Super Gene

Chapter 3103 Cast G.o.d Court

Chapter 3103 Cast G.o.d Court

At long last, he had had the chance to see the complete gold lightning mark. He now knew the lightning’s language was Cast G.o.d Court.

When he looked further down, Han Sen felt rather strange. The Cast G.o.d Court detailed how to create a G.o.d. It was not about turning oneself into a G.o.d Spirit. It was about turning a gene race into a G.o.d Spirit.

A gene race had three different stages of growth. They were defined as a juvenile, adult, or ultimate mode. Ordinary gene races would typically become adults, but only the most talented and best of the best could become ultimate. Their power enabled them to cast out unimaginably scary powers.

If gene races wanted to grow up, they had to consume a lot of gene-race flesh. It was the only way to nurture their growth.

It did not matter if it was a G.o.d-cla.s.s gene race or an ordinary gene race like a viscount. Their biggest aspirations were to reach the ultimate stage. There was nothing beyond that achievement.

Even the very rare big sky demon gene race was only able to reach ultimate mode. That was where the evolution of every gene race came to an end.

This Cast G.o.d Court skill was able to make an ultimate-mode gene race ascend one more tier. It allowed a gene race to enter super mode to create a G.o.d Spirit body.

If Han Sen was able to make his gene race become ultimate, they could become a G.o.d Spirit. That meant he could potentially lead an array of G.o.d Spirits and even combine with the G.o.d Spirit bodies. That type of battle power was almost unfathomable to imagine.

According to the text, making a gene race become a G.o.d Spirit was not easy, though. It required G.o.d-pulse support.

The so-called G.o.d pulse was the blood dragon G.o.d pulse Han Sen already had. It was a born universe life pulse G.o.d power. That meant it was a G.o.d Spirit’s original power.

With a G.o.d pulse, a G.o.d pulse element that matched the gene race was also necessary. It was only then that a gene race could get help from the G.o.d pulse to aid its evolution. That was when it would become a G.o.d Spirit that was above average.

Even if one had a G.o.d pulse and an exclusive gene race, the success rate was still low. Not all gene races could become a G.o.d Spirit with ease.

Han Sen thought that part was interesting, but it did not tempt him too much. He already had a G.o.d Spirit but becoming a G.o.d Spirit was something the world was restricting him from doing. He could not summon it in the universe of kingdoms.

The content at the end of the Cast G.o.d Court made Han Sen open his eyes wide.

The true goal of Cast G.o.d Court was not just to make a G.o.d Spirit. It was to use a G.o.d Spirit’s combination power to break a barrier in s.p.a.ce and enter the place where a sky full of worlds with reincarnation were unbound by the rules of the world and set free from the bindings of life and death. They were able to freely enter the reincarnation and sky full of worlds.

“If I can reach that level, I can just break the s.p.a.ce barrier and return to the universe,” Han Sen happily thought. The more he looked at the writing, the more Han Sen’s face turned dire.

According to what the text said, to reach that level, one had to forge a Reboot-cla.s.s G.o.d Spirit and combine with it.

The rest of the gold lightning marks revealed a few cases of higher success rates with gene race evolutions. There was Ten Direction Sky World G.o.d King and Sky Full of Big l.u.s.t Demon G.o.d.

In short, Ten Direction Sky World G.o.d King was World King G.o.d. According to legend, it was one of the rare gene races Qin Xiu had.

The Sky Full of Big l.u.s.t Demon G.o.d, in short, was big sky demon. It was the gene race with which he had established a strange connection.

They all had a chance to become Reboot-cla.s.s demon spirits. They were very rare gene races. Even if they did not become G.o.d Spirits, if they at least reached ultimate mode, their power was enough to fight G.o.d Spirits. They were naturally very powerful.

There were only five gene races like that in the Cast G.o.d Court. Han Sen hadn’t heard of the other three before.

There were also records about gene races being able to have a chance of reaching that level, but the gene races with a low potential had a lesser chance.

Even the chances of World King G.o.d and big sky demon succeeding was around 20 to 30%. The chances of other gene races were too low to imagine. “I can’t believe big sky demon’s rank is that high. It can be at the same level as Qin Xiu’s World G.o.d King.” This greatly surprised Han Sen.

He already knew big sky demon was strong, but he did not suspect she was that strong.

Han Sen wondered if the person stirring up a big storm in the geno universe was World King G.o.d under Qin Xiu’s control. It might have even been Qin Xiu himself.

Otherwise, that was the only way Qin Xiu’s blood being blue could be explained. The blood of the humans in the universe of kingdoms was red, so Qin Xiu’s had to be the same. But World King G.o.d’s blood was blue.

“Big sky demon takes the stone ocarina seriously. Does that mean she wants to use the Cast G.o.d Court to make a G.o.d Spirit body?” Han Sen wondered.

After Feng Yin Yin finished playing the song, she realized the clouds and lightning above her head. She was shocked and said, “San Mu, this stone ocarina is weird. Why does it summon flowers and lightning?”.

Han Sen pulled Feng Yin Yin closer and said, “Little Yin Yin, the stone ocarina and the flower lightning is our secret. Can you please not tell anyone about this?”

“Not even Auntie?” Feng Yin Yin asked.

Han Sen seriously replied, “Yeah. n.o.body. Only you and I can know.”

“OK. This will be a secret between you and me only. I will not tell anyone.” Feng Yin Yin reached out her finger and smiled. “Let’s make a pinkie promise.”

“OK. Pinkie promise.” Han Sen hooked his pinkie finger with the finger Feng Yin Yin was extending. Their fingers touched each other. After discovering Cast G.o.d Court, Han Sen had hope. Although he knew it would not be easy, there was a chance.

The five gene races in the information provided were creatures Han Sen could not claim yet. With big sky demon next to him, there was little he could do about it. He did not know where the real body of big sky demon resided.

Han Sen thought, “Although I do not have an ultimate gene race, a mutant G.o.d-cla.s.s gene race’s success rate for becoming a G.o.d Spirit is just a bit lower than an ultimate gene race. I have the blood ghost spirit and gold wing peac.o.c.k king. I can try them, but where can I find a G.o.d pulse that suits them? The only thing that matches is the blood G.o.d dragon and blood dragon G.o.d pulse. But the blood G.o.d dragon is in baby form. I need to make it an adult so it can have a chance of combining with the blood dragon G.o.d pulse. Making a G.o.d Spirit body will not be that easy.”

Thinking of that, Han Sen looked into his Sea of Soul. He examined the gold wing peac.o.c.k king. It was still in egg mode. Its evolution had not finished.

“Feeding it myself is too slow. I do not have that much gene-race meat to use. It looks like the gold winged peac.o.c.k king has to finish evolving first and use the black crystal armor to make the blood G.o.d dragon increase.” Han Sen made up his mind, but he had no idea when the gold wing peac.o.c.k king would finish evolving.

While Han Sen was thinking about that, he suddenly heard a noise outside. He stood up and looked out the window. He saw many people wearing uniforms surrounding Feng Fei Fei’s castle.

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