Super Gene

Chapter 3143 G.o.d Chaos Party

Chapter 3143 G.o.d Chaos Party

When the white flame touched the evil, black, and purple spirit, it was like it had met gasoline. The entire G.o.d temple lit up in a fire.

The power possessing Han Sen and Bald Guy vanished. They regained control of their bodies.

When he saw the little flying fish spit out a fire to battle the guillotine, Bald Guy’s mouth opened wide. He was so shocked that he could not close his mouth. The scary fire was able to do battle with a G.o.d Spirit, and it showed no sign of being at a disadvantage. The whole G.o.d temple was bathed in fire. Only the G.o.d altar, which had the guillotine, was not burning.

The guillotine released black and purple flames and evil spirits. The flying fish suppressed the flames that came out of it.

Bald Guy thought about the time he had talked about skinning the flying fish and all the other stuff he had said to it. He now felt very happy. He was glad that he hadn’t acted on his desires.

Li Bing Yu was flabbergasted. She had already thought that the small flying fish was weird. She knew it was not a low-level gene race, but she did not expect it to be that scary. It was effectively combatting the powers of a G.o.d Spirit.


A gene race with that power suggested only one possibility. It proved that it must have absorbed a G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulse before. It had already become a G.o.d Spirit gene race.

Han Sen was a bit surprised too. It looked like gene races that absorbed G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulses could fight G.o.d Spirits.

In the future, he only needed to use Cast G.o.d Court to evolve a G.o.d Spirit gene race. Then, he did not have to break the rules of the world to fight a G.o.d Spirit.

Now, Han Sen hoped the blood dragon would evolve faster so it could absorb the G.o.d dragon Blood-Pulse faster. He did not know how strong the blood G.o.d dragon would become after that.

“How is it possible for such a powerful G.o.d Spirit gene race to obey a human?” The doll looked at the flying fish with shock. Han Sen was shocked as well.

Han Sen looked at the doll and coldly asked, “Now, can you tell me where you are from?”

The doll was speechless. It could not have been any ordinary G.o.d Spirit.

The doll suddenly laughed and said, “You are far too soon. Your G.o.d Spirit gene race is strong, but if I am not mistaken, it is a rare gene race that absorbed an Annihilation G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulse. It is one of the strongest in the universe, but it is a shame…”

Han Sen’s face didn’t change as he asked, “What is a shame?”

The doll replied, “It is a shame that it does not have a G.o.d temple for support. It is just a wild G.o.d that is down upon the table.” The doll grabbed the rope and pulled the heavy blade to the highest point, which made the cord straight.

Suddenly, the entire guillotine released extremely scary purple and black flames. It was like a volcano erupting. It fought the small flying fish’s flames.

In the next second, the doll let go of the rope and let it fall. The heavy blade went down like it was insane. It snapped itself into the guillotine very hard.

Boom! The guillotine exploded. It was like h.e.l.l cutting open a door. Countless scary spirits emerged. It was very scary. The purple and black flames incinerated everything.

The small, flying fish was in front of Han Sen. Its body was puffed up like a circular ball. It spewed white fire and fought the scary power that the guillotine had produced.

The flying fish’s mouth was full of blood. It was injured and fell back.

Bao’er picked up the injured little flying fish. Her angry eyes looked murderous. This was a rare feeling for her to express.

The doll laughed as if it was insane. “I told you. No matter how powerful it may be, it is just a wild G.o.d on the table. Compared to a real G.o.d like me, there is a gulf in power that cannot be closed.”

Amid the doll’s very sharp laughing voice, the self-destructive guillotine reformed on the G.o.d altar. It looked just like the old guillotine. The powerful presence did not change.

The guillotine’s power was as strong as the small flying fish. It might have even been weaker than the small flying fish, but it had the protection of a G.o.d temple. It was able to keep rebuilding itself atop the G.o.d altar.

The guillotine was able to keep burning the small flying fish. It could have been blown up 100 times and still kill again. The little flying fish was not able to be reborn in the same fas.h.i.+on.

Han Sen looked murderous too. He coldly glared at the doll and said, “You are using the immortal power the G.o.d temple gave you.”

“So, what? That is the power of a G.o.d. That establishes the difference between a G.o.d and a commoner.” The doll continued pulling the rope. It again pulled up the blade of the guillotine. It greedily looked at the small flying fish. “This is a G.o.d Spirit gene race. If I can absorb it and use it, I can push myself to be a superior Reboot cla.s.s being. G.o.d must have given me this chance today.”

Li Bing Yu suddenly screamed with shock, “Han Sen, fall back! I know what this is! It is not a G.o.d Spirit! It is a member of the G.o.d Chaos Party!”

The doll laughed harder. “I did not expect humans to still remember the G.o.d Chaos Party. This is becoming rather interesting.” “What is the G.o.d Chaos Party?” Han Sen asked with a frown.

Li Bing Yu’s voice trembled as she said, “It is an organization of special creatures. In the G.o.d Chaos Party, every creature can fight G.o.d Spirits. They are not G.o.d Spirits themselves, but they have the power to make G.o.d Spirits feel fear. In ancient times, the G.o.d Chaos Party was known throughout the universe. It made a sky full of G.o.d Spirits descend. The universe was almost destroyed.”

The doll laughed weirdly and interrupted Li Bing Yu. “You know nothing. The G.o.d Spirits are where the evil comes from. The world is supposed to be lawless. G.o.d Spirits enforce laws and control the universe. That is an insult to the universe. We just want the universe to be how it should be.”

“Does that mean you are not a G.o.d Spirit?” Han Sen now understood. He knew why the guillotine and doll did not carry the same presence as a G.o.d Spirit.

“No, I am a G.o.d Spirit, but I am a real G.o.d Spirit. I am not like those rubbish G.o.d Spirits.” The doll suddenly stopped laughing and looked serious. “Allow me to introduce myself. My G.o.d name is Decapitation Queen. I control the universe and death penalties. I am the G.o.d of death sentences.”

“What a shame,” Decapitation Queen said. “The small flying fish would have fit in well with the G.o.d Chaos Party and become a real G.o.d, but it is now fighting me. That means you will all have to die.” She pulled the cord and lifted the blade to its highest point.


The heavy blade descended. The guillotine released scary purple and black flames. Countless evil spirits burst out like it was the end of the world.

“It has been so long since I killed a G.o.d Spirit.” Han Sen faced that tsunami-like, scary purple and black flames. His body did not turn black. His body started to turn white. Suddenly, his entire body looked white. Long hair was draped down to his ankles, and his eyes had turned white.

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