Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1135: Sweeping All the Points

Chapter 1135: Sweeping All the Points

“Using shock techniques to increase the Dark Energy consumption in the enemy, this is akin to throwing a warrior, who is good at battling on land, into the water. Though it won’t kill them outright, it’llat the very least cause them to lose their advantage.” Xia Fei jotted this down on his notebook after he was done repairing that second soul weapon.

Radix said, enthusiastic, “Who said that the ancients had nothing good? This soul weapon’s function is fairly unique; I’m afraid that it’s hard to find such an environmental soul weapon, which doesn’t seek to kill enemies outright.”

Xia Fei nodded and stowed away his notebook. Getting up, he prepared to return this soul weapon to its owner.

Xia Fei felt that repairing soul weapons was a fairly interesting job. Just the experience he gained could not be measured by money.

Walking outside the door, Xia Fei suddenly found Master Ulan staring strangely at him.

“Uhh… I have a few items that I need to place in the cultivation room,” Ulan said as he stroked his chin.

Xia Fei shrugged. “Well, this is your home to begin with. You can naturally do whatever you like here, and I don’t have the right to interfere.”

Ulan slapped his thigh happily. “Well, if that’s your stance, than I shan’t be courteous.”

Ulan quickly put tens of rare and strange plants in AI-operated flowerpots and moved them all into the cultivation room.

That empty room had suddenly become a lot greener, which made for a good sight and the place to seem more welcoming and relaxing.

Ulan felt really excited upon seeing Furball sleeping soundly on the ground. He used his finger to give the beast a curious poke, and this caused Furball to let out a disgruntled cry. This pet was far too devious. While Xia Fei had been repairing those soul weapons, this creature had secretly been absorbing energy, too, and to do so, he had even pretended to be sound asleep. Fortunately, Xia Fei was already used to his antics, so he did not mind it that much.

“You spent close to two hours on the job this time, so you must’ve used quite a lot of Spirit Energy. Am I right?” Ulan asked with a laugh as he patted Xia Fei on his shoulder.

“It’s fine. With the Spirit Energy Conservation Array keeping things under control, I only used a single standard unit of energy at most,” Xia Fei answered.

He used up 10,000 points for the first soul weapon, while the second one was worth 40,000, so the profits he was raking in had evidently exponentially increased. This was not even including the progress Xia Fei had made with his cultivation and the experience he had garnered from the operation. Probably nothing else in the universe was as profitable as repairing primeval soul weapons.

After thinking so, Xia Fei asked, “It looks like it’s about to get dark. Will there be any trouble if I don’t make it back to gather with the rest?”

“What problem will there be? Relax. Fuchen’s anonymous card can’t be tracked down. When others don’t find you, they’ll just a.s.sume that you’ve already left by yourself. After all, this is just a branch agency, not the headquarters, so security is rather lax here.” Ulan thought nothing of his dilemma.

Xia Fei nodded and entered the holonet anew to return the second soul weapon.

His account was instantly credited with 50,000 points, reaching 70,200 points!

With furrowed brows, Xia Fei discovered that there were no more primeval soul weapons left for him to repair, but he was not panicking. Running over to the Confidential Archives, he took out that Dark Energy Conversion theory and had a look. Honestly, Xia Fei was quite reluctant to leave the Spiritualist a.s.sociation. Where else would he find a place where he could earn currency, cultivate, and enrich his knowledge all at the same time?

Spiritualist a.s.sociation’s second base.

Xia Fei was in the fourth base, where the miscellaneous Spiritualists all gathered. The second base, on the other hand, was where Spiritualists of Combat were at.

There were many branches in the Spiritualist profession besides the main one, which was forging soul weapons. After many years, experience had taught them all that entrusting their lives onto warriors was unreliable. Even if they were Spiritualists, they had to learn some basics in combat so that they could survive in the chaotic universe like before.

Spiritualists of Combat were actually not too different from ordinary Spiritualists aside from having much greater combat power. As for those grandmasters that resided in the first base, they practically had no concept of fighting.

Of the four bases under the Spiritualist a.s.sociation’s eadquarters, only the infighting between the first and second bases was the most serious. Those decrepit old men in the first base believed that, since they were Spiritualists, they should focus on researching soul weapons, that there was no need to occupy themselves with violence and such.

Spiritualists were above those experts who wielded combat soul weapons, and if there was ever truly a need, they could just leave it to the soul pract.i.tioners to get their hands dirty. With how many people in the universe were eager to curry favor with Spiritualists in this day and age, a single wave of their arm was all it took to gather a horde of warriors at their beck and call.

However, the Spiritualists in the second base did not share such a sentiment. Many of them were obsessed with the thrill of fighting, so they were all the more less willing to leave their safety to others. As such, the Spiritualist a.s.sociation was internally divided between the combatant and non-combatant factions, which were called the Doves and Hawks respectively.

Morya entered the Spiritualist a.s.sociation’s holonet as per usual to check on that soul weapon, namely the Four-star Buffeting Wind, she had placed in the trade sector.

Though Morya was a woman, she had a very handsome androgynous face that made maidens blush. Her eyes were sharp like swords, and her eyebrows looked like they had been drawn by a calligraphy master, sharp and straight.

Because of how she looked, Morya would often find herself on the receiving end of her fellow women’s seduction. It could not be helped; she was bound to find herself in such situations given her penchant to dress like a man, combined with her handsome features.

She was different from Moon Song. Moon Song was called a tomboy because of her personality, but her looks was completely feminine. Meanwhile, Morya had the personality of a lady but dressed like a man.

“What!” Morya discovered that the green indicator light was s.h.i.+ning beside her soul weapon and exclaimed involuntarily.

The holonet had an intelligent recognition system, and this green light meant that someone had managed to repair her soul weapon!

“Who was it? Did someone really manage to find a way to repair soul weapons from eons past?” Morya was skeptical. Her fingers tapped speedily across a screen, and she had that soul weapon transported back to her home. This was the holonet at the end of the day, and the difference between examining here and back in reality was great. It was best if she went back home and tested it out herself.

Almost at the same time that Morya exited the holonet, that soul weapon was delivered right to her table.

Grabbing the soul weapon, Morya quickly ran to the cultivation room next door and slipped on the Four-stars Buffeting Winds.


A huge explosion and the close-combat soul weapon Four-star Buffeting Winds caused a powerful blast, creating a bright light!

Morya’s intrepid eyebrows became animated as she shouted excitedly, “IT HAS TRULY BEEN FIXED! Heavens! I’m not dreaming, am I?!”

Morya ran up to the second floor as she tightly clutched her precious soul weapon. There was an antiquated room there, and inside was stocked full of primeval soul weapons. Each one had been wiped clean, looking like someone had been keeping them tidy every day.

Staring at the gloves in her hands for a good long while, she saw how those fine cracks, which were a result of deterioration, had disappeared. In their places were faint brilliance, which illuminated the entire soul weapon, making it appear completely brand new.

“This is wonderful… Too wonderful…” Morya said over and over again.

Morya placed the Four-star Buffeting Winds back onto its shelf grid and stared at the entire room filled with primeval soul weapons, her eyes sparkling with eagerness. Right at this moment, she looked very much like a gentle lady.

She took down two soul weapons, which looked like they were about to deteriorate completely, from the hundred-grid shelf. Morya very carefully mulled about it and soon opened the lowest tier of the hundred-grid shelf. From inside, she retrieved a black bundle and gingerly closed the door. She almost seemed to fear causing too much movement from her actions.

‘Father, these primeval soul weapons of our clans will finally have a chance of seeing the light of day again!’ This was the thought that had crossed Morya’s mind, as her eyes began to fill with tears.

It was not that Morya was someone who cried easily; rather, she had been leading quite the torturous life until now.

The Mor clan had once been prestigious among the Spiritualists, but as the profession’s decline started, many clans were no longer as glorious as before. The Mor Clan was especially tragic, and all that was left was this young lady, Morya. The elders of the second base all affectionately called her their Little Ya.

The Mor Clan’s heritage went way back in history, with countless ancestors of theirs had forged soul weapons. Unfortunately, because of the long pa.s.sage of time, many of these soul weapons were no longer usable.

Many generations of the clan had, time and again, attempted to repair these primeval soul weapons, but all of them were met with failure. These had all been deeply etched in Morya’s memory, so it could be imagined the surge of excitement this young lady had felt when she learned that the Four-star Buffeting Winds had been repaired. As such, she decided to take out even more primeval soul weapons in hopes of trying her luck.

Morya let out a long sigh after placing these three items down.

She did not depart but, instead, waited to see who would walk away with these soul weapons. This was in hopes of expressing her grat.i.tude to the person. Too bad that Xia Fei, who was currently engrossed in reading that book he had retrieved from The Archives, had long forgotten that many more primeval soul weapons awaited his repair.

After waiting for several hours and seeing no movement whatsoever, Morya disappointedly exited the holonet.

“So that’s why… There’s an acceleration node that exists when converting between Dark Energy and conventional energy, and only within the acceptable parameters of this node can the conversion rate become higher, or else it’ll only be a huge waste,” Xia Fei said as he set aside that book t.i.tled ‘Dark Energy Conversion Theory’.

Radix yawned, apparently bored. He was not a Spiritualist, so he of course could not understand what was written in that book. Waiting for time to pa.s.s this whole while had bored him immensely.

Most likely because it was around the evening, Xia Fei noticed the holonet gradually filling with more people. Wrinkling his forehead, he turned to make his way back to the trade sector.

Xia Fei looked around and was slightly taken aback by what he saw.

There was a distinct increase in soul weapons, at least several dozen times more, that needed repair in the trade sector. There were even some holo-figures standing around, seemingly waiting for something.

Xia Fei went over to look and noticed that this increase of goods requiring repair could mostly be observed in primeval soul weapons. Most likely, someone had spread the word, so everyone began to put forth the primeval soul weapons that they had in their possession.

Xia Fei did not immediately make his move but secretly jotted down the numbers of these soul weapons.

Returning to Ulan’s paG.o.da, Xia Fei entered these numbers into the system so that he would not need to show his face when retrieving these items through the holonet.

Two soul weapons appeared on the spatial transference device. Xia Fei took them into the cultivation room, only to find that there were dozens more plants that had been placed around the room. What had been a refres.h.i.+ng splash of green in that drab room had turned into a display of colors, which could leave people dazzled.

He shrugged. This was Ulan’s property at the end of the day, and it was not his place to stop the old man from placing things in his own room.




Overnight, at a time when everything was silent, the points in Xia Fei’s account had climbed at a crazy rate!

At the same time, his third Soul Mark had gradually become clearer.

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