. But he is still in the superficial stage of the Rewind Sound Illusion… The fantasy world was entirely made up by him, and he had to give his complete focus at all times. As soon as he becomes distracted, the fantasy world will disappear.

If he could do this simply with sound, he can hypnotize his opponents and evoke their repressed psychological fears. Then the lethality of the Rewind Sound Illusion will increase exponentially. However, this isn’t so easy to achieve at this stage. At this level, one must have the highest level of control of their heart, which is simply something Angel is unable to do yet.

“The discipline of illusion spells makes me feel the more I learn the less I know.” Angel couldn’t help saying with a sigh: “Let’s go and continue with the alchemy tasks tonight… Let me see what tasks you have taken on?”

As David handed over his bone card, he said: “Every subject of study makes one feel like they know less. Alchemy isn’t an exception.”

“Alchemy? I think this study is fine.” Angel wanted to inquire about the tasks in his bone card. But without thinking, he replied as he took them over.

When David heard this, he wanted to cry but had no tears. He almost forgot the person next to him had a terrifying learning ability in alchemy.

David took on a total of ten tasks. The difficulty is basically the same as the last time. After completion, the total reward is over 4,500 magic crystal.

“Alright, after these tasks are completed. The acc.u.mulated magic crystals should be enough to cope with the big auction at Twilight Deep Well, right?” Angel murmured to himself.

David said: “If you don’t compete with the formal wizards, then the last seven alchemy task we had completed would be enough. Even if we bid against formal wizards, we should be able to win some of the less precious materials.” But after the winning bid, there is a question of whether you can take the spoils away. David didn’t say the second half of the sentence aloud.

“I won’t shoot for valuable materials. I haven’t reached that point yet.” Angel is self-aware.

“This is basically enough, and there will be a lot more leftover.” David and Promi often go to Twilight Deep Well to purchase goods, so he is very clear about the price of materials.

Over the next few days, the two of them forgot to eat and sleep and finally completed all ten alchemy tasks on the morning of the fourth day. Originally, they could have finished earlier. But Angel’s depiction of magic patterns had failed a couple of times, causing them to start all over again.

Angel felt guilty about this, but David felt this was normal. If enchantment succeeds every time, then this would be abnormal. According to David’s knowledge, Angel’s success rate today has reached an extreme level of terror. If Angel hadn’t depicted the magic patterns in front of him every time. He wouldn’t believe anyone in the alchemy world would be able to achieve such a high success rate.

However, after a long period of surprise. David calmed down a lot.

“I’ll find you in the afternoon, and then we’ll hand over the tasks together.” Angel said.

Because David was the one who took on ten tasks with his bone card. David had to be there in person when they handed over the tasks.

“Okay!” After several days of struggling. Angel can at least rest today. But David has to go back and man the shop with very deep dark circles under his eyes. Even if he appeared very tired, David’s mood has remained high the whole time. Every time he produces an alchemy blank, he gets around 2-300 magic crystals. How can David be unhappy with this arrangement?

With these days of struggle, he cannot only get thousands of magic crystals. But also, his alchemy’s experience has increased a lot. Through these tiring days, David felt that such days were the most fulfilling. Looking back on his previous life, compared to now and before, he felt he wasted a lot of time.

“After the task is handed in, there will be no refining for some time. You’ve been working hard this past couple of days, so you’ll have a good rest tomorrow evening.” Angel said.

After hearing Angel’s words, David felt a little sorry. But he knew he could only reap such a great harvest these days thanks to Angel’s help. His growth from ignorance to refining weapon blanks has been huge. This makes David, who has been standing still for a long time, deeply satisfied.

“Thank you so much this past couple of days.” David didn’t know how to show his grat.i.tude, so he could only keep thanking Angel.

“You’re welcome. In fact, this is mutually beneficial. If I were to refine these weapons alone, it would never have been so fast.” Like David, Angel sincerely spoke the truth.

The cooperation with alchemy over this past few days has given Angel a taste of the convenience of flowing work. If it weren’t for his many secrets, Angel would like for this cooperation to continue.

After David had left, Angel took a short break and went back to the underground laboratory.

He also has a private task to help ** Tower refine a chain.

In terms of the difficulty of refining, this chain is just average. But after all, it’s a customized task that he has taken on, so Angel still values it.

The chain itself isn’t very difficult. So, in order to make the chain match the price given by ** Tower. He decided to start from an aesthetic perspective and especially looked through the Holographic Tablet. He wanted to see what lines could be depicted in such a small s.p.a.ce. Since the requirement for ** Tower is weight and ability to carry out the Blood Soul Sacrificial Altar ritual. He must choose materials that will not be corroded by blood. In the end, the main material chosen by Angel is Vacuum Iron, which is completely light blue. Just like the background colour of the sky.

Angel, thinking for half the day, decided what to match with this light blue colour. He finally decided to depict white cloud patterns on the chain, mainly the cloud patterns from ancient Chinese paintings. The blue chains and white cloud patterns match perfectly, will it be even more beautiful when he finishes crafting it?

Angel spent about half a day refining before a six-meter long chain came out. Before he finished depicting the forbidden sound magic pattern, Angel had seriously depicted the cloud patterns on the chain.

After he had finished depicting the cloud pattern, the dull pale blue chain changed dramatically. The white cloud pattern made the chain feel more exotic, ancient and elegant.

Angel imagines what a beautiful scene it would be to wave a chain like this.

Next, Angel depicts the forbidden sound magic pattern. Since he rarely depicts this kind of magic pattern. Angel isn’t skilled enough to depict it free-hand, so he can only depict this magic pattern by using a projection.

The magic pattern depiction was successful, and he finally cast the Condensation Art. When finished, a beautiful chain sparkled with the brilliantly formed magic pattern.

Angel personally appreciates the beauty of this chain, but he doesn’t know if ** Tower will be satisfied with his work.


It was almost four o’clock in the afternoon when Angel put the chain into a s.p.a.ce capsule. The other alchemy weapons are all loaded into another s.p.a.ce capsule.

Except for the s.p.a.ce capsule provided by ** Tower for the chain. The other disposable s.p.a.ce capsules are provided by Mission Hall, and the corresponding handling fee will be deducted when the tasks are handed over.

After putting away the s.p.a.ce capsules, Angel left home.

He headed to Crypt Field first, but it seems that Nausica and Shalem were still not at home. Angel had doubts about whether they had moved out. But if they did, the Crypt door would be open to allow for future newcomers.

Angel went to the Underground Market and took a detour to Sky Tower to avoid the crowd. But the tower, as always, was still full of people.

Angel was a little worried about the safety of his two friends. So, when he arrived at Promi Alchemy Shop. He was still thinking about whether he should spend some money to hire someone in Sky Tower to inquire about Nausica’s situation.

David rarely sees Angel with such a melancholy expression. After asking about what was wrong, he laughs and says: “If you want to know about your friend, you can spend some money to buy information from Barb.u.t.terfly Bar. As long as the questions aren’t too eccentric, you can buy most information there.”

Angel remembered that Tesla seemed to have bought news from Sky Tower last time. But the news from Barb.u.t.terfly Bar was only a few hours faster than Mission Hall. So, Angel didn’t think Barb.u.t.terfly Bar was very well-informed. Moreover, Barb.u.t.terfly copycat name makes Angel subconsciously think it was a cheap place.

However, now that David suggested it, Angel decided to give it a try.

David now decides on closing the shop and goes with Angel to Barb.u.t.terfly Bar.

The person who sold the news was a middle-aged bartender. When the other party saw him, he didn’t hesitate to point out his name: “Lord Pat, what can I do for you?”

“Do you know me?” Angel asked.

The bartender nodded and said: “Since you entered the Savage Grottoes, haven’t you become a famous person?”

Angel recalls what happened at the Resource Allocation Hall. During that time, he really did become famous and met many people who knew him when riding on the Treevine Bus.

After hearing this answer, although Angel still had his doubts, the other party is an information dealer. Perhaps they have other channels or sources for information. He didn’t need to dwell too deeply on this topic.

“I came here this time to ask you about a person’s recent situation.” Angel asked.

“I don’t know who you want to ask about?” The bartender said.

Angel replied: “Nausica.Asbay.”

After thinking for a moment, the bartender took out a golden book with eyes on its cover and leafed through it for a while. Then he said: “Are you talking about the lady with the nickname King of Blackberry?”

Angel nodded and asked: “Have you heard anything about her?”

The bartender held out his hand and said: “Two magic crystals.”

After Angel paid, the bartender directly said: “If there are no accidents, this lady has taken on a task and went to Frost Moon Channel.”

“Frost Moon Channel? Didn’t she continue climbing Sky Tower?” Angel asked.

“She spent a week on the eleventh floor of Sky Tower and judging from the results of her matches, it didn’t seem to be ideal. She was very good at climbing with her advance cla.s.s alchemy weapon and a few magic pattern leather scrolls… But if she wanted to climb further, she still needed to rely on her own strength. In my estimation, her going to Frost Moon Channel was in order to seek opportunities.” The bartender said.

The corollary that Nausica went to Frost Moon Channel is acceptable because the place where Frost Moon Channel connects is the Abyss Plane. The Abyss Plane has many demon creatures everywhere. Many bloodline wizards like to use abyss demon bloodlines to fuse into their own. The last time Saka hunted down a succubus, the bloodline was obtained from the Abyss Plane.

“Is there a boy named Shalem with her?” Angel asked another question.

The bartender reached out and said again: “Two magic crystals.”

After Angel paid, the bartender simply said: “Yes.”

Before Angel could ask anything else, David shouted: “Is this what it costs for one word? If so, money comes so easily to you.”

The bartender didn’t lift his eyelids but said: “You are consulting about personal information. Of course, it is calculated based on the value.”

David wanted to say a few more words, but Angel stopped him and asked: “How are they doing now? Are they safe?”

The bartender shrugged and said: “I don’t know about this. But they only left with a team about a week ago. I don’t think there will be any big events.”

Hearing this, Angel did not ask any more questions. It is enough to know they are fine for the time being.

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