Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 769: The Suggestion from the Black and White G.o.ds

Chapter 769: The Suggestion from the Black and White G.o.ds


When it was time, beams of light quickly flew out, each containing a warrior of either peak race who was being transported out of the Ancient Battlefield.

At this very time, Xia Fei did not join the rest of them in leaving. Instead, under the lead of the two birds, Xia Fei slipped through a crack within the Ancient Battlefield, reaching outside it and arriving at a gigantic alloy construction that served as a layer of seal. This was where the battlefield’s main control room was located.

His finger lightly hovered over his spatial ring. Though the Black and White G.o.ds had been expelled from the G.o.d Race and were now wanted fugitives, Xia Fei was still very worried that they might harbor some killing intent toward the old demon lord. The two peak races had always been at loggerheads with each other. Even if Oro and the Hua siblings had no grievances, this did not mean that either party could get along peacefully with each other. In the event that these two were anything like old Sigh and could peer into his spatial ring, that could spell disaster.

Looking out from the narrow and small porthole, he saw a strange sea of stars beyond; it looked very much like a series of huge bubbles overlapping each other, completely different from the starry sky he had been in before.

The overlapping light and darkness made for a dazzling sight, and Xia Fei gained a new understanding of the Ancient Battlefield as a result. It turned out that it was actually a huge fortress, about the size of a hundred Earths, built in s.p.a.ce, enveloped by an alloy layer with a sphere volume of two hundred Earths. It would be by no means an easy feat to construct such a fortress, and the work that went into this was surely greater than what it took to build a t.i.tan.

However, with the effort from some of the super experts through their law, such a gigantic and intricate base could actually be constructed, seemingly very easily. It was truly an inconceivable mastery of power.

Xia Fei could not help but have his doubts on whether the t.i.tan could go up against law powers or not. Could that superwars.h.i.+p really be the nightmare of these powerhouses that dominate the universe?

As the doubts grew, Xia Fei could not help but shake his head.

While his thoughts were running wild, they arrived at the end of a corridor. The two birds respectively turned palm-sized and happily flew in, with Xia Fei closely following behind.

What greeted Xia Fei was a very s.p.a.cious room. Aside from several cold and metallic table and chairs inside, two figures could be seen seated. One was in black armor while another was in white, both beaming as they locked eyes with his. Even Furball received quite a few glances from the two as he stood perched on his shoulder.

“Heh! Come over and take a seat. No need to stand on ceremony,” Hua Hei chuckled as he said. Though he was a dove in a magpie’s nest, Hua Hei nevertheless acted as if he were the owner of the Ancient Battlefield, warmly greeting Xia Fei to join them.

“I’d never have imagined that in these few years since we last met, you’d have already made it into the Law Realm, entering the Fiend Sect. You’ve give us brothers quite the shock.” Hua Hei was evidently a very cheerful person, while beside him, Hua Bai was a lot sterner. The two were neatly dressed, exposing just their eyes, making it impossible for Xia Fei to make out the features of the two.

“Fiend Sect?” Xia Fei somewhat curiously asked.

Hua Hei nodded. “The Skywings are also called the Sheathed Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade, so people in the upper circle have gotten used to calling your clan’s grand ancestor Old Devil, making his fellow clansmen little devils. How come you didn’t tell us that you’re actually a Skywing?”

Xia Fei was momentarily speechless. It seemed like no matter where he was in the Law Realm, everyone regarded the Skywing Clan as demon sp.a.w.n. Even the Oro, someone originally of the Demon Race, considered the Skywings demons.

After this simple exchange of pleasantries, Xia Fei and the two experts, both sides got to know each other further. Xia Fei gave a brief account of his experience over the past few years, leaving both Hua Hei and Hua Bai nodding repeatedly as they raptly listened.

“So that’s how it was.” Hua Hei slapped his thigh heavily. “You’re actually someone with the Skywing blood who got left somewhere.”

Xia Fei neither confirmed nor denied it. Regarding this matter, he had already thought it through. It did not matter where he was born; what mattered was that he did things in accordance with his principles. Nothing was better than being himself and there would never be another Xia Fei in this universe.

A sudden thought came to mind, so he took out a spatial ring. “This is something I inadvertently obtained from the Ancient Battlefield, said to contain some sinister power inside; also, I heard that opening it will result in some dire consequences.”

Hua Hei and Hua Bai both became curious, reaching out to take the ring from him.

“Since you’re both among the most supreme figures in the circle and I, Xia Fei, lack the capabilities, being incapable of doing anything to resolve this, I wonder if your esteemed selves have any good ideas?” Xia Fei broached.

Hua Hei stared at the ring intently before bursting into laughter. “Indeed, someone has placed a law restriction on it. It’s a good thing that you didn’t attempt to open it, or else your whole body would rot away and die, suffering a terrible fate that not even a deity could do anything to prevent from happening.”

Xia Fei was startled upon hearing this. “Such a sinister law power? Is there any way of knowing which clan this law power came from?”

This person who had placed the law restriction on the ring could very well be the taker of the Law of Time, so Xia Fei decided to come at it from the side, in hopes of getting closer to the truth.

Hua Hei shook his head. “Though law powers like this exist, those who practice them are scorned by other clans, so even if a few clans practice them, it’s done with utmost secrecy. As such, it’s somewhat impossible to know who put the curse on this or which clan that person belongs to.”

Taking the spatial ring into his bosom, Hua Hei said, “Leaving it around you will only invite trouble. Best if we help you take care of it. I’ll be sure to inform you if we discover anything else.”

Xia Fei was quite disappointed that his clue from the ring was suspended, but there was still the clue regarding the Goose PaG.o.da that he could follow, so he decided to try and learn where this Goose PaG.o.da was located once he got back.

This was when Hua Hei asked, “Xia Fei, have you let anyone take a look at the Law of Primal Chaos I pa.s.sed onto you?”

Xia Fei shook his head. “Not once. Only I know of the existence of the Law of Primal Chaos.”

Hua Hei nodded. “That’s good. The Law of Primal Chaos isn’t something in this circle, so you’d better be careful in hiding it from here onward. Don’t use it unless it’s a last resort. Even if you must use it, be sure to avoid being discovered while doing so.”

Xia Fei thought about it for a while before asking, “There’s an old man by the name of Sigh who once told me not to use the law power randomly. I wonder what’s so strange about it?”

Hua Hei and Hua Bai were both mildly exasperated. Hua Bai glanced at his brother, meaning for him to resolve this issue since he was the one who caused the trouble.

Hua Hei somewhat awkwardly answered, “It’s a good thing that you met Old Sigh. If it had been any of the other old fogeys, you would’ve died then and there. I reckon that we wouldn’t be meeting each other for some time. This matter is somewhat knotty. In any case, just keep faithful to the word ‘hide’. I already imparted the Law of Primal Chaos to you, anyway, so I couldn’t possibly just take it back.”

“Your grand ancestor has been kind to us, brothers, so I’ll tell you the ugly truth. It’s not an issue while you’re in White Horse Constellation, but if there comes a day where you venture into the G.o.d Race’s territory, you need to be extra careful. The moment the law force from the Law of Primal Chaos is felt, not only you, your entire Skywing Clan will also be in dire straits.”

Xia Fei could not believe his ears. “So serious?”

Hua Hei sighed. “Just look at us and you’ll understand. Even we, brothers, can’t handle the anger of those old fogeys, being forced to leave. You’ll suffer a similar fate if you are discovered.”

As for the unknowns, Hua Hei and Hua Bai were unwilling to share those. All they did was repeatedly emphasize the importance of Xia Fei remaining cautious, so the only thing he could do was give up on getting to the bottom of this issue.

“What level are you at with your Law of Primal Chaos now?” Hua Hei asked.

“Level 3.”

Hua Hei smiled. “The Law of Primal Chaos is very difficult to cultivate. In fact, it’s even more difficult than the Law of Speed the Skywings impart to their younglings. The fact that you managed to get it to level 3 in such a short time is evidence of how much effort you’re putting on cultivating it.”

Time pa.s.sed quickly. Xia Fei and the Hua brothers chatted over many things, giving him a new understanding of the G.o.d Race and law powers.

Xia Fei realized that the two originally superior Black and White G.o.ds were actually not that mysterious, after all. They were merely just two experts who had cultivated to a very high state, which cemented Xia Fei’s belief that there was no such thing as the supernatural or G.o.ds in this universe. What was a G.o.d was nothing more than just very strong experts, and because the strength they wielded was too profound and boundless, the average people all viewed them as G.o.ds.

Hua Hei and Hua Bai were more and more surprised the further they heard. It turned out that Xia Fei was actually a warrior who had cultivated the speed special ability to its pinnacle, meaning that he could very well be a G.o.dwing, a one in a million among his generation!

Even the ever solemn Hua Bai could not help but admit that the speed at which Xia Fei cultivated his law powers and the talent he possessed far outstripped his expectations. From this, it seemed that his brother’s decision to impart Xia Fei the Law of Primal Chaos had been a very meaningful decision.

When asked about the present condition of Peac.o.c.k Blue, the two brothers were even more astonished, for Peac.o.c.k Blue had already undergone its third fusion. If fate and luck stayed on Xia Fei’s side, this weed would have a high chance of integrating with the rest of the Seven Plants of the Cloud Sea in the future. When that time came, there was just no telling how Peac.o.c.k Blue would be like, for there had not been anyone in history that had managed to collect all seven of these Mystical Armaments.

There was Furball, too; this Holy Beast was becoming more and more majestic as the Holy Beast that he was. His strength could not be underestimated, though Hua Hei and Hua Bai both got the feeling that Xia Fei had been pampering Furball too much, to the point that it had acquired a strange personality, giving off a sense of cunning and evil.

In any case, Xia Fei’s achievements were considered outstanding when compared to his peers in the Law Realm. Furthermore, he understood the importance of concealment and had penchant for collecting trump cards, which he held close to his heart. He was arrogant but never a braggart, and in this dark Law Realm, there was no doubt that it was the cautious who could go further. He owned several amazing divine weapons, yet he was not in the least bit conceited, so both Hua Hei and Hua Bei admired Xia Fei’s life philosophy.

As an expert in concealment, Xia Fei was sufficiently low profile, and as a believer of the cost theory, he was also crazy enough at critical junctures. This made him seem to have a rather eccentric personality, practically a combination of two extremes.

As they talked, Xia Fei began to have more trust toward Hua Hei and Hua Bai. He took out the Heavenly Beast Spirit Pearl he had, and the two brothers were very surprised at its large size.

“Do you know what’s a Celestial Zerohammer?” Hua Hei silently asked.

Xia Fei was momentarily taken aback. He of course knew what a Celestial Zerohammer was, for it was that ancient and strange system he had used to forge the Blood Crystal into what it was right now.

Shaking his head, Xia Fei pretended to be ignorant of the fact. Some things were best left only for him to know, his habit of keeping some secrets to himself rearing its head once more.

“I know of a great artificer in White Horse Constellation who can erect a Celestial Zerohammer. This Heavenly Beast Spirit Pearl of yours is the most favorite item of fusion by artificers. If you absorb this pearl raw, you won’t benefit greatly from it; instead, your potential will only be affected. After all, purity is important to warriors.

“However, if you fuse this Heavenly Beast Spirit Pearl to a Celestial Zerohammer, then the effects will be drastically different. You’ll acquire a truly divine weapon! Let me give you the this person’s address, and you can go seek him to try your luck. As for whether you choose to absorb the pearl raw or use it to forge a divine weapon, I’ll leave that up for you to decide on.”

Xia Fei’s eyes sparkled as he asked himself inwardly, ‘Use a Celestial Zerohammer again? Would I be able to forge another Blood Crystal?’

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