“What is the relationship between mental force models and magic?” Sanders asks another question.

Angel replied: “It is to build a model with mental force in order to guide the source of magic.” Magic is an unstable energy. Only by hooking it up with a mental force model in the body can we stabilize the destructive properties of magic in the human body, thus guiding the magic to establish an internal circulation and then manipulate the magic. ”

There was no expression on Sanders face in response to Angel’s answer. It wasn’t until after Angel spoke that Sanders slowly said, “The answer is very standard. You have worked very hard these days. But who knows if the answer is right for you. ”

Sanders did not explain what he meant by this sentence, but instead changed the direction of the conversation, “In about ten days, we will arrive in the Guman Kingdom.” This country is in the west of Big 6, and we will be there soon . ”

“Before we get to Big 6, I’ll give you a choice. The choice is about your guidance method. ” Sanders stopped. “Come to me tomorrow night.”


The next night, Angel arrived as promised.

Sanders had a few stacks of books in front of him, and his fingers gently touched the table as he attentively read the book in his hand. It was not until Angel came up to him that he put down his book and motioned Angel to sit down next to him.

“As I said yesterday, today I will give you a choice, choose your own future path. Once you have made this choice, it will be difficult to change it again. So, you have to think carefully about what kind of path your choice will pave for your future. ”

“Before I let you make a choice, I’ll tell you a little bit about mental models, magic backflow, and Magic Source.” Sanders took out the one book in front of him and threw it to Angel.

As soon as Angel took it from his hand, the book cover was written in generic text with a row of words: Triangle Guidance Method.

This book is the guidance that Morrow taught Alan and is sister Irene before, and it is also the basic guidance method of White Coral Floating Island College.

“This is… isn’t this the guidance method of White Coral Floating Island College? How come Mentor has it too? ” Angel wondered.

“You wonder why I have this guidance here? In fact, it is very simple, although the Wizard World agrees that this guidance method belongs to White Coral Floating Island College, outsiders should not learn it hastily. It is so ordinary that what they do not cherish will easily flow out, and with the case of this guidance. When it flows out, it has become so common and crude that even many wizard apprentices don’t like it. So, it’s not a big deal that I have a copy here. ”

“I’ll give you this guidance, just to tell you one piece of advice. A guidance method, which is extremely important to us wizards, should not be learned lightly, it was the right thing to do when you didn’t learn the guidance method on the Bohemia. It doesn’t make a difference if you don’t learn these garbage guidance methods. ” Sanders stretched out his hand and pinched gently in the air.

The “Triangle Guidance Method” in Angel’s hand broke into sc.r.a.ps of paper.

“Meditation, or guidance, is a way to calm a wizard’s mind and build a model for stable mental force in their mind. At the same time, it is also a technique that allows an apprentice to simply manipulate the mental force that exists in the body. ”

“To build a model of mental force, it is natural to understand what mental force is. The essence of mental force, in fact, is a kind of brainwave power. As for what a brainwave is, you have a chance to study it in the future, but not for the time being. Mental force is owned by each of us, and according to the general method of measurement thousands of years ago, we measure the amount of mental force in numerical terms. “


“The average person’s mental force is between 1.00 and 9.00. For talents, the mental force value must be more than 10, because only at 10 points of mental force can they guide the magic back, the higher the mental force value, the more efficient the magic return will be. Moreover, a person with high mental force, if they have the opportunity, can practice some special techniques that combine to improve mental force. Ordinary people with mental force values below 10 can also guide the return of magic, but 100% of it will be eaten back by rampant magic. ”

Angel knows about magic backlash, the end of the people facing magic backlash are generally very poor, even wizards can accidentally face backlash, which if left untreated can cause sickness or even disability, while ordinary people will die.

“The value of mental force is not fixed, but there is no effective way to increase the value of mental force. How to increase the mental force value is also a subject that the Wizard World has been studying for many years. It is said that in the northern region, which is far away from us, there seems to be a breakthrough in the study of this subject. Of course, this is also a rumor because the northern region is just too far away for any of us to verify. ”

“Therefore, it is normal that many formal wizards will have high mental force as an apprentice.”

At this point, Sanders said, “By the way, I saw a little guy named Eastley on the Bohemia that day. His mental force was inborn at over 23.00, which is very high.”

Eastley? The handsome young man with an extreme character came to Angel’s mind.

Angel shook his head to forget the image of Eastley. “Mentor, so if a person wanting to learn from a wizard does not have the mental force, that is, can their mental force value be increased to 10?”

Sanders: “It is right to believe so.”

If mental force value is not fixed, which is what Sanders had implied, it was possible to figure out how to increase mental force, and give it to Mentor Jon and his brother Leon on his path. Of course, that will be for later.

“Let’s go on with our discussion on mental force.” Sanders continued: “As I said just now, the essence of mental force is a brainwave power, which is hidden in the depths of the mind. How to guide it out, requires the help of a guiding method. ”

“Once you guide the mental force out, you can start building a mental force model. Each guidance method has a unique spiritual structure of the mental circuit, such as “Triangle Guidance Method” is a virtual triangle shape; After building the model with mental force, you can stabilize the backlash of magic, and then guide the magic to carry on an internal circulation, and finally build up Magic Source in the body. ”

The “Magic Source” mentioned by Sanders here, is just like any mechanical motion requires kinetic energy, Magic Source is the kinetic energy in the wizard’s body, and it has direct implications in that it can be used to pry and interfere with the material world with the original source of magic.

If it can be said that mental force is the building blocks of wizards, then Magic Source is the foundation of wizards.

This plane has civilizations from many different plane systems, and those who have great ability in a group are comparable to legendary wizards. But even so, they still covet the system in the wizard’s civilization because the supply of Magic Source depends on the inner circulation of mental force. Mental force is also an original ability of the organism itself, so when wizards go to any plane, it is very difficult for wizards to be suppressed by the laws of the corresponding world, while the powers of other planes can only be dominated by one side. As soon as aliens cross to this plane, they will be crushed by the will of the world.

As for the relationship between mental force model, magic and Magic Source, to put it simply, it is this-.

A guidance method can construct the mental force model, the mental force determines the efficiency of the magic return, and the magic return finally converges into the Magic Source in the body.

To mention a little more broadly, the promotion of wizards is also closely related to Magic Source.

The advanced level of the wizard is actually a qualitative change in the capacity of Magic Source under the magic cycle in the body. For example, if magic is like water, the wizard apprentice’s internal Magic Source is a cup with a limited capacity. On the other hand, the official wizard’s Magic Source, is like a water cup replaced by a water tank, and with this, the gap can be seen.

Also, the importance of magic to wizards is self-evident. The most basic criterion for evaluating a formal wizard is whether Magic Source can support the consumption of level one magic. Generally speaking, Magic Source that can independently release a level one spell has evolved into a “water tank”, otherwise magic will not be able to support casting a formal wizard’s spell at all.

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