“< Book of the World > I believe many people have read that the Wizard Plane has a huge collection of consciousness that seems to exist and not exist at the same time. It has no thinking, no emotion, all its behavior is in accordance with the rules of origin. This rule, some call it nature, some call it the source. But in the end, it is a great existence that focuses on maintaining world stability. ”

“Plane Fusion, is a blend of two worlds, an opportunity for wizards. But for the world we live in, it is a double edged sword, the access to a new world can increase the upper limit of our world’s source, but during the Plane Fusion, it will also lose a lot of source power. From an overview, it is a present loss for a future benefit, and we can’t know whether it is better overall. ”

“The Boundless Road is the time to where the world consciousness consumes the power of the Source. Through the injection of it’s Source power, the world consciousness suppresses the expansion of the black domain, and then slowly establishes a channel connecting the two worlds. This pa.s.sage is the white cyclone in the middle of the black field, as you can see. ”

“The reason why the Plane Fusion is the greatest opportunity for wizards is that the world consciousness contains a lot of mysteries and we can see a lot of things in the bilateral channel, when it opens up and consumption of the Source power happens. For example, the more distant potential plane, the real plane coordinates of the potential plane appear, and even relying just on a trace of breath from it, one can find the new main world breath from the bilateral channel. It is precisely because it extends in all directions that the road to a potential plane is boundless and that is the reason why it is called The Boundless Road. ”

At this point, all wizards have come to an understanding on why The Boundless Road is called the greatest opportunity for wizards. With the blessing of the world’s Source power, looking for unknown planes, or even embarking on a new journey, which represents an unimaginable opportunity for resources. And Lady Dany said “the real potential plane coordinates”, which means that material can be consumed directly during the The Boundless Road in order to open a stable channel for the corresponding coordinates!

Even in Sanders’s eyes, there is a glimmer of desire. If he can enter the The Boundless Road and find the Nightmare Plane coordinates, can he open a stable channel to connect to the Nightmare Plane?

Dany’s words excited the crowd, but there were also many who knew the inside story and were expressionless and even expressed sarcasm to those excited.

“But, The Boundless Road is not that easy to go into. One has to be at least a level 5 wizard or more, that is, non-legendary wizards are not allowed to enter. Otherwise, they are bound to be implicated by the world consciousness and there is a possibility of unconsciously turning into the Source…” When Dany had finished saying this, the whole audience was silent.

Legendary wizard, since Bazel, the traveler wizard, left a thousand years ago, the southern region has not had a reappearance of a legend. What’s more, not to mention legendary wizards, even level 3 wizards, are rare in the South.

“Only legendary wizards can get in, so what do we do now? Are we just spectators? ” Some people clamored: “Too unwilling! ”

Lady Dany glanced at the man and said, “You can break in too, but let me be clear about the Boundless Road phase, the world consciousness, because it consumes Source to open up bilateral channels, those who break in at this time, or use source power to fight, will spill over to The Boundless Road… The consciousness of the world will definitely turn you into a little Source light, and use you as a building block for opening up the pa.s.sage. ”

“So, everybody take care, and stop messing around or you will bury everyone with you. ”

Poku, the tree man, kept a depressed expression after the arrival of Lady Dany, and his peers were angry and resentful of him handing over Fragment of Constant to Sanders, so no one wanted to speak to him. After Poku had been out of action for a long time, he heard Lady Dany say that the second stage would bring benefits, and his greedy nature immediately made him jump out and ask, “What about the third stage, Lady Dany?”

Dany looked at Poku, for Poku, she is angry and helpless, after all, the previous choice Poku made was also correct, others saved your life, you pay the price, this is rule recognized by wizards. Well, during this times Plane Fusion, Poku inadvertently appeared, if he had not contributed to the spark, perhaps the Plane Fusion would not have been born so quickly. All taken together, there is nothing wrong with Poku’s choice, and there was even a reward. But Dany felt distressed at the thought of losing so much Fragment of Constant, so when she saw that Poku was a little bit more enthusiastic she felt conflicted.

Even if Poku didn’t ask, Dany would speak about phase three. Dany sighed a little and explained the third stage of Plane Fusion.

“In the third stage, which is the final moment of Plane Fusion, the channel connecting the two planes will be completely solidified, but there is a time limit within which we can cross the channel and obtain the resources of the other world as quickly as possible. If the time limit is exceeded, the other world will be integrated into the Wizard Plane, as an adjunct plane, and then finding the entrance to the adjunct plane will be even more difficult. At this stage, wizards call it: Moment of Plunder. ”

“That is to say, our opportunity lies in plunder? ” asked a wizard.

Lady Dany nodded: “Yes, the big clamor caused by Plane Fusion will basically clear out the powerful creatures on the other side, and it is a good time for us to plunder.”


Without the peeping of powerful creatures, this act of plundering resources will be easier and less dangerous than a pioneer plane journey. That’s why a lot of Wizard Organizations send people here.

Of course, there are good and bad resources, the specific situation of the plane, they do not know, so everything is like Schrodinger’s cat, if they do not open the box, no one can tell what is inside.

“Jie, who was the first person on this side? The initial fusion period of the two planes showed what was visible in the opposite world. Say what did you see, otherwise, Jie.. … “The speaker was one of the only level 2 wizards present, Sky Machinery City’s team leader, ‘Puppet Master’ Bogula, covered in a dark purple soft armour.

Bogula tilted his head, a flamboyant red scarf covered half of his face, his narrow tongue licked up and down his lips like a snake, and from time to time there was a strange smile and “Jie” sounds coming from his mouth. The face, which was originally quite handsome, was destroyed by his grotesque movements.

As soon as Bogula spoke, everyone was silent, the abnormal habits of Bogula, as long as they are in the southern region of the Wizard Plane, people have heard of. Bogula likes beauty, and the more beautiful they are, the more it will stimulate his creative juices. It is said that every puppet he refines is his lover.

Hearing Bogula call for the first time to those present at the Plane Fusion, Poku shrank. He didn’t want to be noticed by Bogula. He was so beautiful, what if he was liked by Bogula?!

Nor did Dany want Poku to talk in full view. After all, he was a wizard of her own, and even if she had grievances, there was a bottom line.

On the other hand, Sanders and Flora knew what Poku had done before, because he sent out a pet that went to contact Gravity Forest when there were signs of Plane Fusion. However, that pet was received by these two midway, so they were able to get here quickly to save Poku at the same time, and also pit a large part of the Fragment of Constant.

Unfortunately, Poku seemed to use not only one method, but also other means, otherwise why would Lady Dany be able to come here so quickly. With Flora’s means, it is estimated that a full 2 milliliters of Fragment of Constant can be totally fooled away by her.

Sanders did not expose Poku either.

Dany was relieved too. Sanders didn’t say anything, so no one knew about Poku.

But as soon as she relaxed, she heard a sharp male voice: “Poku, aren’t you the first to be present during the Plane Fusion? So why don’t you tell me what’s going on in the other world? “

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