Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1095 I will connive you to death!

Chapter 1095 I will connive you to death!

“Aquamarine!” Xia Fei roared, his brows furrowing.

In front of him was a very strange-looking woman. She appeared to be a woman getting on in the years, but her skin was like aquamarine, appearing translucent. This was probably how she had gotten the name ‘Aquamarine’.

Her eyes were black, empty, and lifeless.

This was the worst scenario Xia Fei could have imagined. He had been waiting for Aquamarine all this while, but it had been Sun Xiaojin who showed up, but after he killed the man, Aquamarine emerged from out of nowhere. In this story of twists and turns, the most dangerous enemy had been left for last.

He looked around. He was far away from the soul array that Fuchen had laid down, so all of their meticulous preparations had been rendered useless. Xia Fei could not help but chuckle.

Lighting a cigarette, he ma.s.saged the wound on his chest while he puffed out smoke rings.

Aquamarine was very curious, asking with a smile, “What? Have you given up on fighting back, or are you waiting for your so-called reinforcements? I advise you to give up. Without a soul array, Fuchen is no match for


Xia Fei still said nothing, kicking at a nearby pebble, which arced through the air and landed in the distance.

Aquamarine chuckled again. “Buying time is also pointless. The city is in chaos, and n.o.body will think that you and I are on this mountain.”

Xia Fei sighed and asked helplessly, “You just have a rather cold personality and don’t seem like some particularly wicked person; why did you cast such an insidious curse on my grandfather?”

This question was rather innocent, as if these two were not enemies facing off. Even Aquamarine found this to be rather amusing. Shaking her head, she replied, “You’re too cunning; how can you be Wistful Valley’s grandson? If not for you using Peac.o.c.k Blue and the Law of Primal Chaos earlier, I might’ve really been fooled by you. Alas, it no longer matters how innocent you pretend to be. Your heedless attack just then has already exposed your true personality and cultivation.” When Xia Fei was not doing anything, he looked innocent and harmless, and Aquamarine could not help but sigh in wonder at how deceptive his appearance could be. Earlier, he had crazily attacked Chaos Society’s Sun Xiaojin, his berserk appearance making him seem like a man-eating devil.

Xia Fei smiled and continued to act unconcerned. He had achieved his goal. Though Aquamarine said that she had not been fooled by Xia Fei’s outer appearance, she had already unconsciously lowered her guard.

In a battle with 0% chance of victory, he would fight for even the smallest chance! After all, his life was on the line!

“Since Fuchen is no match for you, I naturally can’t win, either, so why don’t you just answer my question out of the kindness in your heart and do a good deed for once in your life?” Xia Fei said, lowering himself.

Aquamarine was taken aback. As an old witch who had come from an unknown universe and had lived for countless years, she had never seen someone as strange as Xia Fei. He moved so naturally from madness to calmness that it seemed instinct. People often had two faces, but Xia Fei had many faces.

“In truth, there’s no harm in telling you. The reason is very simple: Your grandfather stole from me, and those things he stole were all very important. You’ve already experienced the power of the Immemorial Mystical Armaments and the Law of Primal Chaos, so you should understand that such things don’t belong to this universe.

“A pity,” Aquamarine glanced at the stars, melancholia in her eyes, as if the mere sight of Peac.o.c.k Blue and the Law of Primal Chaos had stirred some old memories.

“A pity that you are ultimately a short-sighed little fellow. You triggered the Plant Elemental power and obtained the complete synthesized form of Peac.o.c.k Blue; you even harnessed the power of that most concealed part of your genes, becoming an Orthodox Spiritualist of Healing.

“All of that is excellent, but since you’re so smart, how come you’ve never wondered why the Alpha Universe hasn’t had any Spiritualist of Healing as of late? Is it a good thing that you’re the only who knows how to control this special Spirit Energy?”.

Xia Fei frowned slightly. It truly was very strange that the Spiritualist lineage in the Alpha Universe had been waning and that not a single Spiritualist of Healing had appeared for many years, all until Xia Fei activated Peac.o.c.k Blue and returned to this place.

Aquamarine paused and then went on. “It would be one thing if you unlocked the healing potential on your own, but this ability was given to you by Peac.o.c.k Blue. It’s because of you that the Five Natural Elements were reactivated. You obtained the Plant Element, which means that other people will get the other four.

“You must understand that of the Five Elements, your Plant Element signifies life and healing, the only non-combat element. You can only use your ability to help people, but you can’t use the power of the elements to fight. Do you still think it’s lucky that you activated the Five Elements?”

These words stirred many memories in Xia Fei’s mind, particularly those four mysterious lights he had seen when he first arrived at the Alpha Universe.

“You’re saying that when I arrived, there were four lights that arrived with me in the Alpha Universe, each one representing an elemental power?!” asked Xia Fei.

Aquamarine replied calmly, “Correct. Metal, plant, water, fire, and earth are the five fundamental elements that make up the universe. Don’t think that the thirty Immemorial Mystical Armaments are as one, when in actuality, they’re mortal foes!

“I don’t know how you managed to activate Peac.o.c.k Blue. This is your fortune, but it’s also your tragedy, for the Plant Element is the weakest of the five! Moreover, with the activation of the Plant Element, the other four elements had also activated themselves in self-defense!

“Even if I don’t kill you, it won’t be long before other people in this universe will have discovered the other elemental powers, and they will want to kill you! This is your fate. The five elemental powers are all opposed to one another! When I brought the thirty Elemental Mystical Armaments to this universe, I was only planning on taking the strongest, the Water Element, using water’s all-encompa.s.sing nature to merge all the Five Elements!

“Alas, while I had the mystical armaments, I didn’t have the luck and was incapable of finding a way of merging them all. The Five Elements remained in that scattered form of existence, right until your grandfather stole them.”

Aquamarine grew more and more agitated as she spoke, killing intent flas.h.i.+ng in her eyes. “Still, your grandfather was very lucky, for he had a very unusual grandson. You managed to do what I couldn’t. Now, I just need to find the Water Mystical Armament and subdue it, and after which, I can settle that old score! This makes me very thrilled, so thrilled that I told you this much! Hahahahahaha!”

Aquamarine spread her arms apart, her hair wildly dancing in the wind as thick killing intent erupted from her!

Those not of the same race would inevitable hold different ideals.

Aquamarine had never been a kind sort, and Xia Fei understood that she had told him all this because she wanted him to die in regret!

Xia Fei had gone to great lengths of merging the mystical armaments, and in the end, he had just inadvertently helped his enemy! Who could accept such a thing?

A perfect plan had been ruined just like that. Without Fuchen’s soul array, what chance did Xia Fei have of winning and how could he accept that?!

“Are you angry? I’d really like to see you angry. You were so impressive when you went all-out to kill that child, so why have you fallen silent now? Is it because you’ve accepted your fate?” Aquamarine continued to speak insidiously.

Surprisingly, Xia Fei smiled breezily and said, “You’re saying that the Plant Element is the weakest of the five?”.

“Correct. What’s the point if it can’t help you in battle? It’s no better than tras.h.!.+” Aquamarine said loudly. Xia Fei laughed, his eyes erupting with a sharp light.

He moved very quickly and lightly stroked his spatial ring. A dazzling pillar of light then shot into the clouds!

As the light rose, a cold and intimidating aura engulfed the area!

*Bang bang bang bang!* Four figures appeared, four comets making impact! They landed in four different positions around Aquamarine, surrounding her! Great Soul Hunter of the Venus of Eternal Night, Cloud Night!

Great Soul Hunter of the Aurora Clan, Wistful Heizus!

Great Soul Hunter of the Tong Star Pavilion, the Alpha Universe’s ill.u.s.trious soul weapon collector, Tong Jinliang!

There was also that great master of the Orthodox Spiritualist path, Fuchen!

Four powerful allies had arrived, as if everything had been arranged beforehand!

In one second, the tables had been turned!

Xia Fei was not alone. Four peak experts were facing down Aquamarine with him, too!


Pointing at Aquamarine, the most irascible Cloud Night shouted, “I couldn’t get you last time, and my Soul Mark was even wounded by you! I was looking to settle this debt, but you ended up coming to me! No more words!

one of us is walking away alive!” The other three said nothing, but they looked at Aquamarine coldly.

Aquamarine had not expected Xia Fei to have secretly invited over so many experts!

Fighting four of Alpha Universe’s best experts all at the same time could only be a trying task for her!

Cloud Night was one thing; Aquamarine had fought him before and had some measure of his strength, but Aurora Clan Patriarch Wistful Heizus had always been very mysterious. No one had ever seen his true power. As for Tong Jinliang, he was known as the most irresponsible Great Soul Hunter of the Alpha Universe. Just what method had Xia Fei used to have this man, who had spent his entire life slacking off, to come here?

The most important of all was Fuchen! This successor of the Orthodox Spirit lineage was a Great Spiritualist! Everyone knew that when a Spiritualist took up a weapon, calamity would descend!

Gnas.h.i.+ng her teeth, Aquamarine swept her pitch-black eyes over the group and said coldly, “Very good! I truly didn’t expect that all of you would be willing to help Xia Fei out. I guess that the quarrel between the Aurora Clan and the Night Clan, as well as Xia Fei being driven out, was all staged?”

Xia Fei admitted shamelessly, “You guessed it right. I’ve always treated people with kindness, so how could I quarrel with the Night Clan, and how could I inexplicably be banished from the clan? What a joke.”

“What about you? Tong Jinliang, what reason do you have to stand on their side?!” Aquamarine asked, unwilling to give up.

Tong Jinliang shrugged and said casually, “I’m not standing on their side. I’ll stand on the side of anyone who can give me a good soul weapon.”

Aquamarine went pale and said no more. This scheme that Xia Fei had concocted on the spot was not that hard to see through. The problem was Sun Xiaojin’s very timely appearance. That had truly been a battle to the death, and since these people had not appeared then, Aquamarine reckoned that Xia Fei had truly been abandoned by the Aurora Clan, leaving Fuchen as his only ally.

This was why she had dared to appear on Garde 83, completely ignoring the fact that this was the territory of the Aurora Wist Clan.

“The four of you won’t be able to keep me!” Aquamarine swung her arms and screeched in fury.

“Have you gone senile? Who do you think these four are? You think they would come without helpers?” spat Xia Fei sarcastically. “I’m not my even-tempered grandfather. I may be unable to beat you, but I will connive you to death right now!”

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