Super Gene

Chapter 2669

2669 Answer of the Origin

“It looks like I have no choice except to make a wish.” Han Sen started to consider what sort of wish he wanted to make.

The last time he made a wish in Destiny’s Tower, the statue’s eyes had ended up being destroyed. Now, it seemed as if it might happen again. Perhaps it would have the same effect.

But even if Empty G.o.d’s eyes exploded, it wouldn’t help him much. The statue would still have its power, and it would still threaten Han Sen and shorten his lifespan.

“No matter what wish I make, unless the black crystal armor attacks him, my lifespan is going to be shortened. Why don’t I ask a question I have always wanted to ask instead? Perhaps I can at least learn some useful information out of this,” Han Sen thought. Then, he looked at Empty G.o.d and asked, “Can my wish be a question that you will answer?”

“Of course. I can do anything. I can answer any question you seek to ask,” Empty G.o.d said coldly.

“I want to know, are you and I the same? Are you a creature of this universe, too? Or do you come from someplace outside the universe? Regardless of the answer, I want to know where G.o.d was born,” Han Sen said, posing his question.

Empty G.o.d’s eyes flashed. He looked at Han Sen slowly and said, “Are you sure you want to ask me this question? It is useless for you to know this.”

“I told you already that I don’t lack anything. But I’m curious about you. If you must make me compose a wish, I would like to know this answer,” Han Sen said.

Empty G.o.d looked at Han Sen and frowned. “There were three questions. You can only receive the answer for one.”

Han Sen looked at the Empty G.o.d for a long moment, then asked his ultimate question. “Please tell me, Empty G.o.d. Are you a creature of this universe?”

Han Sen had always been suspicious about G.o.d coming from the geno hall. Even mighty beings like the Ancient Water G.o.d had been killed in a single blow when they tried to enter the geno hall. The power of the beast within that place was far too shocking. Aside from those who called themselves G.o.ds, Han Sen couldn’t think of any other being that possessed such power.

But if Han Sen asked the G.o.d where he was born, Empty G.o.d could answer by telling him a name that he wouldn’t recognize. If Han Sen had never heard of the place, then he wouldn’t know if it was in the universe or not. So, Han Sen eventually decided to ask the simplest of questions. He needed to confirm if the G.o.d was a creature that came from the geno universe. This was the root of all questions he would later want to ask. With knowledge of its origin, he would have a more solid basis for formulating theories and asking future questions. This was very important.

Empty G.o.d didn’t hesitate this time. He answered straight away. “No. I am G.o.d. I come from G.o.d Place.”

When Han Sen heard the answer, he nodded. The way Empty G.o.d said it was so vague. He had, perhaps deliberately, twisted the answer. But Han Sen had still received the answer he had wanted.

G.o.d wasn’t a creature that came from the geno universe. This answer was enough for Han Sen to confirm, at the very least, that the G.o.d he was facing was something more than a deified elite. This being was even more almighty.

These guys called themselves G.o.ds. But Han Sen thought they were more like devils that had invaded the ordinary world.

Han Jinzhi and Blood Legion had been dealing with scary beings like this for a long time. The effort they had put in was unimaginable for normal people.

When Han Sen received this answer, he felt his power start to fade away. His power drained so rapidly that it actually physically pulled him toward Empty G.o.d.

Han Sen had already experienced this before, and he knew it was his lifespan being reduced. But this time, it was fading much faster than it had upon his first wish. He could see his lifespan fading away like an avalanche.

Empty G.o.d looked at Han Sen coldly. A weird light shone around the statue, making him look both G.o.dlike and insubstantial at the same time.

A moment later, a century’s worth of lifespan had left Han Sen’s body. It made Han Sen feel tired and worn out. The drain didn’t stop, though. Han Sen was now losing years at an even greater speed.

Han Sen was prepared to give up a lot of his lifespan, so he didn’t mind sacrificing a few years. After all, nabbing secrets right from G.o.d’s mouth wasn’t easy.

Han Sen had already received a big boost to his lifespan from the previous G.o.d doll. He could accept this kind of loss.

But the next second, the black crystal armor inside his Sea of Soul reacted. While Han Sen continued to lose years, the black crystal armor’s mysterious presence exploded with energy. That power spread over Han Sen’s body.

The spreading black crystal armor gave Han Sen a unique feeling. It was as if someone’s presence was surrounding him.

Han Sen was quite familiar with this presence. He tried to think it over, and he finally remembered where he had felt that presence before. It was the same presence he had sensed when the black crystal armor blew up the statue of the previous G.o.d.

Han Sen didn’t have time to think. The black crystal armor glowed with a strange G.o.dly light. It flew out of the Sea of Soul, then punched Empty G.o.d, who was still sitting atop the stone platform.

Empty G.o.d had been blithely sucking in Han Sen’s lifespan without ever realizing that something like this might happen. Plus, he hadn’t even realized that there was a power out there that could harm him. So, he hadn’t remained vigilant against a sudden attack. He had grown lax in his security.


What Han Sen had witnessed before was now happening again. Under the tremendous force of the crystal armor’s punch, Empty G.o.d’s body shattered. A ma.s.sive surge of lifeforce rose from the crumbling statue.

“Lifespan +1… lifespan +1…”

The announcement of his lifespan increasing repeated over and over. That new power entered Han Sen’s body, stretching out his potential lifespan.

At the same moment that the G.o.d doll was destroyed, in a hall inside an empty realm, Empty G.o.d’s eyes blazed with terrible fury. And he said, “Sky armor power… Sky armor G.o.d… I only destroyed your G.o.d doll’s eyes, how dare you destroy my G.o.d doll! This isn’t over yet…”

Han Sen had no idea, but due to these meetings, he had started a fight between two G.o.ds.

The black crystal armor returned to Han Sen’s Sea of Soul. Han Sen had gained more than a thousand years of additional lifespan.

“Of course, if you’re going to become rich overnight, I guess killing a G.o.d is a reasonable way to do so.” Han Sen was delighted by this result. After all, he had just received a big boost to his lifespan and a great deal of lifeforce. His whole body was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with a scary presence.

Han Sen didn’t dare stay in Destiny’s Tower a minute longer. He picked up Li Keer and resumed his flight down the stairs. This time, when he reached the first floor, he encountered the door that would lead him outside. There were no more stairs leading down, keeping him inside a loop.

“What just happened?” Li Keer, who had been unconscious up to this point, slowly shook herself awake.

“I’m not really know. That geezer was a bit weird, wasn’t he? After you punched him, you got blasted into a wall and you pa.s.sed out. But the man was shattered into bits, and he became a pile of rubble,” Han Sen said, lying to Li Keer with a straight face.

“How could that happen?” Li Keer looked at Han Sen with suspicion. She didn’t believe his story, but she couldn’t be certain from his thoughts whether he was lying or not. She went back into the tower, and at the top floor, she saw a pile of rubble just like Han Sen had described.

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