1540 Flicker-cla.s.s and Information regarding the Disasters

“It’s best if you come and take a look here!” Tamu shouted from afar, seeming to have found something.

The carvings on the wall recorded the history of the Twin Golden Pupil Clan, from the first generation patriarch until their descendant, multiplying and prospering.

According to what was depicted, the ancestors of Blind Grandpa had come aboard three wars.h.i.+ps into Ashen Moon, and then later parted ways and headed to different places.

“The wars.h.i.+p they are on looks very familiar, like a flying disc…”

“Could it be… a Flicker-cla.s.s!”


Pearl and Tamu had gasped at the same time. Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha were clueless on how the wars.h.i.+p that Blind Grandpa’s ancestor had piloted had elicited such a strong response from the two?

Tamu hurriedly explained, “There’s an amazing sapient race in the Great Chiliocosm called the Fey, and the Flicker-cla.s.s happens to be a special wars.h.i.+p they produce. Not only are they powerful in combat, but they can also easily pa.s.s through all sorts of cosmic barriers. It’s considered a very rare G.o.d-cla.s.s wars.h.i.+p!”

Pearl continued, “I’m afraid that your Blind Grandpa could very well be a descendant of the Fey. Before the Skywings made their way into the Great Chiliocosm, it was the Fey who stood up against the darkness. It was unfortunate that they fell apart afterwards.”

Xia Fan finally understood their reaction after listening to Bright Pearl and Tamu’s explanation. The Fey had once been the Overlords of the Great Chiliocosm, resisting the dark. It was only after they had been defeated by the Demonic Ants that they were forced to become wanderers.

Considering that the Skywings had joined the Great Chiliocosm afterwards, the Fey could therefore be viewed as their seniors, having left plenty of legends across the Great Chiliocosm. After the Fey were vanquished, the Skywings had forcibly taken over the task of keeping the Demonic forces in check, bringing along their friends to continue the good fight.

“The Fey were a race with a strong sense of righteousness, people whom we’ve heard about but never seen. If these three wars.h.i.+ps are really the Flicker cla.s.s, that means we’d be able to easily leave Ashen Moon and enter the Great Chiliocosm. Didn’t you say you’ve always wanted to meet your father? The Flicker cla.s.s would be the best transport to get you there!” Bright Pearl was excited.

Xia Fan was thrilled. Once he got his hands on a Flicker-cla.s.s wars.h.i.+p, he would be able to pa.s.s through the Cosmic Gate, enter the Great Chiliocosm, and find his father and fellow clansmen? That had always been his dream!

The carving detailed the directions that the three s.h.i.+ps had ventured out in, and they were headed to three different galaxies. By entering the astronomic features of each galaxy into the database, he would be able to search for their final destination!

“This is great! The closest set of coordinates is only a four-day journey from us!” Tamu cheered.

Xia Fan swept one final glance around the ancient tomb. He once had plenty of memories of this place, but no matter what, life must continue. There was no way for him to get back what he had lost, so rather than wallow in sadness and self-pity, he decided to instead look toward the future, facing it with pride and confidence!

Four days later, the Black Egg arrived at the depths of the restricted area, in some remote galaxy that was far from the Cosmic Gate as well as the territories of the Three Federations. Furthermore, the electromagnetic interference here was very strong, and they had to deal with intermittent radar signals.

This galaxy was far too abnormal, and what made it even more peculiar was that Xia Fan managed to find the legendary Flicker-cla.s.s wars.h.i.+p without too much of an effort. It was sitting in a desert, half-buried in the sands. The other half jutted out, registering a very strong metal signature.

“That’s the Flicker-cla.s.s! The best stars.h.i.+p made by the Fey!”

“With it, we’ll be able to safely pa.s.s through the Cosmic Gate!”

Everyone cheered, excited at the progress they made. Only Xia Fan frowned, “Isn’t this too easy? Blind Grandpa’s ancestors hid the wars.h.i.+p here to avoid it being discovered by others, so why do I feel that the s.h.i.+p has been intentionally left half-concealed, as if waiting for us to find it?”

“Perhaps it’s because of the recent major changes to the universe that caused some kind of geographical movement, revealing the wars.h.i.+p as a result,” Traveling Buddha ventured matter-of-factly.

Xia Fan gave the matter some thought. Just in case, he decided to go take a look with just Traveling Buddha and himself. Bright Pearl and Tamu would remain on the s.h.i.+p as a precaution.



The Black Egg landed swiftly in the middle of the wilderness.Just as Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha stepped off the s.h.i.+p, they suddenly saw a white flash of light light up the sky. It was like a soap bubble, enveloping the entire planet.

Static sounds filled their earpieces. Before the skydome was erected, the communication system itself was just sporadic, but now, it was rendered completely useless!

Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha exchanged looks. There was no need for any speculation, as even a fool could tell that the situation had changed. The moment the Black Egg landed, the skydome had appeared. It was akin to a cage used to catch rats. This skydome was exactly the same as the one over the Holy Tomb planet, so Xia Fan could not help but let his mind wander.

“So troublesome, looks like the Flicker-cla.s.s was bait!” Traveling Buddha bemoaned. He was not afraid, but felt that it was troublesome to have fallen for someone else’s trap. It looked like they would have to fight!


That was when the doors to the Flicker-cla.s.s wars.h.i.+p opened, and a man walked out from inside, wearing a pair of sungla.s.ses.

“Luolin!” Traveling Buddha exclaimed with a furrowed brow, startled.

Right behind him was another individual, whose skin was fair and with handsome facial features. With a pretty face and a prominent high nose bridge, it was just a pity that his eyes were locked onto Traveling Buddha, exuding a sinister and cunning aura that ruined his entire look.

Luolin was smiling as he approached Xia Fan, saying in a deep voice, “Sure enough, the two of you came. I’ve been waiting for the both of you for such a long time, and it was ultimately worth it.”

Xia Fan sniffed with his nose, activating his Scent ability.

The person behind Luolin had the scent of a Beast, while the smell of the Disasters and Blind Grandpa was coming from inside the Flicker-cla.s.s wars.h.i.+p. Xia Fan was stunned, his eyes widening, as his expression turned severe.

“What were you waiting for me for?”

“For you to return me what’s mine, of course.”

“What’s yours?”

“The Law of Gold. My brother gave it to you, so I hope you haven’t lost it.”

Xia Fan grit his teeth and spat in anger, “The Law of Gold is something Blind Grandpa pa.s.sed on to me. Without his explicit say-so, I won’t ever hand it over to anyone!”

“I know Blind Grandpa isn’t dead, and is inside the wars.h.i.+p right now. The others are also inside. Let them all out, and if they have even lost a strand of hair off their persons, I will not forgive you!”

Xia Fan was not joking. He was livid right now. The Disasters were the kin who had raised him, and he was willing to sacrifice everything just to save them!

Luolin shrugged, “Okay, but I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed.”

With that, Luolin swung his hand and a group of people filed out of the wars.h.i.+p, with none other than Blind Grandpa at the lead of the pack, the dancer couple right behind him.

Having not seen them for two years, Blind Grandpa looked a lot older than before, no longer as energetic as he had appeared before. He came walking out like a dead corpse, his eyes devoid of life. He did not even respond when Xia Fan called out to him, and it was the same for all the other Disasters. Their eyes were glazed over and blank, staring forward, completely obeying Luolin’s orders.

“No need to shout, they won’t be able to respond anyway,” Luolin said. “Honestly, I don’t mind telling you this, but they have all already been mind-controlled, and are no more than a bargaining chip between me and you.

“Don’t forget that I was the one who helped repair the Black Egg for you, which is why I know very well that Tamu is still hiding inside the s.h.i.+p, as well as that very powerful little dragon. But you won’t dare do anything to me as long as I have these people in my hands!”

Xia Fan was exploding from anger inside, the veins throbbing on his temples.To think he had trusted Luolin all this while… He had not expected that this would be the result, that he would be deceived by someone he trusted!

Since they were already exposed, there was no sense for Bright Pearl and Tamu to continue hiding. They exited the wars.h.i.+p and stood side by side with Xia Fan. In terms of strength, Tamu and Bright Pearl had already recovered, and with Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, they were not afraid of anyone.

Still, with the Disasters in Luolin’s hands, Xia Fan had to be cautious and did not dare act rashly.

“Why? Why did you have to do this! Do you know how anxious Jane was after learning that you had disappeared?” Xia Fan deplored loudly.

Hearing about Jane, Luolin revealed a sliver of softness in his expression, but it very quickly disappeared, and in its place was anger and humiliation.

Luolin took off his sungla.s.ses, revealing his strange eyes, one black and one white!

“I am the most talented person in my clan, yet because my eyes were a genetic mutation, making me different from everyone, they refused to acknowledge me as a part of the Twin Golden Pupils Clan!”

“My elder brother was allowed to learn the Law of Gold, and could inherit the clan’s legacy, but I can’t, even though I share the same blood! What logic is that?!”

Luolin revealed his true visage, ranting endlessly. In his view, everything was his clan failing him, and he was in the right. He blamed his elder brother and his parents, but Xia Fan was too lazy to refute his paranoid thoughts. It was evident that Luolin was already not in his right mind now. In order to prove that he was capable, he was willing to stand on the side of darkness, together with Shaka.

Xia Fan had noticed that Shaka was none other than that pale-faced man behind Luolin. Indubitably, he was different from others of the Beasts, and he had evolved to a greater degree, looking completely like a human. He was even quite das.h.i.+ng.

“Your choice now is either the Law of Gold, or them!” Luolin’s heterochromatic eyes shone with killing intent as he gave his heartless ultimatum.

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