Super Gene

Chapter 3161 The Test of Feng Yin Yin’s Talent

Chapter 3161 The Test of Feng Yin Yin’s Talent

Feng Fei Fei walked over and told Han Sen, “Mister Han and Fei Fei, I understand your n.o.ble intentions, but Little Yin’s sonic talents are exceptional. We still hope she can receive a sonic G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulse.”

Aside from the reason Han Fei Fei pointed out, there was an additional reason that she merely felt bad for suggesting. The G.o.d of Wealth Han Sen suggested was something Feng Fei Fei had never of before. Besides the fact it wasn’t one of the 12 Annihilation-cla.s.s main G.o.ds, there wasn’t a G.o.d of Wealth amid the famous Disaster G.o.d Spirits.

Feng Fei Fei had explored for many years, hoping to find a sonic Annihilation G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulse for Little Yin, but Annihilation G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulses were hard to find.

Even if Feng Yin Yin’s talent tempted the spirits, the 12 Annihilation G.o.d Spirits were controlled by the kings of the seven kingdoms. Commoners had no chance of praying for a G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulse.

Among the 12 Annihilation G.o.d Spirits, there were only two connected with sonic powers. One was a pure sonic G.o.d Spirit, and the other one only had a connection to it.

Feng Fei Fei had been busy on Feng Yin Yin’s behalf. She hoped she would be able to one day have her try inside the pure sonic G.o.d Spirit’s temple. It was a shame that the sonic G.o.d Spirit was owned by the kings of the Chu Kingdom. Only the royals of the Chu Kingdom could go into that G.o.d temple and pray for a Blood Pulse. Feng Fei Fei had tried her best, but she was never successful.

There was still a chance with the other G.o.d Spirits, and Feng Fei Fei had left home because of that.

G.o.d never answered prayers. For some reason, Feng Fei Fei failed. She had only recently returned. After that, Feng Fei Fei had some ideas. She believed some methods would enable her to have a chance with Feng Yin Yin.

“Auntie, it is fine,” Feng Yin Yin said with a laugh. “The G.o.d Spirit San Mu has introduced me to must be good.”

She did not just say that because she trusted Han Sen. She did not want Feng Fei Fei to incur so much trouble on her behalf. Feng Yin Yin knew Feng Fei Fei had suffered a lot because of her tireless search for a G.o.d Spirit Blood – Pulse. She had given it a lot of effort.

Feng Fei Fei was one of the most popular singers. To do something this big, she also had to beg a lot of people. She would have probably suffered much in her struggle.

As a result, Feng Yin Yin felt bad for her. Thus, she did not want her to continue suffering on her behalf.

Feng Fei Fei quickly said, “I know the G.o.d Spirit Mister Han has suggested cannot be too bad, but your musical talents are more than exceptional. If you earn the element from another G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulse, it will be a waste of your natural gift.”

After hearing Feng Fei Fei say that, Han Sen did not know what to say. He knew Feng Fei Fei’s musical talents were extraordinary. It really was a shame if she was unable to get a sonic G.o.d Spirit to capitalize on her talent.

Han Sen also wanted to find a sonic sub-G.o.d to be in the G.o.d of Wealth Temple, but he did not think he could get that done any time soon. Feng Fei Fei probably wouldn’t believe in an empty promise. Seeing Han Sen not insist any further, Feng Fei Fei felt relieved. She stroked Feng Yin Yin’s head and said, “Don’t worry, Yin Yin. I know where to get you a G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulse. You just need to give me another month and a half, and you will have a G.o.d Spirit Blood-Pulse.”

Although Han Sen did not believe her, he did not say anything about it.

Even if Feng Fei Fei did give Feng Yin Yin a chance, she would only get a complete Blood-Pulse. It would not be a Blood-Pulse that could be inherited, so it was not very meaningful.

They were both Annihilation cla.s.s. G.o.d of Wealth, however, was not sonic cla.s.s. Feng Fei Fei would have a Blood-Pulse that could be inherited. They were very different from each other.

This was something Han Sen could not push. He just needed to convince Feng Fei Fei.

He could not rush it. He needed Feng Yin Yin to go on his side. He could not allow Feng Yin Yin to start obeying other G.o.d Spirits.

The next day, Feng Fei Fei was in a rush to go again. Based on her expression, there was an 80% to 90% chance she was going to do something for Feng Yin Yin.

Not long after Feng Fei Fei was gone, Feng Yin Yin ran to Han Sen and seriously asked, “San Mu, can you take me to the G.o.d of Wealth Temple?”

“Of course, I can. Don’t you need to confirm this with your auntie? Doesn’t she need to agree?” Han Sen did not want Feng Fei Fei and Feng Yin Yin to fall out with each other because of this.

Han Sen knew that Feng Fei Fei really adored Feng Yin Yin. After all, Feng Yin Yin lost her mother when she very young. Feng Fei Fei was the one who raised her. She was a cousin, but the relations.h.i.+p was more like that of a mother and daughter. “Actually, it is because I do not want auntie to be busy on my behalf. She never tells me, but I know the G.o.d Spirit she begs for me is very nice. I like it too, but that G.o.d temple belongs to a king of the Qin Kingdom that has a different name. That king with a different surname happens to like Little Auntie. I am afraid…” After saying that, Feng Yin Yin suddenly stopped talking.

Han Sen understood what she meant. He admired Feng Yin Yin’s sensitivity. She was so young, but she saw a lot. It was no wonder she was Xiang Yin reborn.

“OK, I will take you to the G.o.d of Wealth Temple,” Han Sen said with a smile. “The G.o.d of Wealth is not a sonic G.o.d Spirit, but he will not disappoint you.”

“San Mu has never disappointed me,” Feng Yin Yin said with a blink of her eyes.

It was too late to take Feng Yin Yin to the Gold Crystal System, so Han Sen used the Sky G.o.d Crown. He picked up Bao’er and Feng Yin Yin and took them into the G.o.d of Wealth Temple. They appeared on the altar.

Feng Yin Yin looked at Han Sen with shock. “How did you do that? How can you go to a G.o.d temple from home so quickly?”

“It is because this is my G.o.d temple,” Han Sen said with a smile. “I can come and go as I please.”

“Your G.o.d temple? Are you a G.o.d Spirit, San Mu?” Feng Yin Yin looked at Han Sen with curiosity.

“Kind of,” Han Sen replied.

“This G.o.d statue does not look like you.” Feng Yin Yin looked at the G.o.d of Wealth statue. It was Han Sen’s G.o.d statue, and it was made from a G.o.d base.

Han Sen was wearing the Sky G.o.d Crown, which was how he had become a G.o.d Spirit. He was not actually a G.o.d Spirit, which was why the G.o.d statue did not look like him. The G.o.d statue’s face was very blurry, so no one could really identify it.

The Sky G.o.d Crown on the G.o.d statue’s head was the same as the Sky G.o.d Crown on his head.

“Put one drop of your blood onto the G.o.d stove.” Han Sen did not explain things further. He pointed at the stove on the gold altar.

Feng Yin Yin nodded. She walked to the stove and picked up a knife. Her nervous hands trembled.

“Don’t worry,” Han Sen said. “This place is mine. No matter what your talent is, you can get an inheritable Blood-Pulse.”

“Thank you, San Mu.” Feng Yin Yin was not as nervous now, so she cut her finger and dropped some of her blood onto the G.o.d stove.

A moment later, the G.o.d stove played a G.o.d sound. Some gold light was released. A tree of gold light appeared out of the stove.

The gold tree shot up into the sky. It had many different coins on it. It was a money tree.

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