Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1282: Historically Unprecedented Ranking!

Chapter 1282: Historically Unprecedented Ranking!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

When Fuchen was able to get a clear look at the new Thousand Soul Ranking, his face went pale!

Even the man who called himself Chu Jingfeng’s disciple had his eyes wide open. It was as if he had also been given a fierce shock by his master’s actions!

The Eonic Cosmic King!

The Hundred Bird Return!

The Severing Violet Gold Lock!

The Astral Gale!

The Ambershatter Blade!

The Heaven-asking Sword!


The Crystalmist Heart!

The Vermillion Bird Bow!

The first nine weapons were the same as usual, but starting from ten, the Thousand Soul Ranking rapidly changed!

First, the weapon that was ranked tenth was not one, but two weapons!

The Demonshaving Saber! The Nine Night Songs! These two weapons jointly held the tenth spot, and the former tenth-place weapon, the Three Thousand Earth Bane, had been pushed down to eleventh!

Two weapons occupying the same spot!

This was the first time in the history of the Thousand Soul Ranking that two weapons had been completely equal to each other!

Even more frightening was that the Demonshaving Saber and the Nine Night Songs were appearing on the ranking for the first time!

Able to get into the top ten on their first showing, only a mystical armament revealing itself to the universe could explain the situation!

In other words, in the s.p.a.ce of a single night, two weapons with the power to match the top ten of the Thousand Soul Ranking had appeared!

It must be understood that this was the top ten! The universe had hundreds of millions of weapons, so how strong could they be if they were able to get top ten as soon as they showed up?!

It was impossible to say whether these two weapons were newly made or had existed and been forgotten for many years. Regardless, it was shocking enough that the two completely unfamiliar weapons had appeared in the top ten!

“‘The Nine Night Songs and the Demonshaving Saber have mysterious backgrounds, and their names circulate in a small circle. This one had to risk many dangers to finally glimpse the true faces of these two weapons, almost losing my life in the process. It’s been many years since this one encountered such danger. From what this one has observed, the two weapons undoubtedly have the strength to enter the top ten of the Thousand Soul Ranking. Considering that they have only recently appeared, they are temporarily placed in the top ten. Their position will be adjusted once more detailed information has been gathered.’”

Fuchen read out Chu Jingfeng’s a.s.sessment and said in surprise, “So dangerous! Your master almost died in order to investigate these two recently appeared weapons!”

The man next to him nodded. “My master has never been one to lie. If he says that he encountered immense danger and almost died, then the reality must’ve been many times more dangerous than what he said. It seems like these Nine Night Songs and Demonshaving Saber are really something else.”

Fuchen sighed. “Yes. Those vicious weapons almost killed Elder Chu, so they must be very powerful. Moreover, it’s easy to tell from your master’s words that, despite the danger he’s encountered, he still couldn’t get much firsthand information. He’s only able to temporarily rank the two weapons at tenth place from what he managed to find.

“Based on the words he used, one can tell that he found putting them at tenth place a small injustice, but Elder Chu could only place them there for now till he gathered sufficient information.”

The man next to Fuchen chuckled. “My master is truly unbearable. Rather than calling me for something so dangerous, he’d only let me see it with everyone else on the rankings.”

They continued going down the list, and there were actually two new additions between 10 and 20. The lack of information had caused them both to be ranked at 14, and Fuchen’s beloved Purple Precipice and Snowless Billow had fallen to 19 and 20 respectively!

“What’s going on here? It’s only the top twenty, but four brand-new mystical armaments that n.o.body has seen before have appeared! Isn’t this too scary?!” Fuchen said in shock.

The man on the side also had a grave expression. Pointing lower on the list, he said, “Look here. 31 is also shared, and there are even three weapons sharing the 35th place, while 72 has four! Crazy! Master has definitely gone crazy!”


He scrolled to the very end of the last, and sure enough, this was no Thousand Soul Ranking at all! The number of mystical armaments in this list exceeded twelve hundred! 1203 to be exact!

“1203! In other words, there are 203 new additions to the Thousand Soul Ranking! Many of the mystical armaments that used to be on the list were squeezed out!” Radix said in shock.

“Eh! Nirvana?! Xia Fei’s fiend blade is also on the Thousand Soul Ranking! It got onto the Thousand Soul Ranking!” Fuchen suddenly cried in delight, excitedly pointing at the very end of the list.

Xia Fei and Fuchen were not very famous, but they were actually disciple and master of the Alpha Universe’s most venerable spirit sect, the Unrestricted Sect, and it was just the two of them left. Thus, Fuchen was incredibly excited to see Xia Fei’s Nirvana enter the Thousand Soul Ranking!

The man next to him chuckled as he read Chu Jingfeng’s evaluation of Nirvana: “‘Nirvana is a never-before-seen monstrous weapon, and it has yet to be confirmed whether it is a soul weapon or not, but there’s no denying that while Nirvana isn’t as powerful as the mystical armaments on the ranking, its monstrousness is enough to elevate it to the Thousand Soul Ranking. Testing data is lacking, so it has temporarily been ranked at the very bottom of the list.’”

After reading it, the man nodded and said, “My master gave you and Xia Fei enormous respect, using ‘monstrous’ instead of ‘fiendish’; he also omitted who wields Nirvana or what they look like. If news got out in the Annihilator that Xia Fei had a very fiendish blade, he would be in deep trouble. After all, his foundations are still too shallow.”

Fuchen still felt very excited, saying, “If I get the chance to meet Elder Chu, I’ll definitely thank him on Xia Fei’s behalf! The thousandth place of the Thousand Soul Ranking! This is truly a high evaluation!”

The man on the side said nonchalantly, “Don’t forget that Xia Fei has a Fiend Clan soul weapon that ranks in the hundreds. Alas, Xia Fei isn’t from the Fiend Clan, so he has no idea how to use it.”

Fuchen casually waved his hand. “I’ve talked about this with you before. I already mentioned it to Xia Fei, and given how smart he is, it’s only a matter of time until he learns how to use that soul weapon.”

The man replied, “You believe in Xia Fei a lot; you may not have realized that Xia Fei already has a heaven-defying mystical armament.”

Fuchen was startled and confused.

“Look at the 31st place.”

Fuchen quickly looked and saw that both of the mystical armaments at 31 were new. One was called the Flying Eagleplume and the other was called the Twin Peak Comets.

Chu Jingfeng’s description was very simple. “It has been confirmed that Flying Eagleplume is a suit of war armor, while the Twin Peak Combats are very possibly a pair of sabers. For the time being, they’re not being placed into the top thirty until further verification.”

“Does this count as a description? These are still mystical armaments ranked 31st! Why not give a little more detail?” Fuchen asked curiously.

The man shook his head. “It seems like my master really couldn’t find much about these two mystical armaments, so he basically skipped over them. This has always been how his venerable self has operated. When he’s not sure, he’d rather not write anything.

“This evaluation is far more cautious than the one he gave for the Nine Night Songs and the Demonshaving Saber, meaning that these two mystical armaments are likely very important. Thus, my master chose the most conservative option.”

“Ranking them at 31 can be considered conservative?” Fuchen mentally commented.

“The war armor Flying Eagleplume is in Xia Fei’s possession, and this is something I just learned from my master. He mentioned it in the pa.s.sing when he’s telling me to take note of the ranking,” the man added.”

Fuchen clenched his fists excitedly. It had not been all that long since he left Xia Fei’s side, but Xia Fei had already gotten his hands on a high-ranking mystical armament of the Thousand Soul Ranking?! This was really too fast!

The eyes of the man on the side became unfocused as he said indifferently, “If my guess is correct, Annihilator has probably gone crazy. My master is truly bold and reckless, revealing so many secrets. He probably won’t be able to take it easy in the future.

“From this crazy ranking, it’s easy to tell one fact: The universe is about to experience a change!”

“A change?!” Fuchen asked in surprise.

“Yes! In the s.p.a.ce of a single night, all the mystical armaments were taken out! The new entries on this ranking alone exceed two hundred! This is proof of the gravity of things. Moreover, given my master’s personality, there must be a few mystical armaments that he doesn’t understand at all, and they weren’t put into the ranking.

“When the universe is at peace, the various clans will naturally store away their mystical armaments, for fear that others might find out about them, but in times of crisis, these clans will cast their fears aside and take these mystical armaments from their dusty storehouses. This is the situation now. From the Thousand Soul Ranking, I can tell that a storm is coming.”

Fuchen nodded. As expected of Chu Jingfeng’s disciple, he understood his master well, and he also understood why Chu Jingfeng had told him to take note of the ranking this time.

“Could this be connected to the Dark Spiritualists?” Fuchen asked.

“The Dark Spiritualists? They are just small fry. The real secret battle is taking place in Annihilator. The great clans and great powers have been slicing up the territory there for a very long time now, and I’m guessing that someone is using the Dark Spiritualists to reshuffle the entire universe! To end this situation where the strong continue to divide everything up between themselves.

“Those people don’t mind sacrificing some of the strong to completely redo the power structure of the Annihilator Universe, perhaps even for the sake of concentrating power to face an even greater danger! Just two days ago, even the Zadin Clan of the Bluebloods was almost purged. That’s just how vicious the internal conflicts in the upper echelons of Annihilator are.

“In the end, sapient lifeforms just love internal strife, and they’re also good at it. All these mystical armaments are being taken out while the blood of experts flows in the shadows. This is an omen that a momentous change is about to take place.”

Fuchen could not help but sigh, but Annihilator was still very far from him, and he found it impossible to surmise as to what stage the internal struggles of the Annihilator Universe had reached.

After the Thousand Soul Ranking was the miscellaneous ranking, which introduced some mystical armaments with special traits or those which had a chance of entering the Thousand Soul Ranking in the future.

This ranking was much more interesting than the Thousand Soul Ranking, the various kinds of absurd mystical armament dazzling the eye.

Also, accompanying the miscellaneous ranking was an announcement from Chu Jingfeng.

“‘Due to the chaotic situation, this one has decided to publish another ranking this time. It will be posted in around ten minutes. Everyone, please look forward to it,’” Fuchen read aloud the announcement.

“Heh… The old man still seems to have plenty of energy, even making a third ranking! This is quite interesting. The Thousand Soul Ranking has never had weapons sharing a spot, but that precedent has been broken, and many mystical armaments are now sharing rankings. The ranking’s number of mystical armament has never exceeded one thousand, but it’s 1203 this, breaking a second precedent.

“Now, an extra ranking is being published, breaking a third precedent! It seems like my master is getting serious.”

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