The second phase of the Plane Fusion officially began when the last crack was swallowed up by the central black region.

Looking at the center of the black region, there began to appear a white point, after a while, the white point slowly become larger, and from the naked eye, one can see that the edge of the white point is a bit irregular, like a cyclone rotating non-stop.

“This is the second phase of the Plane Fusion.” Lady Dany looked at the growing “Cyclone” and sighed slightly.

“The Plane Fusion has a lot of steps, but there are only three periods that are useful to us wizards, so we use these three periods to divide Plane Fusion into three major stages.” Lady Dany is over 500 years old, has experienced a lot so she knows more. This is a really knowledgeable senior academic.

Lady Dany explained Plane Fusion-related matters to the new generation behind her, and everyone listened carefully. Even Flora and the wizard’s from Song of the Deep Sea did not interrupt.

At the same time, dozens of miles away from the fusion point, behind the exit of the plane fusion, people appeared continuously, and twenty or thirty wizards shuttled out. Some rode pets, some walked out of thin air, some wore alchemy equipment, but the most eye-catching of which was the large steam battleship from Sky Machinery City.

This group of people are apart of the major Wizard Organizations in the southern region, and they have come in droves, brought together by opportunities presented by the plane fusion.

When these people gathered, there was a faint splash of fire in the air.

After all, as long as they are people, it is impossible to maintain peace forever, there are a lot of disputes between the major organizations, and they are now gathered together. With so many wizards, they have begun to act hostile to each other, if it were not for the suppression by their organizations, the current scene would have now been filled with spells flying.

Wizard Organizations have people who know what to do, but a lone ranger does not necessarily know how to restrain their emotions.

An orange haired woman wearing an eye patch had conflict with a white haired old man with a walking stick, and traces of spell were already vaguely felt in the air.

“Get out of here if you are fighting, if we are involved when the consciousness of the world focuses here, I will destroy your soul and your relatives will follow in your eternal sleep forever!” A half-naked man covered with magic totem tattoos appeared in the middle of the two people with a dark expression on his face. If they really started fighting, he would definitely keep his promise.

The eyepatch woman and the white haired old man are both famous solitary wizards in the southern region. Under the threat of the totem man, although they have converged themselves, their spell fluctuations in the air have not dissipated.

The totem man squinted his eyes, the fusion point, in the absence of formal entry into the third stage, must not be disturbed. If they really want to do it, someone must kill the other with one blow, otherwise the aftershock will be transmitted into the central black domain and targeted by the world consciousness, and the consequences of the event afterwards will be unimaginable!

Just then, Lady Dany’s low voice came into the public ear.

“The first stage of Plane Fusion is actually when countless newborn s.p.a.cial cracks appear. We wizards call it after the benefits we receive from it, calling it the Garden of Homes. ” Lady Dany seems to be explaining the fusion points to the wizards of Gravity Forest behind her, but this time she spread the sound across directly to everyone present with her spell, seemingly to deliberately remind everyone, “Because the material, Fragment of Constant, is thrown out from the cracks in s.p.a.ce, which is the main material for building a Wizard Garden. So we wizards call this stage the Garden of Homes. ”

“Oh, so Fragment of Constant comes from here!” A wizard standing alone in the corner said. Wizard Gardens are a standard property of large Wizard Organizations, for many new organizations, or smaller Wizard Organizations, having a Wizard Garden is a guarantee for an inheritance that they can pa.s.s on for a long time!

“Lady Dany, we do not know whether the Fragment of Constant at the fusion point has been taken away by you? I wonder if you can sell it to us? ” A wizard from a small organization sent the sensitive message directly.


This message did not exclude anyone, many wizards all secretly scolded “We let this boy take the lead!”

Then the other wizards shouted, “We want to get some too!”

“Your Gravity Forest already has a Wizard Garden, why don’t you spare some for us? The price we offer will certainly satisfy you! ”

“If you don’t hand it over, hey… … ” A group of black-robed wizards said, with green glows sweeping back and forth on Lady Dany.

The direction of the wind of topics has changed at the scene instantly from Plane Fusions to Fragment of Constant.

As soon as this happened, Flora’s face changed, the Fragment of Constant’s big share was taken away by them, and she whispered to Sanders, “There’s something wrong right now, Mentor. Shall we prepare to leave first? ”

Sanders face was a little low too, and his heart cursed Dany’s lips. Although he is confident that there will be no one present who can take them, but in addition to him, there are now two other level 2 wizards. Before they were at the same level, at 1 to 1, now it has become 1 to 2, he is still sure of escape. But these two or three groups, including those level 1 wizards, would be a bit troublesome.

From far away one can see with the naked eye that the second stage of the fusion point has begun, and all eyes flashed a trace of solemness. Sanders took something that looked like a crystal ball out of his coat pocket, and a spell wave came out from his fingertips, and soon the color of the crystal ball changed and an image appeared from it.

The image shows a leisurely Cloud Whale, this Cloud Whale is flying in the direction of Guman Kingdom under the pressure of the black thunderclouds.

As soon as he saw this image, Sanders smiled at the corners of his mouth. “Give me the core for reversing the magic matrix.”

Flora heard the words and quickly took out a roll of leather paper.

Sanders contacts the crystal ball with the core of the magic energy array, and some of the magic lines of the magic energy array change slightly, and when the change completes, the crystal ball cracks.

“This Nightmare Crystal is a mysterious treasure I got from the Nightmare Plane a hundred years ago. Unfortunately, it’s a disposable product. ” Sanders sighed slightly, looking at the broken crystal ball, a hollow expression with a trace of heartache flashed.

Fortunately, they got a lot of Fragment of Constant, the Nightmare Crystal consumption this time, Sanders could afford.

Sanders reversed the magic pattern and after the change, returned it to Flora, “The transfer array is no longer a short distance one, I positioned it on the Cloud Whale, and once there is a change, we can go instantaneously.”

The Cloud Whale is the treasure of the Savage Grottoes, of which there are countless depictions, coupled with the strength of the Cloud Whale itself, even if it is besieged by the crowd, it is not in any danger. Moreover, most wizards believe in individual power, so group warfare is rare.

Coming back to this mess.

A lot of people are asking Lady Dany about their intentions to buy and sell the Fragment of Constant, and even large organizations were following suit.

Lady Dany’s face remained unchanged, and no matter who had asked about the Fragment of Constant or gave prices for Fragment of Constant, she did not respond. This makes Flora, looking far away from the center of the energy array, feel a bit more relieved. She is not afraid of anyone on the field, but if she fights, she can’t control the end results.

Lady Dany also has her own considerations, Poku himself got four drops of Fragment of Constant, although a bit less, but this is also very valuable. She didn’t want to lose so much cherished material over this. On the other hand, she doesn’t want to offend Sanders too much… the Savage Grottoes is not a defenseless organization, and it’s not a good idea to mess with them. That’s why Lady Dany didn’t respond to anyone’s inquiry.

On the other side, Sirius also knew that Sanders had most of the Fragment of Constant, but he didn’t say anything. He’s not afraid of offending Sanders… he’s just thinking about something else. Instead of the feeding the wolves and tigers, he might as well accept it all himself!

At first, Lady Dany deliberately put forward the main points of Plane Fusion in order to prevent people from fighting at the scene. But after seeing the wind had change at the scene and was taken away by the topic of Fragment of Constant, she had no choice but to continue:

“The second stage of Plane Fusion is happening now. You can look at the center of the central black field, where there is a white cyclone, which is slowly expanding, and when it completely expands, the black field will disappear completely. This is the most dangerous stage of Plane Fusion; but at the same time, the most dangerous stage is accompanied by the greatest opportunity. ”

The greatest opportunity? In the eyes of many small organizations or solitary wizards, greed arises. Behind the Fragment of Constant, there comes a greater opportunity, what will it be?!

Lady Dany slowly said, “In the second stage, we wizards call it: The Boundless Road.”

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