Super Gene

Chapter 2579: Claiming Another Deified Beast Soul

Chapter 2579: Claiming Another Deified Beast Soul

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

With Han Sen controlling the Six Core G.o.d Snake, the small Crocodile G.o.d became The Six Core G.o.d Snake had beat him up earlier, and so he gnashed his teeth now in rage. His body unleashed a black light, and even more heavy substance chains thudded into the Six Core G.o.d Snake. The Six Core G.o.d Snake’s movements slowed to a crawl. There was no way that it could escape the planet now.

Two of its cogwheels were destroyed now, and it was heavily injured. It moved with snail-like speed. The small Crocodile G.o.d’s gravity substance chains were pinning it in place, keeping it from avoiding Han Sen’s attacks.

Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang!

The gold general flew over to the Six Core G.o.d Snake that was pinned to the planet. Instead of pulling out the pillar that was pinning the snake, he used his fists to strike the creature. Gold energy carried each swing. It was like a glowing storm was raining down on the captured snake.

The Six Core G.o.d Snake remained pinned in place. The small Crocodile G.o.d’s substance chains had it trapped, and there was nothing it could do to defend itself. Under the gold general’s continuing barrage of attacks, the cogwheels broke one after another. In seconds, another two had crumbled to dust.

As this went on, the Six Core G.o.d Snake was suffering horrendously. It cast countless s.p.a.ce substance chains. They rose like an infinity of venomous snakes and tried to wrap themselves around the gold general.

Han Sen was running his gold general at max capacity. Still, he couldn’t free his fist from the substance chains. He was trapped and could no longer move.


The Six Core G.o.d Snake’s tail slammed into him, sending the gold general flying again. Its anger fueled that scary attack, caving in the gold general’s chest.

“The Six Core G.o.d Snake is so powerful! It is gravely injured, and yet, it can still fight. No wonder it is considered one of the best in the core area.” The gold general tore a trench across a long section of the planet’s surface before Han Sen could regain control of the machine.

The Six Core G.o.d Snake’s tail coiled around the Sky G.o.d Pillar and pulled the pillar out of its body. It wanted to move, but the small Crocodile G.o.d appeared in front of it. The little creature struck one of the two cogwheels the snake had remaining.

There was a snapping noise. The small Crocodile G.o.d managed to destroy the cogwheel, and it was a painful blow for the Six Core G.o.d Snake. The agony made the snake’s long body s.h.i.+ver and shake, and it tried to swing its tail toward the small Crocodile G.o.d instead.


The small Crocodile G.o.d flew away like a ball, and the Sky G.o.d Pillar drifted away as well.

Han Sen drove the gold general to reclaim the Sky G.o.d Pillar. With his weapon in-hand, he thrust his arm toward the Six Core G.o.d Snake. While the snake was still contorted in pain, Han Sen penetrated the creature’s final cogwheel.

The Six Core G.o.d Snake thrashed and twisted. It tried using its tail to smack the gold general away again, but the small Crocodile G.o.d was furiously returning to the fray. A heavy substance chain landed across the snake and slowed it even further.

The gold general approached as this occurred. Han Sen’s fists angrily pummeled the wounds of the Six Core G.o.d Snake. A frenzy of gold punches. .h.i.t the snake like a crazy and wrathful storm. The Six Core G.o.d Snake’s body was slowly driven into the planet. Chunks of rock flew everywhere.


Han Sen continued to punch, and the Six Core G.o.d Snake and the planet exploded. The scary explosion spread through s.p.a.ce like a beautiful firework.

“Core deified xenogeneic hunted: Six Core G.o.d Snake. Deified xenogeneic gene found. Obtained Six Core G.o.d Snake beast soul.”

“I got the beast soul!” Han Sen grinned.

Far away in s.p.a.ce, Exquisite and Li Keer were frozen. They had used their Very High Sense to watch the entire battle unfold. They thought Han Sen was quite amazing when he turned into the gold general, but then he cooperated with the small Crocodile G.o.d to defeat the Six Core G.o.d Snake with relative ease.

“It really was Dollar that stole the Sea Sky Eye and the Sky G.o.d Pillar.” Li Keer’s heart was a confused mess of emotion at that moment. She had thought from the beginning that the Gold Armor General had some connection to Dollar, but she hadn’t suspected that Dollar himself could have been that gold general.

“What is that?” Exquisite’s normally emotionless face looked shocked. She recognized the gold general, but she didn’t understand how Dollar was able to become the foe he had once defeated.

“I do not know.” Li Keer shook her head with a wry smile. She knew that was the gold general, but she didn’t know how Dollar could transform into it. She could not imagine what forces could allow that.

The small Crocodile G.o.d ran to the Six Core G.o.d Snake’s corpse. It kicked and bit it savagely. It was a shame that the little creature didn’t eat meat. And the Six Core G.o.d Snake’s body was like metal, anyway. There was probably nothing worth eating there regardless.

Han Sen put away the gold general that had been badly damaged. The Six Core G.o.d Snake was strong. Even the gold general’s powerful defensives had taken a lot of nasty damage. Some parts of it were broken entirely. If the small Crocodile G.o.d hadn’t used his gravity substance chains to restrict the snake, the gold general would have been cut to pieces.

Digging out the Six Core G.o.d Snake’s core xenogeneic gene, Han Sen noted how it was a jade green cogwheel. It was only around the size of a fist, and it had spun continuously in the Six Core G.o.d Snake’s head.

“That is some good stuff.” Han Sen could feel the scary presence emitted by the cogwheel, and so he complimented it. But he still couldn’t absorb deified genes just yet, so he put it away for now.

The small Crocodile G.o.d spent the last of his anger on the corpse of the snake. He flew to Han Sen and began to make noises that were a mixture of screams and crying. It was like the little guy claiming that Han Sen had lied to him.

“Small Crocodile G.o.d, you are so powerful! You killed such a powerful xenogeneic! You must be the strongest creature in the universe…” Han Sen looked at the small Crocodile G.o.d with admiration and complimented it profusely.

The small Crocodile G.o.d was about to continue ranting at Han Sen, but as he heard all this, he became He squinted his little eyes and looked very proud. He looked as if he was strong and almighty and forgot about his argument with Han Sen.

“Kids are easy to trick,” Han Sen thought, looking at the prideful little Crocodile G.o.d with a smile.

The small Crocodile G.o.d leaped back onto Han Sen’s head. It raised its head and roared. It seemed to be telling Han Sen to go and find more xenogeneics for it to kill.

Han Sen flew away. And as he went, he examined the core deified beast soul he had obtained from the Six Core G.o.d Snake.

Core deified beast soul Six Core G.o.d Snake: Weapon

“A weapon beast soul? It’s a weapon beast soul! It is finally here. I wonder what it will be? Since it came from a snake, perhaps it will be a spear. Maybe it will be a sword. Or maybe it will end up being a dagger?” Han Sen was so happy. He had wanted a deified weapon for the longest time. And this was a s.p.a.ce power weapon beast soul, so it had to be something special.

Without hesitation, Han Sen summoned the Six Core G.o.d Snake beast soul.

A green compound bow appeared in his hands. The bow looked so cool. It had mechanical arms, and its body was decorated with six wheels. It had the features of a mechanical cold-based weapon. It was chilly to the touch, and it looked frightening. He could already tell that it would have unparalleled accuracy.

The cold-based weapon exuded a murderous feeling. Something about its styling reminded Han Sen of a complex machine. Han Sen could see the bow s.h.i.+mmer with the shadow of the Six Core G.o.d Snake.

“This is a bow?” Han Sen looked at the Six Core Snake Bow in his hands in surprise.

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