Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1211: Xia Fei must die!

Chapter 1211: Xia Fei must die!

“Is there a mouse?” Xia Fei wrinkled his eyebrows and turned around to look.

Xia Fei got the shock of his life when he turned round to find out what was making the noise.

It was not a mouse, but a walking corpse! It was hunched over, and its shuffling feet were making the scratching sound.

‘Could this be the custodian slave that Ulan was talking about?!’, Xia Fei thought quickly.

Though Fuchen was an Unrestricted, he did not speak much about the sect due to the fact that he was expelled. Instead, it was Ulan who spoke at length about the rumors. What Xia Fei was most intrigued by were those stories that talked about the Unrestricted Pavilion, as well as the custodian slaves.

There were rumors among the Spiritualists that the Unrestricted Sect had constructed a great library, called the Unrestricted Pavilion, which expressly collected the techniques Spiritualists used, very similar to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

While most major sects would have their own secret library, the Unrestricted Pavilion was different from the rest. It was rumored that the place was not defended against outsiders with traps, but by two soulless custodian slaves.

Everyone knew that every sapient lifeform would have a soul, also called Dark Energy. The moment someone lost their soul, then their flesh would naturally die off.

Custodian slaves were freaks that had their physical bodies enhanced to a powerful extreme, and were able to survive even without a soul of their own. They were incapable of using Dark Energy, and would rely solely on their physical strength to vanquish their foes!

This was a very fascinating rumor, especially to a speedster like Xia Fei. Out of all the different types, it was speed warriors like himself who needed physical endurance the most. After all, their top was already close to light-speed, and without a powerful and resilient body, there was no way they could endure. Taking Xia Fei as an example: despite his fairly normal looks, every single muscle in his body, right down to his very cells, would tighten when he began moving, becoming even firmer than steel!

Thus, Xia Fei very naturally became curious about the custodian slaves, wanting to know how they had managed to train their undying flesh.

His mind raced. Xia Fei did not have much difficulty entering the corridor because he had the Sectmaster’s Golden Seal. Anyone could enter, and these undying monsters were consistent with how Ulan had described them. It was clear that he was in the Unrestricted Pavilion, and these creatures were none other than the custodian slaves!

Xia Fei was able to think really fast, yet these two custodian slaves were even faster! They darted over, lunging from both the left and right toward Xia Fei. Their four arms were enmeshed, looking to hug and hold Xia Fei!

Crafty Approach!


With a low grunt, Xia Fei shrank to half his height nearly instantly, and began to move in a strange footwork that allowed him to slip right out from their grasping arms.

The custodian slaves failed to grab hold of Xia Fei, and the two criss-crossed each other. The speed and technique they demonstrated as they nimbly swapped places with each other was actually comparable to the speedy Xia Fei. Sure enough, they had trained their bodies to peak physical condition, and the two moved with such expertise that they hardly made a sound, almost like they were two agile cats.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Fei exchanged over a dozen blows with the custodian slaves. These two walking corpses gave Xia Fei a tremendous shock. Not only was their execution clean, their speed was high, too! Wherever Xia Fei evaded, the two were able to follow up with their own attacks!


Xia Fei hurriedly flashed the Golden Seal. There had to be a way to restrict these two creatures that had been trained to the apex of physical condition, otherwise there was no way for the past Sectmasters to come to the Restricted Pavilion. As such, Xia Fei brandished the Sectmaster’s Token, in hopes that it would stop the two.

Sure enough, it was like the Golden Seal grew eyes, giving off a soft glow that made the two custodian slaves immediately calm down. Their arms went limp, no longer on the attack. Instead, they began following closely behind Xia Fei. With every step he took, the two corpses would follow.

Xia Fei tried to stow away the Seal, but the moment he put it up his sleeve, the two custodian slaves made to attack him, making Xia Fei him sweat to see it. Truly, these were some inhuman creations that recognized only inanimate objects, and not actual people.

The custodian slaves did not breathe, but nevertheless Xia Fei still felt uneasy with them stalking behind him with every step. But given the urgency of the situation, Xia Fei hurried back to the crystal mirror and observed the meeting between the Dark Spiritualists and the three Unrestricted. As for those undying corpses, all Xia Fei could do for now was ignore them.

Inside the meeting room, Nan Shazi of the Dark Spiritualists sat at the head of the table, with Shu Yuhe taking the second seat and Fan Zhong the third.

Letting out a dry cough, Nan Shazi made eye contact with Shu Yuhe and gave him a signal.

Shu Yuhe smiled and began to speak, “You all already know of our conditions. Today, my master has personally made the trip here to show the Dark Spiritualists’ sincerity in this matter. So, why don’t you start the discussion now?”

Basalt, Lingxing, and Hei Wuji exchanged glances with each other for a moment before Lingxing finally spoke up, “Actually, we don’t really see a difference between you people or the Spiritualist a.s.sociation. No matter who’s in charge, they will need the support of us Unrestricteds.”

Shu Yuhe chuckled, but remained silent. Xia Fei found the tone he was adopting to be fairly arrogant. The Dark Spiritualists had eradicated the Purple Jades, so of course they were capable of doing the same to the Unrestricteds as well. It was just that doing so would be detrimental to the grand plan at work, and Nan Shazi had no desire to see the Spiritualists engage in a large-scale battle amongst themselves. After all, if they were all to die off, who would end up working for them? The Dark Spiritualists desired to enlist them to their side.

Changing the topic, Lingxing solemnly stated, “Actually, the Spiritualist a.s.sociation also sent a letter yesterday, asking if we needed help with anything, demonstrating that we Unrestricteds are rather valued by the a.s.sociation.”

Lingxing had mentioned the fact with the intent of increasing their worth, much like a rare commodity. Everyone knew that when the Unrestricteds first rebelled, they chose to ally themselves with the Spiritualist a.s.sociation. That was why both sides were doing what they could to win over the major powers across the Alpha Universe. As the Unrestricted Sect was self-proclaimed to be the orthodox Spiritualists among all Spiritualists, they of course received more attention.

Shu Yuhe furrowed his brow in mild dissatisfaction. “Why don’t you just state your conditions plainly. We’re all very busy.”

Lingxing laughed, “Yes, the esteemed masters are indeed straightforward. Our condition is simple: Though Fuchen has left the Unrestricted Sect, he also took the Sectmaster’s Golden Seal with him. Whoever manages to return this Golden Seal to us will thus become our friend.”

“That simple?!” Shu Yuhe asked archly.

Before Lingxing could reply, it was the other disciple of Nan Shazi, who went by the name of Fan Zhong, who grew somewhat angry and growled, “No matter what, Fuchen is still a master to you and Basalt. We Spiritualists emphasize respecting your elders the most, so how could you call him by his first name?”

Lingxing chuckled indifferently, “Fuchen asked for it. He lacked the ability yet still hogged the Sectmaster position, refusing to retire. Not only will I call him by name, I’d even subject him to death by a thousand swords!”

The younger Basalt interjected, “He’d be getting off too easily by just killing him. Just from the demanding requirements he mad of us back in the day, we ought to chop him into minced meat, and have him buried along the trail up the mountain. Let millions trod all over him for tens of millions of years!”


Xia Fei’s hair practically exploded when he heard this!

Xia Fei was very special, and he had never officially had a master to call his own. From Phantom to old Qin Mang, Uncle Porter to Fuchen: he had treated them all as good teachers and friends, and showed the utmost respect to them all. Though he would not verbally say this, it was the thought that counted!

These two disciples of Xia Fei were truly despicable, actually returning the kindness of their master with such viciousness! Wanting Fuchen to be trod upon for tens of millions of years? Xia Fei wanted to just charge in there and kill those two b*st*rds right now!

Xia Fei was enraged. His killing intent and Inner Demon were surging!

He did not realize that the two custodian slaves behind him suddenly showing interest toward Xia Fei, sniffing the air lightly at his agitation.

Forcing himself to curb his own anger, Xia Fei continued watching the meeting.

Fan Zhong’s face had gone stern by now. It seemed he was bothered by the words Lingxing and Basalt had uttered.

Hei Wuji had been silent this entire time, and now was the moment when he pretended to be an elder and scoffed, “There’s a reason why my two sect nephews have such a deep seated hatred toward my junior sect brother. Originally, we should not be telling outsiders about what happened to the Unrestricted Sect, since that would be akin to airing our dirty laundry out in the open, but Fuchen was really too much. Not only did he hold onto the seat of Sectmaster and ostracize us, his disciple and sect brother, he even killed our youngest sect brother, Huang Pohai, someone who protected him in every way after we worked together to chase him off the mountain.

“Huang Pohai had always respected Fuchen deeply, being a loyal follower of his since he was younger. For Fuchen to be able to kill off even someone like that, I now suspect that the sudden death of the master all those years back might even have been a ploy for Fuchen to seize power! Someone of his moral caliber, killing him a million times over would hardly be enough!”

Fuchen’s senior sect brother was even more devious. Lingxing or Basalt were despicable, but at least they did not put some unforgivable accusation on his head. But Hei Wuji had no such qualms, directly making the claim that Fuchen had done in his own master!

There was no need to mention just how furious Xia Fei was feeling, hissing under his breath, “What kind of person was Fuchen?! These b*st*rds had him expelled from the mountain, yet Fuchen did not harm even a finger of theirs, willing to swallow his anger and quietly leave. Would someone like that murder their own master?! As for the one called Huang Pohai, we’ve seen him with our own eyes. He was nothing more than a white-eyed wolf. He was the one who heavily wounded Fuchen, yet Fuchen still could not bear to finish him off.”

Radix was also furious. He had been deathly loyal to Xia Fei’s grandfather! It was the same now that it was to Xia Fei, and he despised villains like Hei Wuji.

“Right? Only someone like you would do something like that, how could Fuchen be someone that would do that?!”

Xia Fei turned around to roll his eyes at Radix, complaining, “Are you praising me or mocking me?”

Radix actually gave that a serious moment of thought before answering, “I think I’m praising you. For example, if your master was the sort of trash like that Hei Wuji, I reckon you’d already have had him killed, and would not have endured to the degree Fuchen did.”

Xia Fei could not be bothered to argue with Radix and proceeded to ignore him.

After Hei Wuji finished speaking, even Shu Yuhe could not stand it. Though he hated Fuchen, he hated these three scoundrels even more. He thought to himself about just how unlucky Fuchen truly was; what kind of sect brother and disciples did he end up with!?

It was the wise and experienced Nan Shazi who spoke the words that ultimately quelled the vexation both Shu Yuhe and Fan Zhong felt. “Every sect and clan will have their own troubles. We’re only here to listen to the internal issues of the Unrestricted Sect, and we mustn’t spread them beyond.” Nan Shazi stroked his beard, meaning that the matters that the three raised did not concern them, so they would just go along with their demands.

Shu Yuhe nodded at his master, “Understood. As long as you’re willing to join us, the Dark Spiritualists will hunt down Fuchen, and even if he is at the ends of the universe, he shall die! Furthermore, we’ll return to you the all-important legacy Seal of the Unrestricted, safe and sound.”

Hei Wuji shook his head, “That’s not enough. I want everyone who has come into contact with Fuchen all these years to die as well!”

Shu Yuhe nodded, “Okay, Ulan will die, and that little friend he has recently made that goes by the name of XIa Fei will die, too.”

Hei Wuji shook his head, “Not just Ulan. All the Spiritualists of Botany where Ulan resided can’t live, either. As for that person called Xia Fei, I know that a portion of his clan is located in the core region of Garde 83, and another portion in the fringe region. They must all die, too!”

“Is there a need to be so extreme?” Shu Yuhe asked, curious.

Lingxing, Basalt, and Hei Wuji nodded in unison, “Fuchen might have left behind things that would be detrimental to us, and we cannot take that risk. That is why Ulan, Xia Fei, and anyone related to him and their clans or sects must die!”

Screw them!

The moment Xia Fei heard this from the cloister, his two eyes went bloodshot!

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