Super Gene

Chapter 2985 Kill Sky G.o.d

Chapter 2985 Kill Sky G.o.d

Teleporting so fast through broken s.p.a.ce made the scary power from behind become weaker. When Han Sen exited the broken s.p.a.ce area. He did not see that Annihilation G.o.d Spirit follow. Bai King must have halted its pursuit.

“The spirit weapon the Extreme King made was stronger than the Holy Kirin. That is surprising.” Han Sen was shocked.

Thinking of how that thing came from the Extreme King alpha, it must have been handed down generation after generation. It was unknown how many xenogeneic spirits had been built into it. It was not impossible for it to possess such wild strength.

It was enough to fight an Annihilation cla.s.s G.o.d Spirit. Han Sen still thought it was too ridiculous.

“Why does Bai King treat me the way he does?” Han Sen thought. That was what he wondered about the most.

In the past, Bai King was in a rush to save him in the G.o.d temple. He was so surprised. Now, Bai King was willing to fight an Annihilation cla.s.s G.o.d Spirit to save him. That made no sense.

“No matter what, let me get out of here first.” Han Sen was silent. He did not dare return to s.p.a.ce Garden yet. He teleported to the outskirts of the big barren systems.

He was afraid the G.o.d Spirit would trace his retreat into s.p.a.ce Garden. If it followed him there, he feared things would not go so well.

Going to the outskirts, Han Sen went into the big barren systems again. He wanted to use the hidden power inside the big barren systems so that the G.o.d Spirit would not find out where he was. He would then be able to escape with Han Sen’s ident.i.ty.

Han Sen had only just entered the big barren systems when he heard some thunder rage above his head. The s.p.a.ce around cracked. It resulted in it all cracking like a spiderweb. That G.o.d Spirit tore through s.p.a.ce and managed to catch up.

“I thought that after a G.o.d Spirit was possessed, their powers were restricted by their bodies. I thought they could only be true G.o.d cla.s.s at best. This G.o.d Spirit’s power is way better than a true G.o.d cla.s.s.” Han Sen frowned.

Han Sen looked at the G.o.d Spirit and asked, “Where is Bai King?”

“I, Kill Sky G.o.d, want to kill. Not even G.o.d can stop me, and he is just a creature in the universe.” Kill Sky G.o.d was holding his G.o.d hammer. He was floating in s.p.a.ce and coldly looking at Han Sen as he spoke.

Han Sen heard Kill Sky G.o.d’s tone of voice and felt a flush of relief. It seemed as if Bai King had not been killed by him.

Kill Sky G.o.d raised the hammer in his hand. In a voice laden with disdain, he said, “The slayers of G.o.ds should be killed. No one can save you now.”

Kill Sky G.o.d used one hand to hold the giant hammer and swung it down. It was like the whole of s.p.a.ce had become some brittle gla.s.s Beneath the hammer. It just broke with the strike of the hammer.

Han Sen’s eyes froze. His body was suddenly full of light. He entered Super G.o.d Spirit mode again. The shattering s.p.a.ce had not left any marks on him.

The Sky Vine Radish G.o.d Lance brought some cold light forward. It was thrust toward Kill Sky G.o.d. With a look of disdain, Kill Sky G.o.d raised his hammer to attack the Sky Vine Radish G.o.d Lance. Han Sen flashed away holding the lance. He went behind Kill Sky G.o.d and thrust it through the back of his head.

“Super Spank!” Han Sen was still in Super G.o.d Spirit mode. He used Super Spank’s power at max capacity.


The tip of the lance broke behind Kill Sky G.o.d. It sounded like metal shattering. It was like some metal had been sucked into a blender.

G.o.d light and sparks were everywhere. The tip of the Sky Vine Radish G.o.d Lance only went in about five inches before not being able to proceed further. Super Spank’s power was not enough to completely destroy Kill Sky G.o.d’s substance chain. It only shattered a few of the substance chains that were outside.

Kill Sky G.o.d waved his big hammer as Han Sen had to pull his lance back. He used Galaxy Teleportation to get away from that system.

Under the Super G.o.d Spirit mode, the broken s.p.a.ce layers were unable to prevent him from using Galaxy Teleportation, but Wan’er was still inside his Destiny’s Tower. She was burning with gold light. She canceled Han Sen’s Super G.o.d Spirit mode.

Han Sen gnashed his teeth and held on, but he could not keep it up. His body fell out of Super G.o.d Spirit mode, forcing him out of Galaxy Teleportation.

Although he left Kill Sky G.o.d’s broken s.p.a.ce, he was still inside the big barren systems. He had not gone too far.

Without Super G.o.d Spirit mode, Galaxy Teleportation could not be used in the big barren systems because they had magnetic storms and s.p.a.ce vortexes.

Han Sen tried his best to get to the holy palace. There, the darkness power would at least affect the G.o.d Spirit. The G.o.d Spirit would not dare venture near that place. He had the Holy Kirin spirit, which restricted the darkness from damaging him while he was in there. That was the best place for Han Sen to use as a battleground.

Han Sen had not been flying for long when the sound of Kill Sky G.o.d’s big hammer broke s.p.a.ce again. The spiderweb-like cracks in s.p.a.ce reappeared and covered the sky to trap Han Sen.

“Wan’er! Wan’er! It is not that I do not want to take care of you. It is just because this is a critical moment. I need to live for the future.” Han Sen raised his hand and Destiny’s Tower appeared in it. Han Sen tossed it out.

Seeing the Destiny’s Tower go further and further, Han Sen felt Super G.o.d Spirit body could be used with his body again. Wan’er’s effects on him were diminis.h.i.+ng.

“Destiny’s Tower? Impossible. You are not a G.o.d Spirit! How can you have Destiny’s Tower?” Kill Sky G.o.d saw Han Sen throw Destiny’s Tower away. He was shocked.

Seeing it twice, Kill Sky G.o.d saw something amiss. He looked at Destiny’s Tower and said, “No, this is not Destiny’s Tower. It is just a copy of Destiny’s Tower. I think I have seen this copy someplace else. I know it now. Back then, Sacred Leader wanted to create Destiny’s Tower. It did not break. It is still here. They should really die.”

Kill Sky G.o.d’s face looked more murderous. He kept clutching his giant hammer, but he did not attack. A scary power was gathering up in the big hammer. There were very old and mysterious spells on each side of the hammer.

Han Sen’s body still had Super G.o.d Spirit mode, but he was still worried. From inside Destiny’s Tower, something was thrown away. Wan’er’s body shone with a golden light. It looked crazy as she entered blonde mode. It was just like Han Sen. She adopted a strange status. Her body kept rapidly increasing.

It was still different from Han Sen. His Super G.o.d Spirit mode was not able to harm him. He just had to get out before it ended.

Wan’er was different. Her blonde mode cost her significant life every second. If she was blonde for too long, there was a chance her life force would end with it.

The scariest thing was that after she turned into blonde mode, she would not recognize anyone. She would become like the raging demon lady. There was a chance that she would emerge from Destiny’s Tower not knowing who was a friend and who was a foe.

“Whatever you are, just go to h.e.l.l!” The symbols on Kill Sky G.o.d’s hammer were like suns. The weapon was striking toward s.p.a.ce.

The G.o.d symbol that was hanging in s.p.a.ce suddenly branded s.p.a.ce with a G.o.d symbol.

In the next second, the symbol shattered. As the symbol shattered, everything inside the symbol turned to dust. It did not matter if it was a planet or sun. Although it did not explode, it released energy. In just a second it had become a substance.

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