Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1113 Building a Soul s.h.i.+p

Chapter 1113 Building a Soul s.h.i.+p

“Skytripus is a nation?!” asked Xia Fei, surprised.

Fuchen nodded. “That’s right. The universe is vast, and some places exist as organizations like Chaos Society. There are also some that formed nations; Skytripus happens to be one of the stronger empires.” At this very moment, Orchid Chime had already run off sans a trace, and the inferno on the other planet had also begun to peter out, which proved that the Diamond Star had been destroyed beyond repair.

“That Orchid Chime is truly very vicious; she destroyed our wars.h.i.+p so that we’d be left with one option to get out of this place, and that’s to steal a s.h.i.+p from the Skytripus Empire. If we don’t do that, we won’t have any way of leaving this place. After all, we’re in an uninhabited region, which covers a vast area of empty s.p.a.ce,” Radix said. Fuchen and Radix both felt very dejected. Xia Fei only had a few people accompanying him, and to go against an empire’s military force with this bit of strength would have, at best, a s...o...b..ll’s chance in h.e.l.l. Alpha Universe was not the Law Realm, nor was it the Inverse. Plenty of experts could be found here. That Skytripus was an empire proponent for its military might and for having highly disciplined soldiers.

This was when Xia Fei suddenly laughed.

“It’s fine that the Diamond Star got destroyed. Initially, I was hesitating if I should rebuild Aquamarine’s wars.h.i.+p, but Orchid Chime has just helped me make that decision,” Xia Fei rumbled.

“Aquamarine’s wars.h.i.+p can be rebuilt?!” Fuchen gasped, uncertain. Having no knowledge of wars.h.i.+ps, he had always held the belief that constructing a huge s.p.a.cecraft required a lot of time, effort, and manpower.

“It’s possible, and that’s only because Aquamarine already dismantled and moved most part of that wars.h.i.+p over to this cave. We just need to install the most important components, and the wars.h.i.+p will be capable of s.p.a.ceflight again. I have at least 80% confidence in doing this,” Xia Fei said enthusiastically.

He turned his gaze onto Radix, who was currently in deep thought. The latter understood wars.h.i.+ps, but from his experience, Xia Fei’s a.s.sessment, which was 80% based on confidence, was quite unreliable.

“You know about soul s.h.i.+ps, right?” Xia Fei asked Radix.

Radix was stunned, his expression changing dramatically, almost as if he had received a shock.

“Are you telling me that you’ll let me become the brain of a soul s.h.i.+p again?” Radix asked, his voice cracking.

“That’s right. The wars.h.i.+p’s control system will be the hardest to rebuild, so you need to act as a temporary replacement, turning the wars.h.i.+p into a soul s.h.i.+p! As such, we only need to restore a set of weapon systems as well as the propulsion system, and then we can take off.” Xia Fei spoke in a very serious tone.

A soul s.h.i.+p. Xia Fei actually wanted to construct a soul s.h.i.+p in this short time! Radix and Fuchen both found it incredible.

However, Xia Fei’s leaping imagination power could not help but make Fuchen sigh. Since there was no way for the wars.h.i.+p’s control system to be restored, then he would just ignore it entirely! Let Radix take the place of the system!

“Alright. Soul s.h.i.+p it is! That’s my old job, anyway!” Radix gnashed his teeth and said.

They moved quickly!

Fuchen and Xia Fei acted together, and in several minutes’ time, they had Aquamarine’s old lair picked clean!

Xia Fei was experienced and knew exactly the most important things to take away. All the equipment he could find replacement for elsewhere was discarded or ignored by them.

“Let’s go. This much should be enough for us to fix the wars.h.i.+p, “Radix said.

“Of course, we’ll be leaving, but before that, we need to destroy this planet! We mustn’t let anyone know that we obtained the Dragon Induction Formula, or else, this can become a big problem,” said Xia Fei.

Fuchen nodded. “Leave that to me.”


Several soul vessels flew out from Fuchen’s spatial ring, setting up a soul array around them. Fuchen lived up to his name as a Great Spiritualist, completing the entire soul array in a matter of minutes, shocking Xia Fei immensely.

“Remember: This is Extinguished Heavens, a powerful destruction array. It doesn’t target souls but rather matter. Don’t use it unless absolutely necessary because, the moment it’s activated, it will use up at least a hundred Spirit Energy standard units, as well as seven specialized soul vessels. The price is great,” said Fuchen in a low voice.

Xia Fei was stunned. This una.s.suming array would actually have the high requirement of one hundred Spirit Energy standard units, enough to forge twenty soul weapons! *Boom*

The moment the soul array activated, the entire planet began to shrink as if there was an invisible force crus.h.i.+ng it.


A single planet got obliterated!

“What a powerful soul array. No wonder it needed to consume so many units of Spirit Energy. The effect is simply extraordinary,” Xia Fei said.

Fuchen smiled. “That’s the power of the Orthodox Spiritualist! One day, you can do it,



A silvery wars.h.i.+p broke through the planet’s mantle, bringing Radix, Xia Fei, Furball, Peac.o.c.k Blue, and Fuchen out from underground!

Of course, it was better to repair the wars.h.i.+p on ground than underwater, for the water resistance and the damage it could do to electronics could not be ignored.

This wars.h.i.+p, which had come from another universe, did not have an exaggerated hull shape and was equivalent to a small cruiser. It looked like a hammerhead filled with power.

“If what Orchid Chime said is true, then in thirty-five hours’ time, an army fleet from the Skytripus Empire will arrive. Can you make a full repair in that short time?” Fuchen asked.

It was not just fixing up the wars.h.i.+p in thirty-five hours; they also had to evade the incoming encirclement from the said fleet, which would be the most difficult task they must face. Hence, Xia Fei’s repairing speed would need to be very quick.

“We’ll really run out of time if I just keep talking to you,” Xia Fei said with a smile.

Speedsters, of course, had their advantage, and Xia Fei used his quick and nimble agility to begin the repairs rightaway, engaging in the process that would take an entire maintenance crew all by himself.

Fuchen, Radix, and Furball formed another team. Fuchen had no knowledge of wars.h.i.+ps, but Radix was an expert, so with the latter’s direction, he was able to accomplish, albeit clumsily, some of the simpler fixes. As for Furball, he could also help by picking up the screws and parts.


The ones mainly doing work were still Xia Fei and Peac.o.c.k Blue. The former had both speed and skill, while the latter had thirteen flexible bluegra.s.s blades, which moved deftly with Xia Fei’s thoughts, powerful and dexterous.

Every second ticked by and the process of fixing up the wars.h.i.+p progressed fairly smoothly. The wars.h.i.+p had a st.u.r.dy hull, and it did not morph even after a violent impact, which meant that the wars.h.i.+p was actually still in good condition when it first landed in the Valley of Wind.

However, for some reason, Aquamarine dismantled her perfectly fine wars.h.i.+p. It was almost as if she did not want anyone to see it. As a result, this added quite a bit of difficulty to Xia Fei’s restoration work. After all, having been submerged underwater for years, moss grew in several locations, and if he failed to clean them up properly, they could very well cause an explosion if there were any blockage to the energy output device. If that were to happen, there would be nothing Xia Fei and the others could do even if they cried.

The cleaning up and a.s.sembly took place at the same time. No one spoke while working, as they had all devoted themselves to their tasks.

Aside from a bit of nervousness, Xia Fei was actually in a great mood. As the construction process made progress, Xia Fei started to realize the potential the s.h.i.+p held. This was not just a wars.h.i.+p but also practically a weapon of ma.s.s destruction!

An advanced propulsion system and that extremely st.u.r.dy exterior, Xia Fei could not think of any model of wars.h.i.+p that could be comparable to this s.h.i.+p. Unfortunately, they were short on time right now; otherwise, if Xia Fei were given half a month’s time to retrofit the s.h.i.+p, this vessel would definitely become an apex existence, which surpa.s.sed every other s.h.i.+p in the Alpha Universe!

Thirty hours later, Valley of Wind.

“Okay, the fundamental a.s.sembly is complete. Next will depend on whether or not you can a.s.sume control of this wars.h.i.+p,” Xia Fei said to Radix.

“Then let’s begin.” Radix was excited.

Xia Fei nodded. He had installed a very strange device, which he rigged at the last minute on the console, connecting both the wars.h.i.+p and the fiendish blade, Nirvana. As long as the blade was slotted in, the wars.h.i.+p would become a soul s.h.i.+p, giving Radix full control of it.


The fiend blade became one with the console. Radix’s soul swiftly accessed the wars.h.i.+p and began initiating a.s.similation with the wars.h.i.+p’s systems.

The deployment was also the longest portion of the wars.h.i.+p reconstruction process. It would often take several years for the construction of a wars.h.i.+p to become battle-ready, and there were plenty of adjustments that must be made to the systems the entire time. Right now, they were at the point of the s.h.i.+p’s official deployment, which was the most crucial step to their operation.

“Wire 1173 is damaged. You’ll need to reconnect it.” Radix rumbled.


Xia Fei instantly disappeared from where he was, arriving at the location that Radix had mentioned before and doing the necessary repairs there.

“The 09 energy source circuit is irregular; there may be an issue with the warp tube.” Radix mentioned this again.

Fuchen was completely at a loss, so he stood in the mossy command deck, looking helpless. There was no time for them to tidy up the interior, so the entire wars.h.i.+p was like a garbage dump, and feculent odor filled the air.

It was a joy seeing Radix and Xia Fei cooperating. Of the two, one acted as the brain of the wars.h.i.+p, while the other acted as its captain, pilot, and mechanic. One man and one soul carried out the reconstruction of the entire wars.h.i.+p.

Time pa.s.sed. It was getting closer and closer to the deadline when the Skytripus Empire’s fleet would arrive.

Skytripus Empire’s special task force fleet, The Effervescence flags.h.i.+p.

This last-minute operation’s in charge person, Major Kelly, stood in the command deck, looking at the distant Valley of Wind through a large floor-to-ceiling porthole.

This fleet was made up of a total of twenty cruiser-tier high speed wars.h.i.+ps. Though it did not have any large wars.h.i.+ps, the power it wielded was frightening. What the fleet had set out to do was arrive at the destination in the fastest speed possible, which was why the more c.u.mbersome wars.h.i.+ps had all been abandoned for this operation, forming a fleet composed solely of these high-speed cruisers.

Along the way, they had come across a battlecruiser, which was the unfortunate s.h.i.+p that Xia Fei had abandoned; there had been no other opposition since.

“Read the report to me again; just what s.h.i.+p was that?” Kelly asked loudly. The fleet was very close, and their radar scans had picked up a s.h.i.+p that had landed on the Valley of Wind. At that distance, this enemy s.h.i.+p ought to have already noticed them, yet when faced with this military fleet, which had more than a hundred wars.h.i.+ps, it actually showed no signs of trying to escape and merely quietly remained docked there. It ignored Kelly’s fleet entirely. This act raised the young major’s suspicion.

What he could not make sense of was the fact that the enemy’s s.h.i.+p model was not something recognizable across the Alpha Universe. It was very mysterious, which greatly piqued the interest of Kelly.

“We confirmed that the model of this s.h.i.+p is unknown and even received a very strange signal from our radar scans; it seems like the s.h.i.+p in front doesn’t show any radar feedback, which can mean that it has no radar fitted onboard.”

“A wars.h.i.+p with no radar?” Kell was mildly surprised by this information, his face twisting into a strange expression.

“Don’t open fire. Have it surrounded first. I wanna take a look at just what kind of s.h.i.+p it is… For it not to even have a radar installed, are they crazy or something?” Major Kelly shrugged offhandedly.

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