1490 War G.o.d Bode!

Xia Fan turned in the direction of the sound and saw two people approaching rapidly. The one in the lead was unexpectedly Sarah, with a short fellow following behind her.

They flew over on Sarah’s flying blade and soon drew close to Xia Fan’s group.

Sarah!? Xia Fan was just about to call out to her when he saw that her complexion was ghastly pale. Her left hand was wrapped in white bandages; from the shape of the wrappings, she seemed to have broken two fingers.

Sarah’s eyes flashed with joy when she saw that Xia Fan was still alive, but then her gaze turned solemn, and she used her eyes to tell Xia Fan that he should hurry and leave.


“Sword flying?” Thousand Ink saw Sarah’s flying blade and frowned. “You’re a descendant of the Sacred Federation’s Sword Flying Goose Clan? This place is under the control of our Starcloud Union, so it’s best if you don’t approach.”

Sarah had no reaction at all to Thousand Ink’s words, which left everyone a little surprised. Although the Sacred Federation was an enemy, they were all people of the Inner Territories, and all of them were targeting the Murder Shrine. In the current situation, it was best if the two Federations didn’t fight one another.

At that moment, Sarah and the short man were now about a hundred meters from Xia Fan. The shortie made a small gesture, and Sarah stopped her flying blade. It seemed that the shortie had taken Sarah hostage, turning her into a tool!

Moving to the side, the shortie appeared across from Xia Fan. The guy was barely tall enough to reach Sarah’s waist, as if he suffered from dwarfism. He wore a very strange blue combat uniform and was on the fatter side, appearing like a walking barrel.

Seeing the dwarf, the restrained Anyo was stunned. He threw aside his apprehensions and shouted, “Bode! Why are you here!? Save me! Hurry and save me!”

Upon hearing Anyo’s shouts, Thousand Ink and Traveling Buddha were stunned. Traveling Buddha immediately stepped forward to stand in front of everyone, swiftly unleas.h.i.+ng his Battle Buddha Golden Light. His eyes cold, he clenched his teeth and said, “Hurry! Get behind me!”

Xia Fan didn’t know why Traveling Buddha’s reaction was so intense, but both Thousand Ink or Luo Jiuyi were warriors from famous lineages of the Starcloud Union, and they all did as Traveling Buddha ordered. Jin Yu also pulled Xia Fan over so that everyone was standing behind Traveling Buddha.

Confused, Xia Fan worked to recall the name Bode.

Suddenly, Xia Fan remembered. If this person was called Bode, and if the first reaction of Traveling Buddha and the others was to a.s.sume a defensive formation, he could only be the legendary War G.o.d Bode!

War G.o.d Bode also had the nickname of the Divine Marksman. His rank had reached the incredible Intermediate Star River rank. Before his betrayal, he had been the Deputy Bureau Chief of the Starcloud Union’s Special Investigation Bureau, and also a member of the Law Enforcement Committee. He was one of the top traitors from the Three Federations, with a bounty of one billion points!

Yes, it had to be him!

Xia Fan gasped to himself. The others appeared to be facing down a powerful enemy; he concluded that only the true Divine Marksman Bode was capable of drawing that sort of reaction. Traveling Buddha was in the very front because only his Battle Buddha Golden Light could resist Bode’s electromagnetic storm!

“Hahahaha!” the short Bode laughed. Pointing at Traveling Buddha, he said, “The Battle Buddha Golden Light? Are your grandfather and father doing well? I even recall holding your father when he was a baby.

“Ayaya, I didn’t think so many years had pa.s.sed. The Divine Buddha Clan now has a young junior like you, and the one hiding behind you should be a child from the Thousand Soldier Clan, right? I can tell immediately from that golden brush in his hand.”

Xia Fan was flabbergasted. It turned out that Bode was of the same generation as Traveling Buddha’s grandfather! He had even held Traveling Buddha’s father as a baby…

Bode’s age wasn’t apparent from his face, appearing much like a middle-aged chubby dwarf. But his seniority was far above that!

“Ptooh!” Traveling Buddha spat on the ground. “Bode, there’s no need for you to flaunt your seniority here! My grandfather truly was your partner back then, but when you betrayed the union, my grandfather cut his ties with you!

“Trust me when I say that you wouldn’t want to meet my grandfather, because if he sees you, he’ll definitely kill you!”

Bode nodded casually. His brow creased as he said, “That’s true. I truly am an annoying grain of sand in the Old Buddha’s eyes. He acts like he doesn’t care about anything, but he actually loathes betrayal. After all, it’s the Holy Buddha Clan! Holy Buddha, Thousand Soldier, Cat Fiend, Flying Immortal: those founding clans of the Union are truly very loyal. After all, it was you lot who established the Starcloud Union!

“But I’m different. I’m not from any kind of big clan. My father was an ordinary person, so I don’t care one bit about the Starcloud Union you built.

“Only children care about right and wrong. Adults only concern themselves with profit. Since the Murder Shrine offered a higher payment, I naturally joined them!”

Luo Jiuyi glared, yowling like a cat, “Bode, do you even have a heart? Have you no understanding of how the Union treated you? Although you didn’t come from some great clan, you were Deputy Chief of the entire Special Investigation Bureau! One of the nine members of the Law Enforcement Committee!

“Betrayal is betrayal. Don’t use how the Union treated you as an excuse! The Starcloud Union has never treated you poorly!”

“Haaa..” Bode sighed, a nostalgic look in his eyes. He replied indifferently, “That’s why I say that young men like you simply don’t get it. At my level, money, women, and authority no longer mean anything.

“In truth, when the Murder Shrine recruited me, there was only one condition. They simply promised me that they would help me raise my rank even higher.

“The Starcloud Union couldn’t afford that price. When I joined the Murder Shrine, I had been stuck at the Intermediate Star River rank for thirty years. Those were thirty of my precious years! If you asked me if there was anything I regretted, it’s that I joined the Murder Shrine too late.”

Everyone paled at Bode’s words. Bode’s rank had increased after joining the Murder Shrine. Didn’t that mean that he was now an Advanced Star River rank War G.o.d!?

When it came to special abilities, Star River rank was divinity! Those who reached the Star River rank were War G.o.d experts!

And Bode was now at the Advanced Star River rank?! Going farther was the Eternal Rank! The Eternal Rank reigned over the universe!

An Advanced Star River rank War G.o.d with a supreme Magnetic Storm special ability definitely put Xia Fan’s group in a tough spot. Bode had probably dared to venture into the Demon Chasm alone because his rank was high enough to do so.

At this moment, Anyo, still bound up in vines, began to struggle and shout, “Bode, I’m here! Save me! Save me!”

Bode frowned. Looking at Anyo, he lightly waved his hand.

Krak! A blue lightning bolt flew through the air, shooting right at Anyo!

“Not good!” Duan Muheng cried out in alarm, instantly having his vines move Anyo. But he couldn’t be faster than electromagnetic waves. The blue lightning bolt arrived instantly, tearing apart the thick vines. The electromagnetic shockwave struck Anyo’s shoulder, tearing off his right arm!

Such a domineering special ability!

Xia Fan was stunned. If there were any attacks faster than him, then electromagnetic shockwaves were definitely among them!

Electromagnetic attacks weren’t just fast, but accurate! It was no wonder Bode was called the Divine Marksman. He could instantly kill someone from many kilometers away!

Everyone was hiding behind Traveling Buddha precisely because they were wary of Bode’s electromagnetic strikes!

The moment Bode attacked, Xia Fan saw Bode throw out a metal sphere. His attacks were probably founded on some sort of electromagnetic weapon, the electromagnetic waves accelerating and shooting out objects.

The electromagnetic shockwave Bode had released while empty-handed far exceeded Xia Fan’s speed. If Xia Fan rushed out, he would probably be sniped down by Bode!

Anyo screamed like a pig after losing his right arm. Veins bulged on his face as he howled out his questions over why Bode had done that.

Bode frowned. “What are you shouting for?

“Let me be honest. Those above have already lost confidence in your abilities, so I was ordered to follow you. Genius commander? In the end, you’re an ordinary person without special abilities who can’t resolve any key problems. In the end, I still have to come out to deal with the real problems.

“In addition, you suffered a complete defeat. Even if you survived, you think those above would spare you? Impossible! A loser can’t last in the Murder Shrine. Thus, by killing you, I’m actually helping you. On account of our friends.h.i.+p, I’m giving you a swift death.”

Anyo was agitated, but his face turned ghastly pale as he trembled.

Bode had cut off Anyo’s last hope, knowing Bode was right. A loser who went back to the Murder Shrine would die all the same!

Bode had only cut off Anyo’s arm rather than killing him probably because he still had some questions to ask. Otherwise, Bode’s attacks were precise enough to instantly kill him!

Since that was the case, Duan Muheng stopped trying to protect Anyo so that he could focus all his power on Bode. The eight of them were thinking rapidly, but they had yet to find a way to deal with Bode.

At this moment, Bright Pearl’s unhappy voice rang out in Xia Fan’s mind. “He’s only at Advanced Star River rank. What’s he so proud about? Xia Fan, hurry up and kill this guy!”

Xia Fan was startled. “How do I do that?”

Bright Pearl replied, “It’s not like I’m a Skywing. Aren’t you the Skywing here? If you can’t even kill a guy like this, once we go back to your family, I’ll definitely tell everyone about this and turn you into the joke of the Skywing Clan, hmph!”

S&*t!, Xia Fan mentally cursed. This pestering little monster truly had a vicious mouth! She clearly had no way of dealing with Bode, but she wanted Xia Fan to kill him. Couldn’t she be a little more reasonable?

On the other side, Bode sat down, rolling something around in his right hand, probably a steel pearl. When needed, he could fire that steel pearl like a shot from a railgun!

Bode stroked his chin and said, “Starting from now, I’ll ask the questions and you will answer. You have three seconds to answer each question. If you can’t answer, I will make you pay.

“First question: did you find the bright pearl that the Skywings left behind?”

n.o.body answered, watching alertly. Bode raised three fingers and started to count down.





When the countdown ended, Bode saw that there was no answer and flung something from his hand. Another blue electromagnetic wave shot out, tearing through the air, aiming straight for Traveling Buddha!

Traveling Buddha hardened his heart and closed his eyes, ready to use the Battle Buddha Golden Light to resist Bode’s attack!

But to everyone’s surprise, Bode hadn’t targeted Traveling Buddha, but Jin Yu!

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