1500 Hostility!

The out-of-control Black Egg savagely crashed into the surface of the planet!

There was an earthshaking boom. The impact speed had just been too shocking. The cloud of dust blotted out the sky, yellow sand engulfing everything within a radius of one hundred kilometers!

Even though the surface of this planet was a desert and not hard rock, and so the sand able to mollify the impact, the impact was far too fierce and abrupt. To describe it as heaven-shaking would be no exaggeration!

When about half of the dust had settled, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha helped each other walk out of the shattered window. The c.o.c.kpit windows had been made of five layers of extremely tough tritanium crystal gla.s.s and had the toughness of wars.h.i.+p armor, but the crash had utterly shattered them.


“I say, wasn’t there some flying thing just now that suddenly grabbed the two of us?” Traveling Buddha asked in a daze, ma.s.saging his throbbing head.

Traveling Buddha was right. At the critical moment, Pearl had appeared and used her giant body to surround Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan, using her wings to cover herself. Otherwise, both Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha would have been injured by the terrific crash.

Xia Fan was unwilling to admit to Pearl’s existence, so he smiled and said, “I think you’re still dizzy from the crash. A big guy that can fly? Do I look like I have wings to you?”

“Was I really seeing things?” Traveling Buddha shook his head dubiously.

Given Traveling Buddha’s carefree personality, he forgot the matter in the blink of an eye. Moreover, Pearl was the daughter of the Iceseal Megadragon, possessing extraordinary speed and movement techniques. After appearing for a brief moment in the pivotal instant, she had returned to Xia Fan’s bosom. In truth, Traveling Buddha hadn’t been able to get a very close look at her.

‘Thank you!’ Xia Fan mentally said to Pearl.

‘Hmph, I suppose you have some conscience. You two are fine, but that crash really got to me. I need to rest for a while, so if you don’t need anything, it’s best if you don’t disturb me!’ Pearl replied brusquely.

Xia Fan felt like Pearl actually did care about him. At the moment of impact, she had frantically run out and put herself around him and Traveling Buddha. At that time, her eyes were no longer so unruly and cold. Rather, they appeared very nervous.

Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha crawled upward, finally getting out of the crater. They sat on the edge of the crater and saw that the crash had taken out a good chunk out of the planet’s surface, creating a crater three to four kilometers in diameter.

Traveling Buddha c.o.c.ked his head and realized, “Isn’t it a miracle that we didn’t die?”

This guy was even in the mood to take out his teapot as he spoke.

Xia Fan shrugged and said, “Although we’re not dead, the Black Egg is done for. This was a s.h.i.+p I went through a lot of effort to modify. I spent so much energy and money on it.

“But it seems like the money was worth it. Any other s.h.i.+p would have exploded! Although the Black Egg is severely damaged, the structure is still fine. With some repairs, it should still be able to fly.”

Traveling Buddha looked around and frowned. “How are you going to repair it in this barren land? Are we stuck here? There’s no signal, so I can’t even contact my clan.”

Xia Fan was also starting to worry about their situation. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air.

Because of his Scent ability, Xia Fan didn’t need to go scouting. By smelling his surroundings, he immediately knew that there was no danger. While the Scent ability couldn’t be used in battle, at key moments, it was still very useful.

Traveling Buddha saw Xia Fan’s face s.h.i.+ft suddenly, and then watched him sniff several more times to confirm his findings.

Opening his eyes, Xia Fan looked at Traveling Buddha in confusion. “How strange! There’s someone here, and more than just one person.”

It wasn’t long before a little black dot appeared in the sky. As it drew closer, it was apparent that it was a frigate. Sure enough, Xia Fan had been right. There really were people living in this strange place!

Xia Fan had seen a lot, but he didn’t recognize the make of this frigate. It was very strange, apparently a model from the early days of Ashen Moon, like an antique. But its blue ion thrusters indicated that the wars.h.i.+p engines were a modern products.

As they knew that someone was coming, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha stood up and looked at the sky.

The frigate landed, and the hold’s door opened. Seven people walked out. Their leader was a young man with white and tender skin, and a very small nose.

But for some reason, this rather suave young man had a strange mustache. Perhaps it was so that he would look more mature.

Xia Fan went up to welcome them, putting on his cla.s.sic smile.

He bowed and said, “Everyone, thank you for the trouble! My brother and I ran into trouble and crashed here. What is the name of this place? And is there any repair facility around here so that I can get my small s.h.i.+p repaired?”

Xia Fan spoke politely and smiled as normal. These were his trump cards, and many of his colleagues in the bureau liked to work with Xia Fan, for they found him agreeable.

But that fair-skinned youth remained emotionless, hostility and suspicion in his eyes. Perhaps he felt it was very unreasonable for Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha to have survived such a horrific crash.

“Crashed?” the young man spoke with disdain. “You two idiots, do you really believe it was a simple crash? To tell you the truth, we shot down your s.h.i.+p.”

These words instantly made Xia Fan pale in shock!

Shot it down?

Who were these people? They had the ability to control electromagnetic storms!

Creating artificial electromagnetic storms was far too difficult. Any faction with such a weapon would pose an enormous threat to the Three Federations!

After all, electromagnetic storms were a supernatural phenomena. The consequences of a storm sweeping through a fleet were simply unimaginable!

The Black Egg that he had fitted at immense cost had been severely damaged in the electromagnetic storm. Wouldn’t an ordinary s.h.i.+p have simply turned to dust?

Xia Fan was so shocked and lost in thought that he wasn’t even looking at Traveling Buddha. This young master was furious to hear that someone had dared to shoot them down, almost killing him and his best friend.

Traveling Buddha pointed at the youth and glared. “You must be bored of living! Daring to attack my s.h.i.+p? You had best give me a proper explanation! Or else… hmph!”

The youth was taken aback, furious at first, and then he laughed.

“I’ve seen ignorant people before, but never anyone this ignorant,” the youth shook his head in reply. “Do I need a reason to shoot you down? I didn’t like the look of you, and what’s wrong with killing you? You’re just an ant. It looks to me like you’re the one bored of living!”

Traveling Buddha rolled up his sleeves. He didn’t seem to care about much, but that was only if you didn’t provoke him.

In the end, Traveling Buddha was the little young master of the Holy Buddha Clan. When n.o.body provoked him,he wouldn’t hurt a fly and would spend every day sitting in a corner minding his own business. But when somebody provoked him, he would cease to know the meaning of being polite.

Xia Fan frowned and stopped the impulsive Traveling Buddha. While Traveling Buddha had an extraordinary background, he really was willing to listen to Xia Fan. Despite his anger, he stopped talking.

Suddenly, a communication device beeped. The fair-skinned youth glanced viciously at Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan, clear murderous intent in his eyes.

He pressed the black communication device on his wrist and they heard a hoa.r.s.e voice ask, “Have you arrived at the scene?”

“Mm, I’m here.”

“Are there any survivors? If there are, bring them back for questioning so that we can find out how they found this place?”

The youth looked up at Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan and said flatly, “Unfortunately, there were no survivors. They all died.”

Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha instantly raised their eyebrows! They immediately understood the youth’s meaning: Traveling Buddha’s disrespect had made the youth decide to kill all the survivors!

The six warriors following the youth turned vigilant, arching their backs as they built up power. The moment the youth gave the order, they would charge out!

Putting down the communication device, the youth coldly laughed and casually said, “You overheard what I said? But that’s fine. I had done so intentionally.”

The six warriors smiled mockingly. The youth slowly pressed his hand down, and then sand began to swirl as if something was slowly rising out of the desert!

When the thing completely stood up, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha both gasped, their faces turning grave.

It was that special ability!?

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