1487 Megadragon’s Daughter

Xia Fan approached the Demonic Ant hivemind. This was a white, egg-like object. When he touched it, the hivemind vibrated. At the same time, luminescent bodies akin to nerve signals were emitted by the hivemind.

It was clear that the hivemind had a life of its own and could think. But because the Skywings had moved the hivemind out from the main body of the Demonic Ants, it had completely lost control over the Demonic Ants.

The hivemind could not be destroyed. Once Xia Fan killed it, the Demonic Ants outside would generate a new hivemind to take over the mission of this hivemind.

Everyone carefully moved the Demonic Ant hivemind to the side. They didn’t find that Skywing Pearl that Anyo had spoken of. Instead, it was a hole, round and narrow, only big enough for one person to go through.


The round hole was the hivemind’s base, but there was a Seal atop the base that blazed with a rainbow of colors.

Xia Fan was startled, and then he grabbed Anyo’s neck and roared, “What’s going on here? Didn’t you say that some mystical pearl of the Skywing Clan was under the hivemind!?”

Anyo hastily replied, “How should I know? Everything was according to Xia Chen’s notebook. His notebook clearly stated that when the battle against the Demonic Ants was over, they stored a pearl beneath the hivemind. The pearl was like the Skywings’ right hand, and its loss left Xia Chen greatly pained.”

Xia Fan threw Anyo to the side with such force that Anyo’s head started bleeding when he hit the ground.

“What do we do?”

“Let’s see if we can undo the Seal.”

“This is an Energy Seal. I’m afraid we don’t have the ability to break it.”

“But we have to try. A pearl so important that it could be considered the Skywings’ right hand must be an incredible treasure.”

Finally, everyone decided to cautiously test to see if they could penetrate the Seal.

“Let me!”

Traveling Buddha activated his famous Battle Buddha Golden Light, covering his entire body with it. but when his arm touched the Seal, he seemed to be struck by lightning and was immediately blown back. Fortunately, Ping Feng, who was keeping watch behind him, managed to catch him, or else he would have been thrown right out of the formation.

“Ouch!” Traveling Buddha shook his right arm and grumbled, “As expected of the Skywings, their Seal is incredibly strong. I can barely feel my right arm! It hurts even more than when my dad beats me!”

Everyone else tried several times. Thousand Ink’s combat beasts couldn’t go in, nor could Luo Jiuyi’s cat clones. In the end, Xia Fan decided to try and see if his speed could break through.

Xia Fan took in a deep breath, and then he thrust his right arm at the ground and then almost instantly took it back.

It was so fast that n.o.body was able to make out what Xia Fan had done, but Xia Fan himself understood that when his arm touched the Seal, it felt like he was inserting it into a lake. There was only a slight chill, with no sense of resistance.

Xia Fan thought about it. There was a chance that the Seal only worked on non-Skywings. Since he had Skywing blood flowing through his veins, it did not stop him.

“All of you, stand aside!”

With this thought in mind, Xia Fan took several steps back and had all his brothers step away from the hole.

Xia Fan took a deep breath and prepared to accelerate.


In a flash, Xia Fan had disappeared into the hole. The rainbow Seal rippled as if someone had thrown a pebble into the water.

“He went in!?”

“Xia Fan actually got in!”

“As expected of the Speed type, not even a Skywing Seal can stop him!”

Everyone murmured in shock, not realizing that Xia Fan had been able to break through the Seal because of his Skywing blood, not because of his speed!

Xia Fan dropped out from the hole. Though the hole itself was small, the s.p.a.ce on the other end was very large.

The rainbow Seal above his head was like the mouth of a well, and when he looked up, he felt like a frog in the well.

There was no light in this place, and even the sound of Traveling Buddha and the others talking above was blocked. After some thought, Xia Fan took out a hover lamp from his cloaked spatial ring. This item was very small, like a little firefly, but the light it radiated was dazzling.

Once the hover lamp was released, it floated over Xia Fan’s head and lit up his surroundings. Wherever Xia Fan went, the hover lamp followed and lit up the area.

This was probably the fifth level of the Demon Chasm, a giant underground hive that was strewn with the corpses of numerous Demonic Ants.

Xia Fan frowned. He squatted down next to a corpse and inspected it. He confirmed that these Demonic Ants had been killed by the Skywings. Most of them had been slain with one strike of a blade. Presumably, the Skywing warriors had charged in at high speed and thrust their battle sabers into the heads of the Demonic Ants.

There were also some incomplete corpses in awful condition. These clearly weren’t the work of the Skywings, so it was probably the work of either their friends or subordinates. In crisscrossing the Great Chiliocosm, the Skywings might have gathered up their own army.

Xia Fan started to investigate the fifth level of the Demon Chasm. Using his Speed and Scent abilities, he began to search for the pearl that Xia Chen had spoken of in his notes.

1200 meters per second was a shocking speed, and it wasn’t long before Xia Fan spotted a white light glowing in the depths of the darkness. He hastened over, and when he drew close, his eyes widened, and his heart started thumping wildly.

This place had been cleaned up so that there were no Demonic Ant corpses within five kilometers. It was clear that this was intentional.

In the very center stood a memorial stele. Behind the memorial stele was a coffin of transparent crystal. It was very small, not large enough to hold an adult, only a child.

Xia Fan clenched his teeth. This place’s arrangements were the exact same as Xia Chen’s burial site. Could it be?…

Casting aside his thoughts, Xia Fan began to read the words on the memorial stele.

The words on the stele said that the long-time friend of the Skywings, the right hand who had fought with them for many years, the daughter of the Frost Seal Megadragon Great General Bright Snow, Bright Pearl, slumbered eternally here!


Xia Fan felt dizzy. It turned out this Pearl that Anyo thought was a treasure wasn’t some treasure, but the name of a dragon!

Xia Chen’s diary had said that they had lost the pearl, essentially losing the right hand of the Skywings and leaving him in great pain. He had written this because the dragons had always fought alongside the Skywings. They were comrades in life and death!

But while Xia Fan was shocked, he was also confused. The crystal coffin behind the memorial stele was very small. Let alone a Megadragon, it couldn’t even hold a human adult. So what was going on?

Xia Fan strode over and looked at that crystal coffin. He was soon shocked once more.

The daughter of Megadragon Bright Snow wasn’t a dragon, but a child!

She seemed to be a girl of five or six, with a beautiful appearance and fair white skin. Her face even had two little dimples.

The only difference between her and a human girl was probably the horns rising from her forehead.

Xia Fan was mystified. Why would a dragon’s daughter look like a human?

And even after forty thousand years, the Bright Pearl in the coffin seemed alive. Rather than dead, she seemed to be asleep.

Xia Fan truly wanted to reach out and touch the dragon’s child, so he cautiously began to open up the coffin.

The coffin lid exuded a faint white light, clearly a kind of Seal. The Skywings had a divine mastery of Seals. They could set up a Seal of any form anywhere they pleased. This was already the third Seal that Xia Fan had encountered in the Demon Chasm.

But the Skywing Seals had no effect on Xia Fan, for Xia Fan had proper Skywing blood. Thus, he easily opened the coffin, and his fingers lightly touched Bright Pearl’s skin.

The skin was smooth, delicate, and cold. Xia Fan felt like Bright Pearl would have been a very cute and pretty girl when she was alive. It was truly a great pity that she had died in battle.

Suddenly, as Xia Fan’s finger touched Bright Pearl’s wrist, he froze in shock.

There seemed to be a very faint pulse!

In shock, Xia Fan hastily inspected Bright Pearl’s body. He found that there were no wounds on her body and that her heart was actually beating. But it was extremely weak and slow, only beating once every seven or eight minutes.

She was not dead!

Bright Pearl wasn’t dead!?

Xia Fan started to panic. He raised Bright Pearl up, shook her body, and shouted her name. Alas, Bright Pearl’s eyes remained shut, and she showed no reaction.

Xia Fan had learned of medical diagnosis from Doctor Grandpa, so he concluded that Bright Pearl had entered some sort of hibernation or pseudo-death state.

Doctor Grandpa had said that pseudo-death was an extreme way of protecting oneself, isolating one’s body completely from one’s surroundings. A powerful drug was needed as a primer to remove the pseudo-death state.

Xia Fan took out all the usable medicine and drugs he had from his spatial ring and began testing them one by one. He even used a silver needle to jab Bright Pearl’s finger, hoping to awaken her from her slumber.

But Bright Pearl was a dragon’s child, not an ordinary human. Those methods were useless on her.

The only option left to Xia Fan was the Immortal Wine.

This wine was brewed from Yggdragon blood and had the power to help one transcend mortality. Xia Fan had relied on the bottle of Immortal Wine to almost triple his speed, such was its power.

Since Bright Pearl was a dragon, and the Immortal Wine was brewed from Yggdragon blood, the wine should be a little useful, right?

With that thought in mind, Xia Fan removed the injector device from his arm and placed it on Bright Pearl’s arm.

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