Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 194: Doomsday Weapon

Chapter 194: Doomsday Weapon

“The precision-positioning system and composition differentiator!” Xia Fei excitedly declared.

A precision-positioning system was much better than a detector as it could pinpoint the exact coordinates of an enemy s.p.a.cecraft upon discovery and warp the s.h.i.+p over to begin the a.s.sault.

The accuracy of positioning would directly correlate with the success or failure of a battleplan; if the coordinates were not accurate enough, the subsequent warp might end up being too far from the enemy, and that would be as good as watching helplessly as the enemy s.h.i.+p easily made its escape.

The precision-positioning system t.i.tan had allowed for a level of accuracy close to a kilometer. No matter how crafty the opponent could be, there was no way to escape such an advanced radar, and what made it even more amazing was that the range of this radar system extended close to one million lightyears. This meant that any enemy within a million lightyear radius of t.i.tan would be exposed to its probing, with each and every move of the enemy being in its grasp.

After all, the best positioning system in the Alliance was only able to probe within the range of one hundred thousand lightyears, with the positioning error being large, often resulting in situations where traces of enemies could be lost in the process.

With ten times the range of detection and an accuracy up to a kilometer, this precision-positioning system was simply an electronic marvel.

As for the composition differentiator, it was even more magical; with this equipment installed, people would be able to locate their targets among thousands of enemy wars.h.i.+ps.

Being able to differentiate the material was especially important in a large-scale war. As the saying went, ‘capture the thief before capturing the king’. Being able to scan and locate the enemy’s capital s.h.i.+p before they got ready and subsequently send special units to take down the enemy commander and capital s.h.i.+p in one stroke, that would instantly send the enemies into a state of panic, even potentially changing the tide of a battle as a result.

Old Porter could not help but be moved upon hearing Xia Fei’s explanation. As someone who had been part of the military, he naturally knew how important these functions were on a s.h.i.+p.

“Heavens, this is truly a super radar system. A fleet will see a qualitative improvement if it has something like this,” Porter said, impressed.

“However, what I’m interested in is knowing how you manage to understand all these complex diagrams. Did the Heaven Execution Training Camp teach you all this stuff, too?” Porter mused, finding it inconceivable.

Xia Fei smiled, telling Porter about how he had chosen to be a librarian at the library in the training camp and how he met Qin Mang, whom he learned technological knowledge from. However, Xia Fei omitted the part about those ancient tomes, especially that ‘Introduction to Robot Coding’ book. It was a very big deal; even if he trusted Old Porter’s character, he was still cautious about revealing such stuff to others.

Porter nodded. “You’re really lucky to have met such a person despite being a mere librarian. Anyone else would definitely be unwilling to do something that others might look down upon. After all, you’re in the Heaven Execution Training Camp. Most people don’t even have the opportunity to see the inside of that place.”

Xia Fei kept quiet. Becoming a librarian had been his decision from the start, and this seemingly ridiculous choice ended up becoming the most appropriate. Most would not grasp this opportunity if they were given the chance. Precisely because of Xia Fei’s audaciousness in letting go of an obvious road to glory that he was able to get to where he was today, and this was what it meant not to let go of even the slightest opportunity.

Indubitably, was searching for Old Porter in Black Abyss not the same?

Precisely because of Xia Fei taking the risk, which no average human would willingly bear, that it resulted in Old Porter giving him t.i.tan’s radar blueprints. Had Xia Fei not chosen this path that no normal humans would pick, he would have never known anything about t.i.tan his entire life, much less obtain something as priceless as its radar system.

Presently, Xia Fei was already conceptualizing just how he could make use of the data in his hands to expand his power. Following the diagrams to reproduce the doppler radar system was completely unrealistic; after all, the technology level depicted was simply too high, and there was no one in the entire Alliance who could implement this design to the fullest, though it would not be a bad idea if Xia Fei just extracted the essence of the design and optimize the radar system already available in the Alliance.

The incredible energy-s.h.i.+eld boosters had yet to begin production, and the new super radar was in Xia Fei’s hands right now. If he was able to put these two top-grade products out on the market, Quantum Holdings’ future would be very bright, indeed.

Xia Fei knew very well about the importance of depending on himself even when there were more people he could rely on. Though he did not give Avril the cold shoulder just because of the different societal status they held, there was no denying that the gap between them existed.

Xia Fei had never thought of gaining even a cent of benefit from Avril; he only wanted to be with the lady out of the fondness he had for her, plain and simple, but he could still feel this ever-present pressure, as well as the gossip and snide remarks coming from others.

Most people would have already backed off when faced with such pressure, but Xia Fei insisted on enduring all this, emboldened by his unwavering confidence. Right now, having both the energy-s.h.i.+eld booster and the plans for the super radar that he had brewing in mind helped further strengthen what confidence he had toward this end.

“If even just t.i.tan’s radar alone is so advanced, I truly can’t imagine just how outstanding that superwars.h.i.+p really is.” Xia Fei could not help but sigh.

Porter nodded. “t.i.tan is most definitely the apex wars.h.i.+p in this universe, well-deserving of the t.i.tle as the supreme overlord of this realm. There’s also other information inside the memory drive aside from those you’ve seen so far. You’ll understand once you have a look at the rest.”

“Oh?” Xia Fei gasped, pulling out a few of the spare doc.u.ments inside the drive.

These were what Old Porter had collected from the ancients a long time ago, and they were the ancients’ evaluation and understanding of t.i.tan.

The information was incomplete. Even the powerful ancient civilization had been unable to completely grasp all the information regarding the t.i.tan-cla.s.s wars.h.i.+p. Xia Fei could only get a sense of how apex the wars.h.i.+p was from what was written.

The pupils of his eyes shone even brighter as Xia Fei felt his heart surge with strong emotions after reading the spa.r.s.e information in hand, barely able to contain his glee.

Xia Fei forcefully suppressed his feelings as he hoa.r.s.ely commented, “I originally thought that, though t.i.tan is big and powerful, it’s still just a wars.h.i.+p, but I was sorely mistaken.

“It’s no wars.h.i.+p at all.”

Porter was smiling. “Indeed, I had the same thought as you did from the beginning, but when I saw the weapon systems of t.i.tan, I realized that it’s not made for war but rather for annihilation.”

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and sat across Old Porter, raising his teacup in hand.

The tea had already turned cold, but Xia Fei did not care, drinking it at his own pace.

The t.i.tan-cla.s.s wars.h.i.+p itself had six superlaser cannons for weapons, and the range of those particular cannons were recorded in the lightyears. A single shot could blast out a huge hole in the moon, penetrating it completely.

This grade of laser weaponry was well beyond what a wars.h.i.+p could defend against. Xia Fei did not have any information regarding supercarriers at hand, but Xia Fei posited that even the best wars.h.i.+p in the Pan-Human Alliance would be unable to survive long against such a violent a.s.sault.

More importantly, t.i.tan could also be fitted with an ultimate equipment called the doomsday weapon.

This sort of ultimate weapon would indiscriminately target everything within an area of hundred thousand kilometers, and the damage it created could reach an astonis.h.i.+ng ten million standard units.

What did ten million standard units mean?

It must be made known that a wars.h.i.+p could withstand merely twenty thousand standard units of damage, which meant that, at the activation of a doomsday weapon, every wars.h.i.+p would be destroyed within a hundred kilometer area fifty times over, without any hope of escape.

Carriers and dreadnoughts could withstand around a million or so standard units of damage, so a single activation of the doomsday weapon would similarly destroy these capital s.h.i.+ps that the Alliance was so proud of, not to mention the smaller s.h.i.+ps.

Aside from supercarriers that were able to withstand two activations of the doomsday weapon, any other wars.h.i.+ps in the Pan-Human Alliance would hardly be able to resist even a single attack from t.i.tan.

Just like the moniker of this weapon, the moment t.i.tan launched an attack, it would essentially be bringing the day of doom to its target.

Xia Fei’s emotions could hardly remain at peace after reading the description for the doomsday weapon. It was simply unbelievable that such a terrifying piece of weaponry existed in this universe.

Swallowing the saliva in his mouth, Xia Fei said, “I’ve truly opened my eyes today. I really wonder just who managed to design such a wars.h.i.+p capable of destroying everything in its path. If two territories that have two of these t.i.tans clash, I’m afraid mutual destruction will be all but a.s.sured.”

Porter nodded. “That’s right. t.i.tan exists solely for annihilation, and the only thing that can challenge a t.i.tan is another t.i.tan.”

Xia Fei recalled the incomplete t.i.tan in the second location. That enemy fleet with its t.i.tan had left a devastating wound—a hole big enough for a wars.h.i.+p to pa.s.s through—on that super wars.h.i.+p.

Six superlaser cannons and a doomsday weapon that could bring about utter destruction… Perhaps even G.o.d himself would be helpless against such firepower.

“We should continue to search this supergravity zone until we find t.i.tan’s complete blueprints,” said Xia Fei through gritted teeth.

Phantom shook his head. “That’s a fool’s errand. Even the powerful ancient civilization had only managed to find just t.i.tan’s radar system. There’s nothing else worthy of value in this area anymore, while continuing forward to the unknown region will be very risky.”

“Imagine if we forge ahead and enter the territory of other sentient races. Do you think this will be a good thing to the Pan-Human Alliance?”

Xia Fei was silent. ‘A weak polity has no means to do diplomacy’; this saying would often be said anywhere in the universe. After all, no one had any idea what sort of att.i.tude the other sentient races might have toward humans.

Vampire dragged its half-beaten hull out of the supergravity zone.

This journey had plenty of twists and turns. Xia Fei calculated that his chance of coming out from the supergravity zone was no more than twenty percent. After all, the present state that his s.h.i.+p was in a very poor state.

Black Mamba 130 engine demonstrated its great durability at this most critical juncture, successfully flying out from the supergravity zone despite it only having a third of its propulsion power.

It seemed that Xia Fei’s insistence on using only the best equipment finally paid off, and that huge expenditure was justified by his guaranteed survival at this point. Were it not for the top-grade engine, Xia Fei and Old Porter would no doubt be stranded in this inky-black s.p.a.ce forever.

Without supergravity interfering, Vampire managed to hold on despite the severe damage it had suffered. Xia Fei piloted it straight toward the Scarlet Volcano Military Base where Yawei was the commander. In this desolate Death Trio Star Region, only that warlord had the ability to help Xia Fei repair Vampire.

As his s.h.i.+p shakily made its descent on a landing ap.r.o.n in the base, Xia Fei disembarked and was surprised to find Yawei standing not too far away, waiting for him. The expression on his face was that of extreme anxiety.

Xia Fei smiled as he made his way over. Before he could even say a word, Yawei very urgently blurted out, “Master’s in trouble.”

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