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Chapter 1264: Fiendish Blade versus Evil Spirit

Chapter 1264: Fiendish Blade versus Evil Spirit

What a powerful Evil Spirit!

The spirit’s body was burning up in the intense wreath of flames. There was no way to make out its visage, but the eyes that it had revealed were absolutely vile and cunning, and it was not showing any signs of giving up!

As Xia Fei mended Xiu Yiyi’s brain region, the Evil Spirit was also gradually getting stronger! They were using a sixty core Soul Array, already the greatest strength Xia Fei could muster!

A Soul Array emphasized balance. Xia Fei had recruited the strongest warriors from the Skywing Clan to act as the cores. Their numbers could definitely increase, but that would end up skewing the balance of strength, causing an uneven distribution of power throughout the entire array, and it would become a flawed Soul Array.

The Skywings were not the sort that leveraged on numerical advantages in the first place, so these sixty-five men were already the limit!

The Evil Spirit let out a tremendous roar yet again, the sound almost piercing their very eardrums! With the Cosmic Gate between them, it actually dissipated across two universes!

“EVERYONE! HANG ON!” Xia Gucheng bellowed.

“YES!” the Skywing Wolfpack shouted back, grim determination in their eyes.

Some of their fingers were already bleeding because they were clutching onto their soul weapons too tightly, but for these Skywing warriors, bleeding was nothing! Even if they lost their lives in the process, they were not going to let go!

The soul array was one whole; the moment one of them let go, that would mean harming everyone else! Bulging veins throbbed on their foreheads, and their arms began trembling, but not a single one of them gave up! The Skywings were part of a crazy clan that was willing to slay on behalf of their clan members!

The Skywings had already given it their all, so everything now rested on Xia Fei! How would he deal with this situation?!

His fingers were uncharacteristically steady. It was like Xia Fei was doing some delicate embroidery, all of his fingers moving swiftly and dexterously. The effects of this were transmitted straight to Xiu Yiyi’s brain region as he enacted repairs on the girl’s damaged brain.

Unfortunately, the improvement of Xiu Yiyi’s condition only meant that the Evil Spirit would become even stronger!

It was a vicious cycle!


The Silver Specter…

Every time that Evil Spirit’s heart-rending bellow traveled over, Xiu Qian’s heartbeat would also speed up. Even the two bodyguards with higher cultivations beside him became restless. After all, that was a roar of an Evil Spirit! It was like an ice pick being brutally stabbed into each of their hearts!

“Yiyi, Yiyi! No, I Must get out! I must GO OVER THERE!” Xiu Qian shouted repeatedly, his hands clutching his chest as he breathed heavily.

Furball let out an unreasonable roar in response. His small beady eyes were fierce as he stared fixedly at Xiu Qian. Though Furball was also worried like Xiu Qian, the former cared about loyalty even more, and that was what he showed for every decision Xia Fei made, no matter how crazy it would be, or how heartless it was!

“Master, I’m afraid it won’t be of any use if we were to leave right now!” The pale-faced bodyguard held back Xiu Qian and continued, “I have no idea how Xia Fei is doing this, but he has already changed history here! His Soul Array is undergoing shocking changes! It’s very powerful, and can even be adjusted at any time. I’m sure he must have his reasons for not letting us leave the s.h.i.+p.”

“Really?” Xiu Qian asked, wiping his eyes.

Though the dark-faced bodyguard did not like Xia Fei at all during their time together, he could not help but admit that he was seeing the man in a completely different light after today. Regarding that extremely powerful Soul Array, he nodded, “Xia Fei’s Soul Array is incredibly strong! Furthermore, he seems to be dealing with something truly sinister!. It’s best if we stay here, and do not distract him.”

Xiu Qian sat down on the ground, confusion in his eyes. It was obvious Xia Fei was keeping a lot of things from him, and he had absolutely no idea just what Xia Fei was going up against, much less understanding just how the Soul Array could keep changing itself.

His two bodyguards were a bit more at ease after they saw that Xiu Qian had abandoned his original idea of leaving the s.h.i.+p.

The pale-faced bodyguard looked to the other and asked, “What are your thoughts?”

The dark-faced warrior sighed in a deep voice, “Though I don’t want to admit it, I must say that Xia Fei has definitely made history here! A Soul Array with such a myriad of changes, I truly have no idea how he has done this.”

The pale-faced bodyguard nodded, “What a pity that we weren’t able to witness it with our own eyes.”

Several rounds of exchange later, the Evil Spirit was already demonstrating its full strength, achieving a stalemate going up against the Soul Array made up of sixty Skywing Wolves! That level of combat strength was definitely extraordinary!

All of a sudden, the Evil Spirit stopped moving. It no longer struggled, and was just standing there, glaring at Xia Fei. The burning of its soul had also reduced significantly, even while Xia Fei was still proceeding with his surgery quickly, continuing to repair Xiu Yiyi’s brain region with complete concentration.

This momentary respite finally allowed Xiu Yiyi to stabilize a little, and her breathing became regular.

“Do you not know that repairing her brain region will only make me stronger?” the Evil Spirit suddenly spoke, the haughtiness in its voice obvious, like it was a G.o.d looking down on mortals.

Xia Fei did not lift his head up as he answered, “Remember, there are some things that will only become clear at the end.”

With that said, Xia Fei actually stopped moving, and the thin threads coming from his fingers were all severed! Straightening up, he matched the gaze from the Evil Spirit with a glacial stare of his own!

Devastating sparks flew the moment they locked eyes with each other!


Xia Fei was choosing to fight the Evil Spirit to the death right now?!

This was a very shocking outcome for all, but the Skywing Wolfpack knew that this was the point that Xia Fei had been waiting for since they first began! The moment when he would fight it out with the Evil Spirit!

“You only repaired fifty percent of her brain region…” the Evil Spirit noted with a hint of regret.

“Is it not as you had desired?” Xia Fei smiled, the corners of his lips curling up into that familiar arc. “Then that’s exactly it! Yours truly has never in my life let my enemies be happy before! Did you really think I would completely heal Xiu Yiyi, letting you become unstoppable? Fool! You can dream on!”

His Fiendish Blade Nirvana was placed in front of his chest as he gave off a sinister aura. Xia Fei pointed at the Evil Spirit with his sword, displaying an arrogance even greater than the Spirit!

He was indeed an expert at incitement; just a few sentences was enough to agitate that spirit greatly!

“Since you’re seeking death, then I shall grant you your wis.h.!.+ Ballad of Soul Burning!” Everyone watched as the two hands of the Evil Spirit came together, and the intense inferno all over its body exploded!

This was Soul Burning!

The Evil Spirit was adept at lighting its soul on fire. It was not just burning its own soul, but Xiu Yiyi’s as well!

Xia Fei could distinctly feel Xiu Yiyi’s seventh brain region wilting rapidly. Bits and pieces of it blackened and died off, and the brain region that Xia Fei had spent all that effort repairing was beginning to blacken again!

The darkness was spreading!

Within the huge s.p.a.ce within the Cosmic Gate, the only thing left was the burning Evil Spirit, as everything else was quickly enveloped in a world of darkness!

After the countless killings that had happened here, the Cosmic Gate itself had been filled with a sinister atmosphere, and the Evil Spirit’s soul-burning only made that world all the more forbidding.

“Origin of Heaven!”


Xia Fei’s eyes shone, and the Energy surveillance arts’ Origin of Heaven enveloped the entire Cosmic Gate! Any and all energy body had nowhere to hide!

There was a thin thread visible in the darkness, connecting Xiu Yiyi to the Evil Spirit!


The six-bladed snowflake-shaped blade slashed out at this thread!

“NO!” the Evil Spirit cried out in astonishment. It was too bad that Xia Fei was naturally not going to listen to him. The Fiendish Blade Nirvana easily chopped that thread apart!

What followed immediately was a crazy charge from Xia Fei, as well as the changing of the positions of the Skywing Wolfpack! Everything had gone according to what Xia Fei had planned!

The Evil Spirit was stunned!

Never did it imagine that Xia Fei would intentionally provoke it so as to locate the imperceptible connection that it shared with Xiu Yiyi!

Every personal soul servant would have a connection with their master. Xia Fei and Radix. Fuchen and Wraith. This Evil Spirit and Xiu Yiyi were no exception to the rule!

But the key problem there was that no one could see the thread that connected the two souls!

The Evil Spirit was using the method of burning its spirit in order to strengthen itself. Xia Fei had used Origin of Heaven, an eye technique that had been lost to the ages, to identify this invisible connection and subsequently sever it!

When Xia Fei severed that link, the Evil Spirit was freed, but at the same time, anything that the Evil Spirit did would no longer be linked to Xiu Yiyi, as it was now an independent body! That also meant it could be killed without hesitation!

With the link gone, Xia Fei could strike at full force!

Everything had all been calculated with such precision!

Xia Fei needed to first repair a part of Xiu Yiyi’s brain region, otherwise when the Evil Spirit began to burn its soul, it would also drag Xiu Yiyi to her death with it! Accordingly, Xia Fei had chosen to calmly repair half of Xiu Yiyi’s brain region so that she would have room to buffer.

The Evil Spirit burning its soul had caused Xiu Yiyi’s brain region to experience rapid necrosis from fifty percent to ninety percent, but it was that second buffer he had placed for himself that allowed Xia Fei to locate the link between their two souls and sever it! Xiu Yiyi would still be able to live with the remaining ten percent of her brain region!

Even the location had been part of the plan. Anywhere else, and even if Xia Fei had the Origin of Heaven, he would have had a very hard time carefully identifying the thin and faint thread. That was why they had traveled all the way out to the Cosmic Gate, a battlefield where countless deaths had occurred just recently!


The Skywing Wolfpack’s change in position was completed in an instant! The pressure acting on the Evil Spirit increased by several dozen times over!

Like the coming of a storm that could sweep up entire universes, the insides of the Cosmic Gate rumbled with thunder, and every bolt began striking right on the head of the Evil Spirit!

Unrestricted Soul Spirit Array, the Sixty Thunders of War!

The moving Soul Array was finally demonstrating the extent of its true prowess right now!

The Soul Array before was merely used to restrict and control the enemy, but this Sixty Thunders of War was a guaranteed fatal array! It was one of the strongest arrays known to the Unrestricteds!

Thunderbolts of lightning wreaked havoc through the s.p.a.ce. Every clap that landed on the Evil Spirit’s head left it disorientated, and even more frightening was the fact that Xia Fei and his Nirvana were about to connect! The momentum behind their attack could shatter worlds!

An unbridled Fiendish Aura surged forth!

Xia Fei’s Fiendwings were fully extended, and his killing aura was pushed to the limit in that very moment!

This was the same slash that had ended the life of a Dragoon. It was the full extent of Xia Fei’s true strength!


Unable to stand against the Sixty Thunders of War and Xia Fei’s slash that was filled with fiendish energy, the Evil Spirit also exploded!

Everyone watched as its figure underwent a sudden expansion. Its original appearance was akin to a human, but now it grew into something several dozen meters tall, with two strange, curving horns growing from its head. Its eyes became extraordinarily large, taking up almost half of its face!

‘So that is what you actually look like!’, Xia Fei thought to himself. This round of oppressive attacks had forced the Evil Spirit to reveal its true visage!

If it was not supposed to be kept secret, then the Evil Spirit would have had no need to cover itself in the flames of his Burning Soul from the very start. After all, it was a great waste to do that during a battle.

No matter just what was the real ident.i.ty of this Evil Spirit, Xia Fei’s Fiendish Blade still landed squarely on his target!


This was a very vicious slash, akin to a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p cras.h.i.+ng into an ocean, stirring up a large wave that towered right to the skies!

The Fiendish Blade Nirvana let out a cry of maddening triumph! It was now attempting to absorb this Evil Spirit!

There was only one solution if Xia Fei wanted to learn just what this Evil Spirit was, and that was through Nirvana. He wanted to absorb it!

A curious sound, a strange cry, echoed out as he absorbed the Evil Spirit! This was a situation that Xia Fei had never once come across in the years that he had been using Nirvana!

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